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Everything posted by 57Gregy

  1. Sorry. We weren't emulating the Doors, we just had no bass player like the Doors. I think I've never played a Doors song in my life. Money? Ha. For us it was getting 3 eggs instead of 2 at Denny's after the show.
  2. I bought the Axxe from Coliseum Sound in Raleigh for $650 in 1976. With inflation over 47 years, converted to GBP, that's uh... 32 billion pounds.
  3. What is your audio interface?
  4. You should have fun with it. In 1976, I couldn't afford the Odyssey, so I got the Axxe. In 1979 we were doing a 'Doors' thing with no bass player. It came in handy for filling in the bottom end. You may be able to see the little getting started booklet on the left.
  5. I was visiting my brother in Milton, FL last week. We came upon this little music store and decided to check it out. I found this oddity, a Suzuki QChord. Not exactly a Keytar. I'd never seen one before. By brother bought a ukulele.
  6. Welcome to the forum. It seems as though you have "the drive up" in the old songs, possibly a VST, and when you record on that same project, you're playing through that same VST. In the new projects, you never inserted that VST.
  7. You can record the MIDI data on a MIDI track, which is output to a software synthesizer which is the audio track, and with a little fiddling, you can record that audio to another track during your performance. But why? The MIDI is there playing and you hear it, and you might change your mind later about what patch you want the track to be. In any case, you can patch the audio through to an audio track to record, but it's not necessary.
  8. I would use Expression to write in the tempos. At least they would be there.
  9. Let's stir up some jams.
  10. If you already have the synth inserted, you may be able to see if MIDI output is enabled (or not) by clicking the VST button in the synth GUI:
  11. I don't have Opus, and there are several ways to insert a synth. When using the method I like, Insert at the top, this box opens:
  12. See if "Enable MIDI Output" is set for the Opus instrument when you insert it.
  13. This indoor/outdoor bluetooth speaker was a prize on The Price Is Right this morning.
  14. Also, you can set the cursor where you want it and then go to the top, Project>Insert Time/Measures and select the amount you want to be inserted. Click Ok and all the tracks will move the desired amount.
  15. Here I created a bus, F, routed some audio to it, exported it.
  16. I'm pretty sure you can select which track or bus to export from.
  17. Welcome to the forum. What is that track's output set to?
  18. You can delete the question using Edit and backspacing/select>cut if you want to. Cakewalk uses the 'all knowledge is good' process and want to leave it all there for our posterity, the problems and solutions, even if the solution is "I watched a video". 😁
  19. Welcome to the forum. Can you describe how you're moving the notes, whether they're single notes or chords, notes from multiple tracks or single tracks, what software synthesizers you're using, if any, and what hardware you have making the sound. If you can let us know what your preferences are for playback and recording timing masters, that's good information.
  20. If the Master bus is the last stop of all tracks and busses before going to the Main output (Speaker), then it shouldn't matter. They should be identical.
  21. While the title of this forum is "Instruments and Effects", they're referring to software instruments and effects. Your best bet is to find a guitar makers forum and ask there. But, there are also a lot of guitarists here and you may hear from one of them. There is currently a guitar-building thread in the Coffee House forum here; maybe jump in over there.
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