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Everything posted by mettelus

  1. Is interesting that searching for "audio editors with noise cancellation for PC" pops off apps specific to video conferencing. Audacity is on all of those lists and sometimes #1. For the OP, external editors can be launched from within CbB, and this thread drills down into a utility posted by scook if you want that functionality (this allows you to highlight a clip and launch an external editor for destructive editing). At the high end (also cost-wise) of the spectrum are iZotope RX, Adobe Audition, and Steinberg SpectraLayers (IIRC they all have fully functional demos if this is a one-off situation for you). Audacity is probably the most potent on the free-end of the spectrum, has been around for years, and can do some things more elegantly than some of its paid-for counterparts. Sound Forge has been a popular editor amongst this forum as well.
  2. +1 to the free VST idea. Main reason is they are not dependent on which DAW you are using, so when you find something you like you are not bound to a DAW. You can also Google "free limiter VST" or whatever you are searching for. Limiter No6 has been around for years and is a CPU-friendly limiter (many of TokyoDawn's stuff is that way). Limiters are really very aggressive compressors, but you definitely want to get into the habit of dropping one on your main outs before it hits your gear or ears... preserve them both.
  3. The only thing you would need to worry about is heat dissipation. Rack components can handle a fair amount of "pretty hot," and are designed to be stacked (a middle unit gets the brunt of things anyway). Worst case, a small fan could force air through (especially if a pass through with outer open), but keeping the face flush with the opening (max air room behind the unit) may well be enough to satisfy cooling needs. If that rack is enclosed except for the front, it is no different than laying it flat. However, if you get the idea of doing similar with a turntable, it is not advised
  4. Something also to bear in mind with some Kontakt instruments is that volume is bound to the MOD wheel (to give a breath and bow effect). As long as you do not touch the MOD wheel, volume will not adjust, but if you touch it once, then you have to either use it for every note played or insert a value for it at the beginning of the track (to reset it).
  5. What you want is something that can both capture and remove a "noise print." Wav editors are best to do this (often stand-alone apps), but IIRC both Audacity and ReaFIR both have some capacity for this and are free.
  6. The "time investment" required for learning is often overlooked, but always something to keep in mind especially when the product is complex. I hope the OP took a step back to focus on this. Does remind me of a really old joke though... a man storms into a hardware store with his new saw and demands to see the manager because it is garbage. The manager calms him down and offers to take a look at it for him to see what is the matter. The manager picks it up, starts the motor, and the man asks, "What's that??"
  7. +1, something to consider is that the drives will noticeably slow (but they can just go belly up, so back up data regularly). Samsung Magician can benchmark to see the loss (10% or more is worth noting when the time comes). The only SSD I considered "dead" was an NVMe used as the C drive and that took 4+ years to occur. The C drive is also the most abused drive in the system (temp files galore, indexing default, pagefile, etc. will all default to it).... the C drive I image monthly, or after massive software changes, and is also riddled with junctions to keep those images small. That drive is the most likely to degrade sooner due to the excessive writes it sees over time, but again the only one that bothered me took over 4 years (so far).
  8. But... you had the foresight to save the coffee pot!
  9. I suspect that is the same instrument from listening to it. One can achieve massive variations to sound from FX alone, and that section is well within the range of the Cuatro as well. I didn't realize there were so many variations of small guitars. This site has a nice description of many, and seems the scale range is very similar between most of them.
  10. I made the same jump. The main difference between KU and KCE are the orchestral instruments and expansions. Not sure if I will ever use those expansions, but the orchestral libraries are nice (and HUGE). Even with this sale that price difference covered only a couple as singles so I grabbed CE instead. Lores has been getting the most play time so far for me. There is validity in the posts about possibly never really using them, but they are fun to play.
  11. Roger that. It will just take longer to get things off, but you should get notifications of errors if they occur. Heat is also related to read/write speed, so with that tapering off, heat will as well. I have seen some drives do that as a safety measure. Most drives also keep track of bad sectors/cells, so is highly likely you will get everything with a little patience. Samsungs are very highly rated.
