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Everything posted by PhonoBrainer

  1. Well, that was cheery! I like the concept, and it took some cool thinking to guitar yourself all up in a hazmat suit. That probably wasn't easy. The video clips were used well. You have selected some very relevant clips from this freaked-out era, and cobbled them together very expertly. I'd question the overall length - could you have as much effect in something say 5 minutes? Do the last four minutes really add anything to the impression? You might have been keen on creating a 9 minute experience, which is great, but I kind of "got it" after three. Should I adjust my medication? Also, the drums could have a little more to do in this piece. They are kind of like a metronome. Maybe that's what you were going for? I dunno. Just something from a viewer's perspective. I think the guitar work was appropriately apocalyptic, it sure fits the mood and tone well. nice one! cheers, -Tom, from the basement, admiring his six month supply of Spam
  2. I think this is the best I've heard from you. Vocals up in the mix would be my recommendation, and maybe some more variation of the drum programming when they come in, the occasional fill would go a long way. Overall, great lyrics! Sad but a cool groove nonetheless. cheers, -Tom
  3. Where do they think he keeps his money? :55 I like how psycho it is, and Lynn your voice's quality sure fits the mood/genre/subject. Nice job you two. cheers, -Tom
  4. Nice! We're going to get this one to over 10,000 views! Guitars great of course but I found myself focusing on the drums - they sound very well recorded! What did you use? Looking forward to the new stuff in the pipeline. cheers, -Tom
  5. Throwback Monday!!! You nailed it. I like how when the rhythm guitar riff "stops" there is still something there in the silence. Performances are all very solid, but it has the attitude of the original without being too clinically, digitally precise. great job! -Tom
  6. If you listen in the first minute, I think the snare is coming in just a hair after the guitar strum. I'd vote for the drums louder on this one, particularly the snare. Great concept, great voice, awesome guitar tones, drums are great (tasteful ride and those fills), cool lyrics, nice bgv's . . . I could see chilling out to this kickin back on the beach after a full day's surfing, a west coast sunset. And I don't even surf. great job (again)! cheers, -Tom
  7. PhonoBrainer


    Hi Kloon, thanks, and I agree! The video adds and adds while the song itself is just kind of ok. The whole exercise was really about getting to know some new tools. That said, it took a boatload of editing time with the learning curves. Many thanks, glad you liked the vid! -Tom
  8. PhonoBrainer


    Steve C - many thanks. I'll take smooth electronic funk jazz any day, all day! Thanks for the listen . . . Wookie - cool, glad you liked it. Bjorn - yeah I really don't even know what genre this is, but ignorance is bliss in this case. Thanks for the comments! now with video . . . see link in op cheers! -Tom
  9. I would buy that CD in a heartbeat!
  10. I came back for a re-listen but it's gone, gone, gone.
  11. Quite the puzzle! Well, to start you off, process of elimination: it was not me that wrote this. It's a nice groove. You have revived it and it sounds nice, although for me it's less organically live, and would still be not out of place if encountered in an elevator, in which I would ride quite comfortably. Perhaps it's the 1990's arrangement that is too hard to update, even though your instruments make it sound better. If the original didn't have words, perhaps you could add some? I think a vocal would help, and it sounds like the arrangement could support a vocal. I think your vst's make it sound just fine so mission accomplished there. Good luck in your search! cheers, -Tom
  12. I can't remember but have I heard this before? Did you post this earlier in the other forum, or is it new-new? Synths and their treatment are top quality. Arrangement goes down easy. The vocals when harmonized are great, and well mixed! The solo lead vocal was the weakest link here, for me. It wasn't bad, but just not as smoooooth as the rest of the work. I dunno, he doesn't have a bad voice, it's not pitchy or anything weird - it's just for me his vocal timbre doesn't match the piece that well. But it's absolutely great when it's got the excellent background harmonies, and a little more reverb. Love those parts. I suppose everybody has an opinion! Your piece is extremely listenable and the mix / arrangement is way good. cheers, -Tom
  13. Wow, I agree good song, good mix, good harmonies, and as I've said before, in particular, great lead vocal quality! But, for me, I'd back the lead vocal down just a bit, particularly in the intro, with just the piano, seems like it's too much out in front there. good work. -Tom
  14. I think the bass sits very well as is, and no, I didn't think the vocals loud at all. Hey, is Norway all it's cracked up to be? #1 in Quality of Life index? which is where it typically ranks . . . cheers, -Tom
  15. Hey, nice tune, that melody really sticks in the noggin. Very sorry for your loss that inspired it. Neil Young came to mind, in a good way!!! Just a catchy tune sung with emotion. I would be tempted to do more processing on the lead vocal, maybe double it more than just the chorus. But that might be overdoing it . . .you are probably looking for something more stripped down and raw. The arrangement of parts is pretty bulletproof. Everything seems to be in the right spots. I liked the arpeggiated steel-stringy guitar but maybe a touch less volume on that while you are singing? It poked out a bit. Maybe a tiny bit of delay on it could take the edge of the attack off. Might be worth a try. Cool tune. cheers, -Tom
  16. PhonoBrainer


