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Everything posted by PhonoBrainer

  1. I liked those doubled unison lines and the whole thing for whatever reason gave me a Grateful Dead feel. Pretty chill, sir! I'd agree the bass could pop up a bit in the mix. this song is a good example of how space in a composition can be very musical.
  2. Thanks Mark, I think the kitchen sink works because of Walt's guitar! Appreciate the comments. Thanks, Antler! Appreciate the comment! Good deal, Gary. I'm a noob who is getting slightly better at getting mix lucky. Happy accidents all the time! Thanks for the listen and the comments . . .
  3. Super chill, and I especially appreciated the video, and in that, I especially appreciated that food scene!!!
  4. As usual, really good songwriting and good chops on the instruments and vocals. You have the touch of song arrangement! I wonder if there is a compressor on your master bus that might being doing just a bit too much? Or maybe just the drum bus compressor? I think the mix could breathe a little more but I have no idearrr what you've got going. Still sounds great.
  5. My strategy is to come back here and re-read this excellent part of your post!
  6. Before you surf the real Kazoo learning curve, you might want to try the comb-and-wax-paper . . .
  7. PhonoBrainer


    Larry, when you are posting a deal, could you please let me know if I've already bought it before I buy it again?
  8. I heard Fender is buying video editing software next. Get ready for . . . "Fender Blender."
  9. In December, it'll be 3 Weiss men.
  10. Fire the drummer. Put out a large living room rug. Light candles. Wear a cardigan.
  11. Thanks Bjorn! Walt has the touch all right. Thanks also for the video comments, and its fair to say that if I really knew what I was doing with these video softwares, things would turn very excessive indeed! so best I remain unlearned. I appreciate your observations!
  12. Thanks a lot, David! Appreciate it. IDK about "bezier" but I do know, I've never seen a sky that wouldn't look better "chroma-keyed" thanks for the listen and the watch!
  13. Hello again! Some of you may remember a cat named Walt Collins, he used to hang out around these parts. Cerulean Sojourn. Arcanor. Anyway, he laid down some Floydian licks on this one - thanks Walt! Would very much appreciate any mix or other comments, the cake may not be baked. Thanks for your time and thoughts! or Soundcloud for the audio:
  14. Hey little sister, hope you like funky avant-garde groovin' madness, cause this is it. I think this is the best mix I've heard from you so far, super clean, with all instruments present and well accounted for. Getting scary good. cheers, -Tom
  15. The virus doesn't care how big the city happens to be. Just sayin'.
  16. No problem, and thanks! The guitar playing is great, but I thought the tone could use more upper eq "air" . . . like it was recorded with a blanket over the amp or something. Could be the choice of microphone? That's perhaps a hard comment to translate! I don't want you to think I didn't like it, I did!
  17. Makke, this could really use some of that Scandinavian Surf Guitar . . . I'll ask you next time! Thanks for the comment!
  18. Thanks Mark, high praise coming from you. The soundcloud comments are off the chain! Super glad you liked it, thanks! Antler thanks! The glass breaking thing I got lucky with , I think the timing came out pretty good for some humor, or maybe it's all just weird. But thanks so much! Hey Freddy! Almost as much fun as one of your Florida blues songs!!! I appreciate the comments, thanks!
  19. Hi Andy, wow thanks a lot, really appreciate that! Glad you liked it. Thanks! Larry, if it's a cheesy opera diva in that movie, then that's the one!!! Many thanks for the listens! Craig, I'm off to check that movie if I can find it! So glad you liked . . . thanks!
  20. "Cosmic Dust" is great. I listened on pretty decent headphones, and kudos, you are not afraid to throw a lot of real bass frequencies in there! But it's not eating up mix energy from the highs, they come through quite clear. Curious, what is your monitoring setup, do you mix with a subwoofer? Super chill, great for space yoga. Nice! cheers, -Tom
  21. That was pretty great and reminded me of Rush, the cool rhythms and parts, but that's probably just my problem. You have a great voice and those vocal blends with bgv sound very legit and pro. Well done! The guitar work is fabulous and powerful for sure, but I got a little set back from the tone, which could do with maybe a bit more high end? The bite got muffled a bit, for me. very very good, thanks for posting! cheers, -Tom
  22. All things considered, this is great!!! The strings are clear and beautiful. What strings did you use? Wait, wait, don't tell me . . . cheers, -Tom
  23. Love this tune, the poppy 80's, the vocals. Maybe the drums could do with just a bit less presence when you are singing? Maybe cut the reverb a bit on the drums when you are singing? You could cut the drums completely from 2:03 to 2:06, let that vocal transition pop out a bit more for impact? Just a thought. Quite good in a 1986 kind of way - thanks! cheers, -Tom
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