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Everything posted by locrian

  1. I was hoping to test this plugin in trail mode, but did not find it in the PA Installation Manager. Is there another way to obtain a trial copy?
  2. An open source semi-modular VST3 synthesizer and effect plugin https://bedroomproducersblog.com/2023/03/08/infernalsynth/ https://sjoerdvankreel.github.io/infernal-synth/
  3. Hot Potato is a unique plugin built innovative distortion algorithms that let you mangle, crush and distort your sounds and more with just 6 knobs! The power of Hot Potato is almost endless, turning Sine waves into full on basses and mangling guitars and vocals into completely different sounds. https://direktsoftware.itch.io/hot-potato https://bedroomproducersblog.com/2023/03/08/direkt-software-hot-potato/
  4. Okay, my problem was that Plugin Boutique gave me the wrong installer. Everything is working now. Thanks for the help!
  5. Just curious, did you use a special Cube Mini installer, or the full version (CUBE Full Installer v1.4.0)?
  6. Thanks for the reply! I don't have the folder shown in purple. At least now I know what the problem is. Cheers...
  7. Does anyone know where the installer puts the factory sound library? When I launch Cube Mini in Cubase it puts up a dialog box asking for the factory library location and I can't click past it.
  8. I picked-up HalfTime for $12 and got CUBE Mini + Rumble Expansion free. https://www.pluginboutique.com/products/3952-HalfTime
  9. Info: https://bedroomproducersblog.com/2023/02/27/eas-audio-tapestop/ - Windows users will need a VST3-compatible plugin host to use TapeStop. - TapeStop isn’t compatible with macOS at the moment. - The plugin is hosted on KVR Audio.
  10. Info: https://bedroomproducersblog.com/2023/02/26/clean-machine/ Download: https://amalgamatedsignals.com/ Clean Machine, by Amalgamated Signals, is a dynamics controller with features of both a saturator and a compressor. It has timing controls like a compressor, but it applies a continuous gain reduction curve like a saturator. It also has a third timing parameter called “transition”, to control the speed of the shift between attack and release modes, for more transparent control of dynamics. At very fast settings and relatively low drive, Clean Machine acts like a saturator, subtly thickening the sound and gluing mix elements together. Slightly increase the attack and release times for gentler transient control and reduced harmonic distortion. With higher levels of drive, Clean Machine can control large dynamic swings and peaks. Try a fast attack with a slow release, and notice how the compression sounds more transparent as you increase the transition time.
  11. I thought the same thing when I first tried it. I then realized that the 'preset manager' is imbedded in the GUI itself. Why would Steinberg make selecting patches easy if they could instead hide that functionality in the GUI and cause additional grief?
  12. Speaking of licenses, has anyone received their license key yet?
  13. Have you tried the Steinberg Library Manager (below)? If you click on "Details" you can see where (and if) your libraries are installed.
  14. You can do that via the Steinberg Download Assistant.
  15. We're plagued by an embarrassment of riches!
  16. - The size of the interface does not seem to have changed; so if you thought it was tiny before, you'll still think that now. - I can't comment on the registration hoop-jumping since I own Cubase and installing Halion Sonic 7 didn't require any additional registration. - As for the virtual dongle, the only thing that runs all the time is a 29 kbyte driver (on Windows).
  17. The fact that you said you'd "probably" notice something was off after listening to the song so many times really underscores just how far this technology has come. Cheers!
  18. I agree about the bass and guitar. As for the voice, would you realize that it was synthesized if you heard it out of the context of this post?
  19. This cover sounds *really* good to my ears which has me wondering if I'm grading on a curve because I know it wasn't sung by a real human. What do you think?
  20. I'd be glad to but what credentials would I use during checkout?
  21. Has anyone received their license key yet?
  22. Thanks for posting, but I'd summarize SynthMaster 3 in one equation: SynthMaster 3 = Zeno's Paradox! Release Date
  23. Info: https://bedroomproducersblog.com/2023/02/21/tukan-dynamic-eq/ D/L Link (at YouTube):
  24. If you use Cubase, this may interest you:
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