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Everything posted by kennywtelejazz

  1. That was certainly decent music for almost 40 years ago ...heck 37 years ago I was humping a rake on the only MTV video I was ever in ...at least you got to play You sell your friend a Rickenbacker and because of a little greed on his part he turned the Rickenbacker into a Dickenbacker... Some friend ...actually that's how it was back then .... I sold my 1960 Gibson 335 to a friend that owned a guitar shop for $1, 000.. in 1978 .. A year later I get a phone call from a guitar player asking me if I thought my old 335 was worth $3.500.. I told him yeah I thought it was ... ( to this day I'm sorry I ever sold that guitar ) Last week I see and add for a similar 1960 335 dot marker w PAF's on a very reputable web site going for $38, 000..... I don't even want to get into how many vintage guitars I have sold at market value in a market that was affordable only to find out that dozens of my Tele's and Strats from the past were now going for 5 digit numbers in a new over priced vintage market ......WWWwwaaaaaaa ... Hey Dave , you got off easy w the Ric...those were always expensive guitars Kenny
  2. Thanks for the kind word and thought Ed , I have always enjoyed his participation here on the forum because I know people would rather hear from him instead of me ... emeraldsoul yeah older dogs , that is sure a sweet time in their lives when they are healthy .thank you for wishing us the best . Hey S.L.I.P. ,I have been there in the past myself ...you mentioned having been there means a lot to me ...it reminds me we can get through this to the other side no matter how painful it may appear in the moment . Hi Sheens , Yes it's a tough one having to go here. ( again ) I feel very blessed to be able to spend my days and nights w Duke , hugging him up and giving him kisses all hours of the day and night has helped me look no further then the moment we are both living as the moment unfolds ...when I go into the future and think about where we are both gonna end up I cry ...my poor fella needed a towel for his head because I held on to him so tight while I was crying a few times ... note to self cry in secret ...or at least in a different room away from Duke Hi Andy , thanks for the empathy . Yes I agree w you Our pets are more than just a pet . They are a much loved member of the family ... Duke has been more like a guardian angel too me ... I was slipping through the cracks . When he came into my life I thought I was rescuing him .The truth is he wound up rescuing me . Sorry to hear about what happened to you and your family InstrEd ...I'm there now pre putting duke to sleep ....now everything is starting to make me cry .. I saw Seabiscut for the 10 th time a few days ago ...man when it got to the end of the movie where Red / Tobey Maguire narrates how everybody thought they were taking a broken down horse and making him better ...and how it turns out that Seabiscut took a group of broken down people and they all got better together had me crying a river ...that's exactly what Duke has done for me ... Hey Craig , don't be bummed . Duke and I have been suffering over here in silence ..When you asked about him over in the Pun thread I knew I had to start this thread . One thing for sure is with out taking care of Duke from the very beginning I may not have made it this far ...we got to where we are now only because took care of each other ...I'm doing my best to stay strong and if that ain't enough so be it if I fall apart I hope I get put back together right this time . thanks .. Hi Bill! , thanks for the kind word . Wow going on 16 for a dog is very good and yet I do know how you feel when you look at your dog . My last dog before Duke Lucy lived to be 15 1/2 years old . About the last year and a half of her life turned out to be all about pain management ....When she started going down hill pain wise I felt heartbroken seeing the health changes in her ..I was grateful that a friend helped make it possible for the vet to come to my house and put Lucy down in my very arms ... As far as Duke goes he is almost there now ....yet I notice there is a chance he can pull through for a little while longer before I have to make any final decisions . It seems the meds he is on may not cure him but they seem to be helping out with his pain .He is a little loopy and lethargic yet I can tell he hasn't given up yet . Before the meds he was giving up ..so I have noticed improvement ...will he ever be how he was ? probably not but I will take what little we have left and love him up My best to you and your dog . Hi ensconced , I know exactly how it feels ...at least in my own version of what you mentioned ...My dog Lucy