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Everything posted by PhonoBrainer

  1. <exhales after holding breath for three weeks>
  2. PhonoBrainer


    Incredibly good slow jam, tasty guitar chops! But as :23 some nasty buzz/hiss shows up, then stays until the horn solo. Worth a check! Wonderful tune! Great feel! cheers, -Tom
  3. Love the big AC/DC vibe! But good lord just listening to that excellent vocal makes MY throat hurt! You must have some incredible pipes to maintain that! Well done! More bass, yes please! cheers, -Tom
  4. I like this a lot! Trappish ambient fun. For variation, I think the authentic hand claps could drop out, or be messed with ocassionally with effects. But by then you are probably adding a lead instrument, spoken word, rises, suddenly it's 7 minutes long . . . all that good stuff !!! A really hypnotic foundation, nice job! Your text has a cool glitch effect, how did you get that going? cheers, -Tom
  5. Nobody needs my analogies this morning, but What we have in this Forum is the Shire . . . thanks to the good Hobbits and the most often excellent moderators, wizards like Gandalf and elvish kings like Elrond. Without these fair moderators, and the integrity of the hobbits and dwarves and such, we would likely see the Shire overrun by trolls and orcs. Occasionally, in some other distant forum land, we hear of a moderator turned into a Saruman. Scary but not insurmountable. I could go on, but you get the gist. Take the metaphor as far as you want. To save you all time, it ends up with Zuckerberg being Sauron.
  6. I'll just throw in "tasty" and "groovin" 'cause it certainly is both. An awesome instrumental with a great mix and guitar playing is much better than the same with lyrics forced in just to have lyrics! My only suggestion might be some tom fills rolling around at the end of some sections. It was a very cool listen, three times! cheers, -Tom
  7. This ticks the boxes, enjoyed it very much, great crunch on the guitars and loved the rest of the mix! cheers, -Tom
  8. yes that's my aim as well. I bought Red Tenor and Red Bari. Lots of articulations!!! Seems to be light on the velocity layers, but ConFunkShun didn't play soft that much. The SINE player is a trip. Very functional but not immediately intuitive.
  9. Turns out you can get each sax a la carte. Go to the "Instruments" tab. Price per is a bit higher, but honestly I'm only digging two of them, the Red Tenor and the Red Bari. So I think I won't fill up on bloat. YMMV.
  10. Yes as of the moment there's just one promo video and the saxes are in an arrangement with trumpets. I thought the bari sounded great, from what I could discern.
  11. 4 saxes, no pre-made riffs, sounding good. Recorded fairly dry, for once (so they say) . . . OT is spendy - $212 intro offer (179 Euro) which is 25% off. Until Aug 11th. Any thoughts? https://www.orchestraltools.com/store/collections/duplex-saxophones
  12. Been waiting for this sale for 6 months. Thanks!
  13. I think the wait is worth it, I kept expecting a lead to come in and kick improv ***** but the flute thing was a bit of a letdown in that department to be honest. Other than that, the mix is very clean, I like the panning, and once the groove gets going it sticks with you. I love the dreamy blissed out quality this song has. cheers, -Tom
  14. These bees are killer! I particularly liked the background vocals, and I thought the lead vocal might be more prominent. I liked how you picked an issue of importance. In your chorus, that second chord is an awesome choice, minor and dark and unexpected, at least by me. Loved it. If you like to eat, you like this song. cheers, -Tom
  15. Love the composition and the playing soooo much. That floaty synth patch behind things in the more open front part was a time machine back to 1987 and the lights-out jazz world. Killer guitars matched up with nice synth choices. That sidestick snare in the front half of the piece kind of stuck out as a bit dull in the mix - that's about the only crit I could dig up. Super super job all around. I think your ending should be in a textbook for how to properly end a song. Wow. cheers, -Tom
  16. Is that an overfed Korgi? Not you, Kenny, you're lookin' badass.
  17. I liked the video for its melange of kitchen sink visual themes, and I think whatever mix issues people are mentioning could be solved more simply if you didn't call it EDM. It's a pretty good pop mix, electro pop maybe? Maybe the Addictive Drums hi hats could come across a little cleaner and crisper but as you said you are not being too finicky with this mix-wise, just banging it out, and I think it more than gets the fun across. cheers, -Tom
  18. Pat Boone, Smoke on the Water. My eyes, they burn. My ears are defiled. And just to make it worse, the main lick is played on a clean Tele.
  19. Remember, the Cake is a metaphor, for, uh . . . . . . as sung by a young Dumbledore.
  20. I bought the original but became quickly underwhelmed. They must have had an overly convincing presets video that sucked me in. Don't know how they upgraded it, maybe its better now!
  21. PhonoBrainer


    Waiting for some killer vocals for this well defined, modern chill mix. For me the hi-hat could replace the crackles in terms of mix prominence. nice one! cheers, -Tom
  22. First off I like the song and the lead guitars, in fact all the guitars have cool tone going on. I think the mix issue is the vocals, and in a psychedelic song like this you can really get away with whatever you want. I'm no expert but maybe look at the volume of your snare, and your vocal, and compare. You want both of those to be prominent, and that's hard because they occupy broadly similar eq ranges. In your mix the vocal is much louder than the snare, but you might help drive the song a little more with a closer balance between the two. interesting tune and good luck with it! cheers, -Tom
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