  12. I would recommend using a cloner set for "sector by sector" verification when the new drives come in (Samsung Magician, Macrium Reflect, etc.). Even if that does not let you properly size the data partition, you can do so afterwards with the "Disk Management" app in Windows (and probably need to start there to make a Simple Basic volume before starting the cloning process). That app comes up in the search bar as "Create and Format Hard Disk Partitions." Also afterwards you may need to rename the drive as it might match the cloned one at that point. Heat degradation (primarily from writes rather than reads) will cause an SSD to lose speed/capacity over time. The damage done is not reversible, so getting speed back won't happen, but you may be able to recover 100% of its contents (just walk away while the cloner is working).
  13. From what I noticed (with NS 3.4 at least), each application is downloaded into an .iso file (at the location specified, I think it defaulted to /Public/Downloads), mounted (can see that pop up in Windows explorer as a virtual drive), installed, and then deleted. I didn't install Ozone since I already have it, so not sure if it is the same pattern for that one.
  14. I checked quick on that NTKDaemonService and saw comments about that chewing up CPU even with NA not running so I disabled it again after everything was updated. So many programs embed services into startup when you run them unfortunately, but that seems to be one to watch out for whenever you run NA. It seems its only purpose is for NA, so no reason to run it on boot anyway.
  15. My biggest concern with these tools (across the board) has been the propensity of people to be lazy and never even try to learn the skill these tools are helping them with. That lack of skill set is a significant liability that most do not realize until it rears its ugly head on them. "AI" has become more of a buzzword and I have gotten into system discussions arguing that scripting has been around a long time, and having one update parameters based on usage does not make it "intelligent," it is still at the mercy of the person(s) who scripted it in the first place. This news article made me remember this thread and is the embodiment of lazy. Someone paid top dollar to do work, but presenting something (fictional) compiled by ChatGPT, then getting caught. [@Grem TOP!!! LOL]
  16. The latest is NA 3.4 and it updated itself in the middle of downloads last night. It has oddball queuing issues and seems to require the NTKDaemonService running before it is launched. I did notice that putting another thing in queue when it hiccups seems to make it happier, but best to just walk away from it while it is running and check at expected intervals (it does seem to recover on its own now.. the queue repopulates itself one-by-one rather than throwing multiple toasts at you). Other than those, it runs great! 😆
  17. Used K7 last night for the first time ever. Initializes small and takes a bit to look like K5/6. The library browser is nicer and seems the newer libraries preview before loading. Not sure if that is specific to K7, but saves a lot of time finding suitable patches for me.
  18. +1, I found this out the hard way as well trying to repair a library a while ago (no option to even repair). Quick search on the web revealed a completely different GUI, but Native Access never updated itself to it. It does on the new version, but was odd to see that situation.
  19. +1, I was going to mention the other reason would be if you are intending to get a Bundle "some day," but Zolton's post adds clarity as to the why of it.
  20. The body on that guitar is very distinctive... image searching found perfect match, that is actually a Puerto Rican Cuatro Guitar. Also note, that is 5 pairs of strings rather than the ukulele pictured above (only the bottom two are an octave apart, the high three are simply doubled).
  21. Also be aware that Melodyne has a LOT of shortcut keys embedded into it that are not obvious. You can adjust bar markers if the algorithm fails (easier to use than AudioSnap was IMO). The manual/tutorials for Melodyne will help you a lot when you begin diving into specific tasks with it. That said... Set Measure/Beat at Now (Shift-M) is very fast once you get the hang of it. @David Baay mentioned that to me years ago and is very fast. Not sure if he has a quick reference posted on it, but he has had the best usage guides for it in the forums.
  22. Google "10-string Ukulele," that seems to be what it is, but no idea of the brand (I do not recognize that logo in the video). Strings on that are an odd duck, double/triple/triple/double for the "4 standard strings." Never seen one IRL.
  23. Very cool, best of luck! Wrong coast for me though [I was going to make a satirical comment about "if they ever get to Hammerjacks" (original was torn down in 1997 to be part of the Raven's parking lot), but just found out they reopened a new one during the pandemic! ... still no indoor venue though, so rather lame.]
  24. Wow, is it just me or was that the fastest update install ever? That installed so fast it made me take note of it.
  25. I demod EK when the update was announced, but the instuments I tried (the two grands) were not impressive and the default MIDI wasn't either. Same session with Scaler 2 made me just buy it. I already have all of the VSTis I need and just wanted to get the music theory components, which are all right there without any additional purchases. Looking at the Scaler change log I am sorta glad I didn't onboard earlier in the cycle.
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