passed away sometime around 2011.When ever I was home after she had passed it felt as if all the life and joy had gotten sucked out of my living space and my heart felt empty and dead .My heart also became disconnected from my memories because I didn't want to feel the pain over and over again on my trips down memory lane One day by chance while on a bicycle ride I came upon 2 horses and I started petting them ...the owner came over to me for a chat after watching for a while I was asked are you any good with horses ? I said what do you think ....I not only started taking care of those 2 horses I wound up taking care of the Gelding across the road ...3 Proxy horses that weren't mine yet I got to love them up every day ...I don't care about riding horses much but I sure love being around them... any way when that whole thing went sour I wound up getting Duke in 2013 ...he was less than 2 when I got him... thank for talking with me . Thank you very much Wibbles ! I do appreciate your kind comments Hi Tim , thank you for the kind comments . Duke was in a lot of pain before the vet put him on meds ...Dukes meds seem to be antibiotics and something to help clear up the bacteria in his colon . I got him to eat again ..turns out he likes the junky cheap azzed canned food over me cooking him chicken breasts ... no jokes about my cooking folks LOL OK Before he looked like he had very few days left . He looked like he wanted to check out ...now he is clinging to me a lot out side the apt on walks ...inside our apt I cling to him and spend as much time holding paws with him or just having my hand close to him ... I sure hope there's a doggie heaven and that I will see him again one day ...because if I find out there is no such thing as a doggie heaven I'm gonna be pissed .. Then I'm gonna have to make a hard ball decision...what color convertible am I gonna rent to drive on out to The Grand Canyon w Duke ? Cause if I have to go there I'm gonna give that gas pedal a good mash with my right foot as I grab Dukes Paw as we aim straight for the horizon and pull our own version of a Thelma & Louise...no red flags here just a tactical assessment of a choice I'm not allowed to make any way here's a couple of Duke Shots when he was having better days ... Duke is whispering in this photo but I will tell you what he said to me Kenny learn how to play in the key of A Minor and The World will be yours I asked him have you been reading Bayoubill 's posts again ? ....he crossed 2 fingers on his paws and Barked out Busted ... thank you all Kenny
  3. I would love to get my van to the point where it is functionally and mechanically sound . Every place I lived since I left Cali had a clause in my lease stating I'm not allowed to work on my vehicles on the apt complex property ....The type of work I would need to get done would mean I would have to take my Van someplace safe away from the apt complex to do the work I needed to do . I hate to say it but in my current position it would take my throwing lots of money at it. The thing is I have a sentimental feeling towards this Van because I became homeless in NYC in 95 . I was given the van by someone who thought it was better than sleeping on the street ( something I know I couldn't have done ) It's funny when I got my van it was on it's last legs and beat to hell ...when it was in NY it couldn't make it from Manhattan to the Bronx ...after working on it a bit I rolled the dice and drove it clear across The United Snakes of America in October of 1997 and to my utter shock w both made it ...I had every musical instrument as cargo in there to boot ... Man talk about taking a chance and rolling the dice ...any way I made a promise to the van I plan to keep ...I promised the van I would fix her up ...if she got me out here ...she did now I have to keep my promise to her .... It's got a long way to go before I even think about doing the body work ...but hey I have been doing the best I can under my current circumstances .. First I heard of him . It's a long ways from South West WA to where Eric is ...as far as the brakes go yeah front disc brakes would be nice ...the thing is just before I parked my Van I had all 4 brakes done including brand new brake drums ...they will have to do the braking for now .. The 2 things I really have to do ASAP besides buying new rubber are pull the gas tank , have it cleaned out and sealed or replaced , and the killer of all killer things that has held me back is this van has 2 power steering pumps. It has the one up front like most cars but in the back end it has a pump w high pressure hoses . To replace that pump costs over 6 hundred dollars and it is a factory part ...Mine sprung a leak and it needs to be replaced ..they only sell this as a whole unit to my knowledge .When I did drive it I had to keep the front reservoir topped off to have power steering ....it all leaked out if I didn't keep checking ... Either way thanks for wishing me luck ( I'm gonna need it ) LOL Kenny
