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Michael Vogel

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Everything posted by Michael Vogel

  1. Reading this thread might help convince you about Cakewalk by BandLab. https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/6018-still-using-sonar/
  2. Lookup pg 379 and onwards in the Reference Guide. There are settings allowing how strictly CbB snaps to grid. Magnetic is a keyword search that will help you. There are many Snap settings not just On or Off
  3. Half a lifetime ago I was burgled, replaced all my equipment 6 weeks later and was burgled again. Apparently that’s a thing. Burgle again after insurance has paid out and/or equipment replaced. All the measures I undertook to secure the house I was renting were to no avail. Deadlocks and bolts on all doors and windows. It looked like they just smashed the door in with a sledge hammer. The stile with dead bolts and locks was just hanging on the door frame. Lots of lessons learned. I feel for you Keni, it’s a gut wrenching time. Hearing someone else suffer the same stirs up all those feelings again. Same happened a few years back when Bitflipper was burgled. It’s sickening. A real violation. It really makes you grateful for what you have. All the best to you Keni.
  4. A matter of taste really. Why don’t you demo it. You can download a free trial. I have both, but prefer ProChannel because it’s convenient, built right in and the various FX are more than serviceable. Above all I’m used to it and how it sounds. Also there were a few plugins that extended the functionality of the ProChannel. There’s nothing wrong with Scheps, but it is a little heavier in CPU usage. A general principle I rely on when using channel strips is to not mix and match. Of course thats a hangover from the analog days where the console you had dictated your channel strip. In the digital era I guess there’s only guiding principles. You can do anything you want. Whether it sounds good or works well is another question. I bought the Waves Mercury bundle quite a few years ago now and all the Scheps plugins were included along with updates. I probably wouldn’t have bought a seperate channel strip, already having ProChannel.
  5. Maybe the instructor’s strange. Not you. 👍
  6. If you’re talking to me. I Only have the version I made. Check the file date. edit: actually I last updated it with some info I got last year.
  7. Try this spreadsheet. Sonar Plugins Sonar 3 to Platinum.xlsx
  8. My wife ate it. I know because I went to get it and it was gone. Strawberry & Rhubarb dribbling down chin was a give away.
  9. Hey Jesse, why not post in the 2019.11 feedback thread where your comments would get proper attention. https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/8791-201911-feedback/ I think there were changes to WorkSpaces that might effect projects made in previous versions. Maybe? Check the info on the new update available in 2019.11 thread
  10. I wonder if people can really do critical listening on uploaded audio and determine that samples used are of a lesser quality. Poor arrangements and bad recording techniques could be picked up from compressed audio but I reckon that’s the best Ctenophora of it.
  11. It’s a very large, double sided CD with one long groove on each side. My description, many years ago, to a 10 year old who fit your description as I was showing him a “record player” at a HiFi show.
  12. Jim Rosebery does this for a living. He provides a paid for service where he will spec a PC for you to purchase the components and assemble yourself. I’ve used the service myself and its well worth the small fee. Used to be US$40/half hour. I told him my budget and he provided a list of component choices (that his company has tested for compatibility) with links to where I could buy them. I’m in Australia so I got mine locally but knowing the components were tried and tested gave me all the confidence I needed to make my choices.
  13. Further info. I’ve checked all my other duplicate VST2 and VST3 installations and it seems that only Waves V11 were effected. ie. not respecting the: Preference settings “Hide related VST2 plugins and/or Replace if possible on project load”. Possibly a waveshell or update to V11 problem. The only way forward is to create a special VST2Plugins folder for just the Waves plugins and leave that folder out of the CbB VST scan path. This will make the VST2 versions available for a few programs I have, that are not yet able to make use of VST3 plugins.
