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Everything posted by kennywtelejazz

  1. Having a rough day at The Modeling Agency ? Have a Snickers bar . "You're not you when you're hungry " Kenny
  2. Yeah I know Honey ! I can see your headache is clearly gone ...Kenny is working as fast as he can to get you some of his original Pappy's Unlimited Horn Dog sauce ... Kenny
  3. ..........................................GET OFF MY LAWN !!!.................................. Kenny
  4. Oh No! Motha Phucker!!! , not that picture again. Kenny Kenny
  5. 🀣 Look Ma! . I put on my knee pads and I went all Mouth ...I didn't even have to use my hands ouch bad , Kenny
  6. I'm posting this one against my better judgment 😰 Kenny
  7. It is real simple ..we like to have fun and joke around with each other ..that part is true . The thing is each of us here have our own little quirks and sometimes it just takes time to figure out what may send another person here off " The Deep End " I'm happy that you have found some value in a few things I may have posted .I have a lot of stuff going on in my life and I guess I like to share it and bleed publicly ... Granted it does take more than one to have an argument . Having said that all I'm asking you is to not fight w another member in such an obvious way . What ever you choose to do is entirely up to you ...sometimes a little humor goes a long way all the best Kenny
  8. WTF Bro !!! why don't you take your little song and dance someplace else ...Dude I'm not Effing Asking Kenny
  9. As far as things go my beard is off limits 😎 I'm also guessing you saw Brokeback Mountain more than once . Kenny
  10. We got fights , Heated political debates ,I even found out that Tonto and the Lone Ranger are on the outs ... OK ! Bring it on😜 Kenny
  11. This guy is clearly an Imposter ! He could even be a spy sent over from The Cat Camp just to spy on all the dogs while he pretends to be a Wizard . Kenny
  12. S.L.I.P. was here ! I can tell by the trademark pose πŸ˜‰ Kenny
  13. She saw Roberts post and decided to him "that stare " Best Dad Ever Kenny
  14. Here's a few more I nicked from across town at another forum 😜 What happened when the Pink Panther stepped on an ant? Dead ant... dead ant... dead ant dead ant dead ant dead ant dead ant dead aaaannnnnnnt. Where does the Lone Ranger take his garbage? To the dump to the dump to the dump dump dump. Kenny
  15. 🀣 I will probably meet you in person for the first time when you show up with the pizza ...I got a new job delivering The Weed for Amazon ... Kenny
  16. In theory you Idea works .... as long as he doesn't play any open guitar strings as one would do using that fingering Kenny
  17. Yeah for that pic doing a Caption this pic is a great Idea ... Kenny
  18. No I saw that someplace else at another guitar forum . a few more, I'm an atheist, and my wife is an agnostic. We couldn't decide which religion to not raise our kids on. Woody Allen Did you hear about the dyslexic Satan worshipper who sold his soul to Santa? Why don't sharks attack lawyers? Professional courtesy. Did you hear about the guy who fell into an upholstery machine? He's now fully recovered. I used to work at an orange juice factory. I got canned. I just couldn't concentrate. Kenny
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