  4. Thanks for asking I started a thread on Duke Kenny
  5. According to the vet my dog Duke may not be long for this World Duke is close to 10 . The average age for his breed American Bulldog is 10 to 15.. Over a prolonged period of time he developed colon issues ( when I first got him I was dealing w this and other health issues . ) Rather than getting into each and every detail of what is going on, for now I will just state a current report of what is currently going on . Duke lost 20 pounds in the past 8 weeks , Duke is on all sorts of medications and I am doing everything I can to get him to eat and maintain a decent quality of life . He is so blocked up there are times he cant even get more than 10 feet where he is squatting to cut a sausage and nothing comes out but mucus and a little blood I'm all broke up inside and I have been keeping this info too myself . the burden has been too much for me to bear alone . I am not ready to give him up and I have been doing all I can to stay by his side and comfort him ..if it is his time , I will accept it thank you for listening , Kenny
  6. Oh Golly Gee ..... Loo-key over Here ....Is Craig b is trying to put a ring on my finger ? ... Oh Yeah ! Old WHooKnee Bertha is gonna be having some kind a night after all . Kenny
  7. As far as the old guy having the moves Yeah ! The thing I'm kinda wondering about is whats inside the guys plastic bag connected to his belt ?. Is one of his organs in there ? or is it an external poop bag ? .. after thinking about it , when you get right down to it , I really don't want to know...YUK Kenny
  8. Ouch ....I can feel how that one feels from personal experience ⛄ Kenny
  9. not a pun just a play on words Kenny PS I want the bike
  10. I'm posting this pic because you asked and we all need a little love I sure hope it eases the pain of the date night you had last week in the hot top that went sideways Kenny
  11. Currently Yes . When I saw the update I happened to be using my Win 7 machine ..I'm still using that right now or my MacBook ....so far so good ... I have a lot to learn about some of the new features Cakewalk introduced in the past 2 updates ....Win 7 is fine especially since I have new things to learn As far as putting Cakewalk on my 3 other Win 10 Lap tops I will get around to it when I do the thing is I am currently pissed off at Microsoft .. The 1903 Win 10 update took all 3 of my Win 10 lap tops and decided to downgrade my DVD drives and turn them into a CD Rom drives ....aaarrrggg I have not found a fix as of yet All 3 of my Win 10 lappy's came w Win 10 HE and factory installed DVD drives when I purchased them and up until that 1903 update I had my Drive working as DVD + all the other formats it was so posed to do .. I do not mean to side track this thread but WTF MAN all 3 of my Win 10 lappy's have Vegas Pro and DVD authoring software on them ....some pricey stuff when you add it all up ... What this means is I have thousands of dollars worth of software I can not currently use until this gets fixed on my end for 3 Win 10 computers ...so F ...U ...M S . I am so sick and tired of having stuff forced on me that I do not want ... I don't care what any one tells me Win 10 does not perform circles around Win 7 in a meaningful way where I am seeing a big difference in performance or my workflow being enhanced over here at my house with what I do .. Please don't take what I'm saying personal if you love computers or if you indeed are a computer guru. I look at it this way when a guitar player sucks playing his 500 dollar guitar they are probably still gonna suck playing a 6 thousand dollar Gibson Historic Les Paul ....LOL It's a 2 way street man I may be that guy too you ...you may be that guy too me ...who gives a fill in the blank ...still bound by music and the love of making music so it's all good In other new I have drank all sorts of flavors of The Digital Kool Aid over the years and I decided to go Kool Aid free for a while .It may be time to unclog the digital pipes ...ex, Last night I sat and listened to 8 mix's I did on my self contained Boss HD recorder and had an epiphany ....my mix's held up for music I did 15 years ago and my only beef was once I had gotten around to using Home Studio on a PC in 2005 I couldn't handle having to squint trying to edit on a small LCD screen . For me the epiphany part was the sound was there even by what I consider today's standards .. .thankfully I still have my HD recorder in a box in a closet ... I do love Cakewalk...Love the software and love where the company is doing ...yeah I'm cool w all that ..I'm not loving MS ... Kenny PS sorry about the rant peoples ,