  14. You’re right Steve. Whilst all the Toontrack Plugins were Installed into the default VST3 path they are in fact all VST2. Weird. I cant explain how the plugins were installed incorrectly. Like you, if given the choice to install VST3s I choose them in preference to VST2s. Cakewalk accurately allocated the plugins as VST2s. I’ve been completely confused by their location. Obviously the plugins don’t have the VST3 extension in the file name. Still there is a problem regarding a situation where both VST2 and VST3 versions of the same plugins exist on the system. CbB will not recognise the VST3s. Eg Waves VST3 plugins (I have them all) were not recognised by CbB until I renamed the waveshell file for VST2 plugins so it wasn’t scanned. I’m having a similar problem with the latest version of (EWQL) Play which now doesn’t load at all despite renaming the VST2 version so it doesn’t scan Renaming a plugin refers to appending “.old” extension to prevent scanning without deleting the file altogether. I have confirmed this to be the case regardless of the Preference settings “Hide related VST2 plugins and/or Replace if possible on project load”. Thanks Noel. I’m aware of all this and did all these things before posting. My initial problem was regarding the Waves VST2 plugins showing up despite having VST3 plugins installed as well. The Toontrack plugin “problem” only came to light as I investigated further. See further on in this post. As per my reply to Scook, That’s been the problem as the VSTscan log clearly shows that the Toontrack VST2s were installed into the VST3 default path. Have no idea why. Ive fixed that by moving the effected “.dll” files to their appropriate VST2 path and Resetting/Rescanning. However - There is a problem regarding a situation where both VST2 and VST3 versions of the same plugins exist on the system. CbB will not recognise the VST3s. Eg Waves VST3 plugins (I have them all) were not recognised by CbB until I renamed the waveshell file for VST2 plugins so it wasn’t scanned. I’m having a similar problem with the latest version of (EWQL) Play which now doesn’t load at all despite renaming the VST2 version so it doesn’t scan. Renaming a plugin refers to appending “.old” extension to prevent scanning without deleting the file altogether. I have confirmed this to be the case regardless of the Preference settings “Hide related VST2 plugins and/or Replace if possible on project load”. I need to check other programs I have to see whether this is a CbB or global problem with my installations. BTW I’m on the very latest Win 10 Pro 1909 update And CbB 2019.11 update having previously run Early access 2019.11 when I uncovered the problem.
  15. Thanks very much Steve. I appreciated how you continue to update your app’s.
  16. It’s really weird With the Toontrack plugins, I’ve reset the plugin database and scanned again and have a log file. It clearly shows the plugin files are in the correct Program Files/Common/VST3 folders but nonetheless continue to show up in VST2 menus etc. The plugins work fine they are just in the wrong menus i’ve even uninstalled the plugins, deleted the Registry key for the Cakewalk VST hive, reinstalled and it’s still the same. I’ve restarted the system to clear any possible memory issues. in the plugin Browser window, those plugins are a different Color tone than other VST2s. I’ll have to organise some screenshots. Sorry I haven’t done more yet to follow up. This caught by complete surprise 3 days ago when I installed the Early Access 2019.11.54 file. It had not been like this with 2019.7. I had to install 2019.09 to permit the Early Access installation but I never ran that version. I went straight from 2019.07 to 2019.11 I run Cubase 10,5, Studio One Pro 4.5 and a few other programs that use VST plugins so my next step is to check them to see if this is a global or CbB specific issue.
  17. Problem from Early Access 2019.11 persists in update. Waves V11 VST3 and VST2 installed only VST2 showing in Cakewalk. Had to uninstall VST2 before all my VST3 V11 Plugins show properly. Toontrack Superior Drummer V3 and EZMix, and EZKeys etc. I only have VST3 installed but all Toontrack programs show in menus and the Plugin Manager as VST2. When i load the plugins I see a VST2 drop down. Don’t understand this as only VST 3 installed ion the computer. I haven’t tried other plugins yet but it’s very weird. Add EWQL Play to the list only when deleting VST2 version the VST3 version doesn’t appear in the Manager or menus. It’s in its installation directory as expected. Is it a Win 10 latest update problem? Or CbB?
  18. Wow. I didn’t even know that Waves were up to V11.
  19. In Australia and having similar internet joy.
  20. How long is a Coffee House? No it isn’t.
  21. 50 hey! What do youngsters get up to on their birthday?
  22. So creative and clever. I’ve not seen this before. I love it.
  23. After they’ve done the transfer as they offered (do one file per track) you can line up all the files in CbB.
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