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Everything posted by PhonoBrainer

  1. Great tune. These ballad type deals are really where vocalists can show their chops. Such a slow pace, with no where to hide. You do a decent job of it, actually. Do you know of any killer vocalists who might like to dig into this excellent tune? I'd agree on the comments advising you to thicken. You have so many sustains in the vocal, you might shorten them? I dunno. Your vocal has a charm to it as it is. Kind of depends on what you want to do with this tune. The ending kind of bailed out on me. MAybe a fade out or something? No matter what, nice tune. cheers, -Tom
  2. Mix is great for me. Creative arrangement, it held my interest. Guitar work is a stand out. Question, what kind of mic did the vocalist use? The pre-chorus sounds pretty good, the bigger chorus vocals come through nicely! but the verses sound a bit thin and it's not the vocals, which are quite good, I think it's the mic or the mix. Kind of muffled? Is the top-end eq'd away? Any way to push that vocal up or thicken just the top end? Might be worth a try, and again, just in the verses. super cool tune, dude. cheers, -Tom
  3. Got any lyrics occasionally in the chorus? This is intensely creative. Love the video, and the editing. Maybe could use more that repeated shots in the second half chorus. That chorus/break with the guitar is genius. Really cool. I didn't mind the vocal distance/reverb but I thought the bass guit could come up a bit, and that snare/tambourine hit could get some treatment to make it sit better. I really liked the lyrics which didn't spell it out for you. cheers, -Tom
  4. I didn't think the mix was too bad at all. For me, it is clear up top, and has enough "power" in the right places. But, this isn't my home-turf genre, so the true metalheads might see it differently. So, if you want, fight the power. Meanwhile, the video - that's a good effort there! Appreciate the live shots and stuff. The musicians seem to convey the message, although it's not super subtle. My observation for improvement? The lead singer needs a better camera to equal that of the other musician's. Looks like he's shot with the back-up camera on a Ford Explorer, but the rest of them look crisp, HD, with a green screen to boot. If you are going to all this trouble (and it does look good) get the lead singer something more than a webcam, if possible. Of all of your stuff that I've heard so far, I like this one the best I think. Nice job to all. -Tom
  5. Ok, even this departure from your normal is good. A raw song and a good one. Mix-wise, I'd recommend vocal down, drums up as a start. Probably guitar down a bit, too. cheers, -Tom
  6. I used to play her on a jazz radio show in the late 90's and it always killed. Her version of Autumn leaves, none better.
  7. That's a beautiful tune, it meanders through maj/min and has that wonderful return out of the chorus. Nice voice she has for sure. Her pipes are amazing when it modulates up. Sheesh! loved it. I could hear this in a musical. -Tom
  8. Two chords but it was absolutely fantastic all the way through. That is Houdini stuff. OK, the ending has two more chords. This grooves so hard and every element flows. Nothing gets boring because there is a change coming in 8 measures tops. Fantastic! Only critique is perhaps cut the intro some, get to that groove sooner? cheers, -Tom
  9. yup. tone for days. I believe even I could learn how to play drums to this! -Tom
  10. PhonoBrainer

    Hard Love

    Great country feel, with your great country vocal chops. Honestly there isn't much separating your tunes from the Nashville sound. Give this one to Porter Waggoner or such. Toby Keith even. But your vocal totally works. Mix-wise, it's pretty loud from the get-go. First thing, I turned the volume down. Distorted? Guitars? Violins? I dunno, you could back those out and go for traditional piano or something. Are you in love with that distorted lead? Does it fit the song? Just wondering. Cool job, bro, I like your stuff. -Tom
  11. Love the wobbly detune thing this has. It's 1980, and its early Level 42! Or maybe Incognito. Really fun stuff. If you posted the chord changes, it would kind of ruin the listening experience! cheers, -Tom
  12. Nice one here! Guitars are clean and crisp. Well played, too! I like the rhythm/chugged thing panned wide? Great. Play a verse. Listen at the same time for the snare and your vocal. Which is louder? For me, the snare. So as to experiment, bring the vocal up half a db, the snare down half a db. Might be interesting. Might also control the wacky bright hi hat, left side, 2:21 ish. That's a catchy number! cheers, -Tom
  13. If you love something, release it, and if it comes back to you, and only three other people in the world hear it, then that's modern music for you.
  14. I likes me a Daryl tune. If you have Kontakt, there's some nice pizzicato strings in 8dio's Adagietto. cheers, -Tom
  15. I agree, fun. The voice you chose works and is interesting. That hi-hat panned right seems to be off the beat, ahead of the beat, occasionally, kind of distracting. It's an unusual mix of elements, and for a visual mix I think you did pretty darn well! cheers, -Tom
  16. Hi Jesse or whomever, Nice to see you here. Very creative as usual. I didn't hear anything else like this today. Thank You! That was one funky breakdown at the end, bro. cheers, -Tom
  17. PhonoBrainer


    uh, really really good. Appreciate the live video performance! cheers, -Tom
  18. Any thoughts on the Weiss compressor? $199? I heard it was used on that huge Adele smash album a couple of years ago. Sounded like pretty good music. Yes, Adele Weiss.
  19. Listened to both, I really like your touch, and better, your choices, particularly on "Rain in Florence" which I guess is the newer one? Great tone on that piano or vsti! cheers, -Tom
  20. Very interesting tune! Vocally, you've got a flanger or microtune on it? Maybe? One danger of that kind of processing is that it can leave things thin. Can you EQ some mids back in? Particularly on the chorus? Do you have a "tape" simulator? A good one of these can add a nice weight to things. Other than that, I like the mix and the instrumental performances. And the vocals are just fine - (were they mic'd with a condenser-type mic?) . . . but it does feel like the vocals are struggling to keep up with the weight of the instruments, which are mixed well. Double-tracking the vocal with a different mic that adds more weight (like a good dynamic mic) might be a help! Interested to see where you take it. cheers, -Tom
  21. Duuuude! Full Joe Walsh mode! Waay fun. Sorry to have you gone so long, glad you are back. I'm still getting used to the Bandlab ecosystem. First up, your song came right out of the gate LOUD cause the Bandlab player was maxxed from the get go. And I suspect your tune had plenty of volume. I really like your vocals, and of course, the lyrics. Fly that flag, bro. I don't know about you, but did you hear the less-than-seamless edits, for example 2:32 - seems like you cut and pasted in a song section and maybe missed the rhythm a little - or was that courtesy of the Bandlab upload process? Hard to tell. I'm sure you'll get on top of it. I would also vote for a vocals-up mix, and I think you have room to decrease volume on that piano. Said a piano player More Lynn songs are always a good thing to my ears. cheers, -Tom
  22. A nice clean recording with a sense of fun. Cool visuals to boot. I dug the hyper-chair aerobics! Must try those. cheers, -Tom
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