  12. Ah Yes , What we have here is a Guinness World Book of Records Hopeful warming up for a new record run as the fastest Teet Puller in The Who Can Milk A Hog The Fastest Category. Kenny
  13. How's this for a little baked Peen Cuisine ? I made the letters super large with the hopes I don't earn a vacation over the pic .. Me getting getting a forum vacation for this ? I sure hope not , but if I do .... That would be crumby . Kenny
  14. Great Points , I have 2 cars . As a couple age wise when you add up both their ages together they are old enough to collect Social Security . One is a 97 Ford Taurus, which means I have to deal w the codes. I hate dealing w the codes only because most shops in my area treat me as if I was a dumb blonde they could easily take advantage of ...they have tried to do so repeatably... I was lucky for 3 years I had a friend that used to help me out w that ...he was an excellent mechanic and he had the correct apps to read the codes ...he also had the brains to methodically know what to test systematically to eliminate false wishful thinking as to what parts need to be changed VS which don't ... More than once we both may have thought it was one thing and after careful methodical trouble shooting and diagnosis on his part he found what the real problem was and we took care of it ... Now he is no longer in the area I dread having to deal w many of the mechanics in my area . My friend fixed most of the stuff they were supposed to fix with one extra thing in his favor ,,,,he got it right ...the mechanics before my friend were wishy washy and their prices were way out of line . I had to do a waver here twice for registration . How it worked was if a car didn't pass emissions or had the engine light on my state at the time allowed me to take it to a mechanic from the states list and attempt to fix the problem ...once you spent over $150 dollars plus to fix the problem you were automatically given the option to get a wavier since you tried to fix your car ...2 times I had these State approved auto shops take my money just a little under $200 and they gave me a receipt that listed the code and what the problem may be ....and the didn't even turn a wrench of try to fix the problem. I'm not kidding man they had me by the short hairs .I asked them did you fix anything and they said no ...that costs extra ..WTF Two times I was lucky enough to have my friend help me get my car to pass ....both times it was as simple as him reading the codes and me buying the $25 to $40 dollar parts and having him put them in for me ...( the shops could have done that and still made a profit $25 dollar part $100 dollars plus labor yeah both times they hit me for close to 2 bills w out even turning a wrench all I got was a phony receipt for work they said they did )Greedy Bastards Eventually The state shut that program down because many of the State Approved auto shops were fleecing everybody with out fixing a thing ... Changing the subject my other car is a Van ..a 1974 Ford Econoline it looks something like this one except mine needs some body work ( I never hit anything w it ,,,it needed the body work when I got it in 1997 ) When I moved where I am now I parked it and kept the tags up to date ...It still runs and I'm seriously considering making this my daily driver again ... I had done a lot of mechanical work to mine yet even though I had done work the general vibe and feel still feels loose compared to a modern car .. Four wheels w drum brakes LOL that alone is a big diff from modern cars ,,,,ah either way I was able to work on it myself , I lived in it on and off plus I was able to make it out here from the East Coast ...I camped out in it in many States .I can honestly say I have lots of memories from when I used this ... I made my Van a promise if it got me out here I would fix it up ...money has been tight yet I have gotten pretty far a long in my promise to fix her up .. time will tell Kenny
  15. I get a lot of enjoyment and tons of personal laughs out of making these chop shop photos ...I'm glad every once in a while somebody enjoys the humor Sheens ! thank you for going above the call of duty with your kind words .. Hey man I got your stuff .....thanks for the stuff it fits in nice with some of the rest of my stuff Kenny
  16. Alright Congregation lets all reach in our pockets and be generous . Our message from above has been heard Kenny
  17. I don't know what taxonomy means , but you certainly gave me the idea to consider stuffing my friend ... Thanks Kenny
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