    Fun! For me, #1 had too mechanical and fake vibrato. #2 had better vibrato, but unrealistic, non-legato attack #3 sounds like a french horn. Therefore, the answer is . . . none of them. Keep looking! Check out 8dio Adagietto if you have Kontakt. It's on sale now apprently. Best of luck! cheers, -Tom
  17. PhonoBrainer

    Forever Lost

    A supergroup!!! Nice job . . . I got an Ozzy vibe, except better, because I could understand the words. Nice and punchy mix. cheers, -Tom
  18. I like it. Your mix has a wide quality, lots of panning choices and movement. I found the bass guitar one big low sustained fill, rather than a "part" - but for this western style son g, that's what you want and need! Did you actively pan the B3 around a bit? Did it move from right side, occassionally to the left? If so, that might be an unnatural movement of a hulking big organ - would we have expected to hear it scraping across the stage? Perhaps I just imagined this. Cool vocals and mix. Have no idea what they are saying, care to share? I didn't love the snare, I thought it a bit overtoney but most likely that's what the lad brought in . . . It works ok. Guitars towards the end just a hair jangly/out of tune? 2:14 they are clashing a bit. These are the nits. It's a lively little number, and well done all. cheers, -Tom
  19. Very original, nice concept, and enjoyable vid. Nice clean mix as well! cheers, -Tom
  20. Sounds good. There is a percussive "tick-tick" and I don't know what that is. Overall a good start to the procedings. Piano is clear, maybe a little more high end eq bump for some "air" on that. Everything else fit nicely. cheers, -Tom
  21. this is primo for the right movie. Very enjoyable journey. What is your brass patch? Occasionally the trombones hit a little to hard (for me) and you get a stab where you might want a swell? Early on in the piece, particularly. Easy to edit that down with midi velocity. Beyond that, I feel this is a real "composition" that tells a story. cheers, -Tom
  22. Smoke This!!! Give Reece an English accent, and voila! Where's my ashtray??? cheers, -Tom
  23. Primus meets Bowie. I'd pay to see that live. If you ever got signed and had professionals do your bidding, you'd be scary good. I like the bass but would like it a bit clearer. For example, I don't know if you want to high pass filter the low end off the elec piano, and maybe some lows off the vocals? Would the bass guitar pop a bit more? It's like telling van gogh "more blue" so, nevermind. cheers, -Tom
  24. I have not heard the original, so I have no idea. The whole thing is pretty narrow and shallow in the stereo field, like you put a mic up to a gaming console speaker. My guess is, you are dealing with some "original file" limitations . . . ? Did this come from a tape or cassette originally? The parts are nicely played / programmed and arranged, particularly the drums. The mix just sounds way far away in the distance. cheers, -Tom
  25. for a loose mix demo, it's got potential I'd say. I like the off-kilter meter of it. cheers, -Tom
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