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Simeon Amburgey

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Everything posted by Simeon Amburgey

  1. Very cool! The Arduino concept has really been revolutionary. I still have a box of parts when I was trying to build a MIDIBOX. I could never manage to come up with a suitable enclosure. I have a lot of Panasonic 100mm motorized faders longing to come to life ;^)
  2. Here is the article I just posted on my site with a lot of interesting info about this new library. https://wp.me/p6Mqqs-xR
  3. Just waling the virtual hallways at NAMM and came across a promotion from Spitfire Audio. During virtual NAMM you can get BBCSO DISCOVER FREE when using the code spitfirexnamm2021 at checkout. Check out the official NAMM site to register: https://www.namm.org/
  4. Some really nice desktop interface entries from Antelope Audio and Black Lion! Antelope Audio Announce ZEN GO: https://wp.me/p6Mqqs-xB Black Lion introduce Revolution 2 x 2: https://wp.me/p6Mqqs-xH
  5. Here is the replay from today’s livestream taking a look at TASTE, which in all honesty is more like a meal. Enjoy 🤓
  6. Fracture Sounds has just released their latest character piano library, Glacier Keys. It is on sale until January 31st for $69 (reg. $89). Also if you own any of the previous Fracture Sounds piano libraries you will receive an extra $10 discount by email. Here is the replay for the livestream, enjoy!
  7. Thanks, that helps a lot. So it looks like the PLUS adds unmasking and more sidechain options and upgrades interoperability with Melodyne Essential 5 for the breath and deesser controls. Pretty cool.
  8. I have Nectar 3, and have not thought about using it for voiceovers until you mentioned it. Before testing Voxessor, I had been using Waves Greg Wells VoiceCentric along with PlaylistRider. What does the Plus add to Nectar 3? I will have to check it out for comparison.
  9. Most of the time it is like flying by the seat of my pants. 🤣I am really trying to be a little more predictable and intentional with my videos, but we all know how that is going to go! No, seriously, I just get excited about these things and enjoy sharing my discoveries. I also appreciate being among so many amazing musicians and creators which also is a great source of inspiration. Thanks so much @Reid Rosefelt, and so many others for the encouragement.
  10. Happy New Year. Join me as I take a look at the new Postcard Piano from Teletone Audio. You can also experience a special preview edition by downloading Audio Ollie's TASTE Kontakt Library Sampler here: Taste — Audio Ollie
  11. Go to your My VSL User Area, then in the filters choose: SYNCHRON LIBRARY DOWNLOADS, then sort by date
  12. OK, First vid of the year and its a voiceover plugin 😁 Please check it out and let me know your thoughts. Thanks so much!
  13. So today is my wife's birthday, but I will try and put something together to share my experience and do some A/B testing, etc.. The more I work with it, the more it seems like a nice vocal channel strip. You do have to watch the Autoleveler when you first turn it on (I got dinged a couple of times), so make sure you have your headphone level turned down ;^) Stay tuned!
  14. I was going through this library again today and the thing that really surprised me were, THE MULTIS! These absolutely open things up to more than just a taste, for a practically free library sampler there are some really nice patches.
  15. I just installed this and I am really liking what I am hearing. It sounds nice and full using the Match Ideal Voice Analyzer. Having the ability to mix just how much correction is being applied is a nice touch. I am going to be using this on some upcoming projects and see how it goes, it seems the CPU usage is light. The licensing process is painless as you download a license file and activate it from the plugin. It is also a per user license so you are not restricted to the number of machine installs you have.
  16. This looks very interesting. I wonder how it might work in a livestream setting? I use Waves Voicecentric and Playlist rider. We shall see. Here is an article I posted on my website with some more background info. https://wp.me/p6Mqqs-xe
  17. Audio Ollie is behind many beautiful and detailed sample libraries for Kontakt. He has just released TASTE features curated selections from all of their library products, with a bonus Postcard Piano Preview from Teletone. It is available now for $3 (normally $99) with the promotion code for signing up for email announcements. For more info visit here: https://www.audioollie.com/taste
  18. Here are a couple of vids covering two of their pianos. Lots of mic positions and dynamic layers. Concert Grand LE | Steinway Virtual Piano Library For Kontakt From Production Voices Production Grand 2 LE | Flexible Studio Piano Library For Kontakt From Production Voices
  19. Craig, I do address this somewhat, as the livestream on Christmas Eve was the Synchron Yamaha CFX which is massive. The Hammersmith in my opinion would be a definitive studio grand piano library. The use of a MIDI retrofitted piano makes it attractive due to the consistency of the velocity layers (pedal up and down). It also has a drier sound that could fit into a mix without having the room to compete with. Also this Steinway has a sparkle to it that you don’t find in many Model Ds.
  20. Well, they provided the library which was very generous.
  21. I could not let the days go by without putting something out there about this library, especially since the free version was released and the Pro version is on sale until December 31st. I was running late getting things together for the livestream because I was genuinely having so much fun playing it while getting ready. Thanks for posting it here. I so appreciate my friends here and all of the support. It is crazy putting yourself out there but it is so much fun. Wishing all of you the most joyous and blessed Christmas season. PS, there might be a couple more livestreams in me before the year ends, so stay tuned. 🤓 All the best, Simeon
  22. OK, I think I might have found a workaround by cycling through the Transport Time display until it gets to that particular format. That would be nice to have the other views have a time format choice.
  23. I am working with an application that needs to have Tempo map and Marker indicator placement in MILLISECOND format, is this possible? When I open the Tempo and Marker views I am only seeing HR:M:Sc:Fr Also even though you can have a Millisecond Ruler in the timeline, I am not sure how to get that information when it coincides with a Marker or Tempo change. Thanks for the help.
  24. I just updated the link. The original was removed after trying a test. Looking forward to sharing with Ben this afternoon.
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