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Jim Fogle

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Everything posted by Jim Fogle

  1. That's a really good video. It looks as though you put a lot of thought into it. It's difficult to determine what to cover versus what to leave out, isn't it. Silly question but inquiring minds want to know ❓❓ Did you record the audio track separately from the video? I'm asking because while there is a nice ratio of silence to voice over the speed each word is spoken is quite fast.
  2. Google translation: First tutorial of the series on how to edit and mix in Cakewalk by Bandlab in Spanish. Smart idea. Hopefully people that are proficient in additional languages will follow your example. Google translation: Idea inteligente. Con suerte, las personas que dominan otros idiomas seguirán su ejemplo.
  3. Here is a 1985 local news broadcast from WSM-TV in Nashville, TN. The broadcast predicts by 1990 the CD will be the primary source of audio for the consumer.
  4. CosmicDolphin, I appreciate you taking time to educate me. Obviously your production needs vary greatly from mine. Thank you for taking time to give me a glimpse of your world.
  5. Nice write up and photographs. Can you provide any "behind the scenes" information about the process? Was the interview performed in person, telephone, e-mail or chat? Who took the photographs? How did Music Tech discover your studio?
  6. It is great that the developers had the foresight to have a checkbox that enables or disables display of the start screen. The checkbox gives all users the capability to personalize how the program opens.
  7. @CosmicDolphin Forgive my ignorance in advance please. My projects are small so I don't have experience using busses or track folders. My question: Why is it easier to organize stems by folders instead of busses?
  8. The system in place likely is not the best solution anyone can think up but it is the system presently in place. The forum software allows posts to be voted higher or lower. The software also allows threads to receive star ratings. The dual approach CAN be very powerful indicator of wants or irritants with a little forethought. For example, lets say a user posts a suggestion that BandLab Technologies embrace using the animated assistant, Clipit, to help new users. Clipit information link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Office_Assistant It's likely the idea would be polarizing because Clipit was polarizing. There also might be a lot of discussion because many people would have ideas and points-of-view to share. Stars could indicate how good the concept is while voting individual posts up and down would separate the ideas from the chafe.
  9. Jim Fogle

    New Prod! #1

    @DenyT, I bet you'll get more plays once you post your link in the Songs section of the forum: https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/forum/30-songs/
  10. @puddy Welcome to the forum and to the wonderful world of DAWs. Like you I had not used a full featured DAW until Cakewalk by BandLab was released. There's a lot to learn and so little time.
  11. The bundle has eight plug-ins. From the Waves webpage: https://www.waves.com/bundles/oneknob-series#tab-includes I noticed the YouTube demo videos were published in 2014 so the plug-ins are five years old.
  12. @AntManB You can submit a bug report here: https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  13. The excellent Cakewalk by BandLab Reference Guide is a 2,184 page, 41.9 MB pdf file. While excellent, the manual has too many pages to print out and carry. PDF files became a de-facto standard because of the parent program's capability to operate on multiple computer platforms and the program's ability to efficiently store pages formatted for printing on standard page sizes. Little attention has been paid to formatting the content for display on multiple screens with a variety of sizes and resolutions. Last but not least. although PDF is a de-facto standard, it's not an open-source standard. Adobe may choose to charge for use of its proprietary standard at any time. Adobe recently sent a (printed) letter to people using older copies of one of their products stating (paraphrasing) update or risk a lawsuit if you continue to use the outdated product. My suggestion is for BandLab Technologies to adopt the e-book file format, EPUB. EPUB is supported by many e-readers and compatible software is available for most smartphones, tablets, and computers. EPUB is a open-source, technical standard published by the International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF). Here is a link to a Wikipedia article and a second link to the IDPF website where the standard is available for download. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EPUB https://www.w3.org/publishing/groups/epub3-cg/
  14. @CosmicDolphin I agree that it maybe easier to workaround your issue since it has existed for such a long period of time. But times have changed. Cakewalk management has changed and now is the time to see if you can make a lasting difference in the product. Why not give it a chance and see how the system works now?
  15. The Tutorials forum section fulfills the functionality provided by the "Getting Started" name. @Noel Borthwick please replace the current "Getting Started" link with this one: https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/forum/35-tutorials/
  16. Adding a sampler makes sense. An integrated sampler adds another common music production tool to the daw. Cakewalk by BandLab has the Matrix view to organize audio samples into a a song project. The Browser view has a player to audition audio samples. The base program has the capability to record audio. All the needed component parts to create a sampler are already in place. The parts just need to be organized or combined into a recognizable whole. Having an integrated solution usually is better than depending on an outside source.
  17. The subject of the post kind of shifted from a request to add the capability to place a 64th or 128th note in staff view to Gibson's rebuke of Overture. I like the original idea of adding capability to the staff view. The forum recently had a BandLab sponsored poll asking for user feedback in setting future development priorities. Audio editing received the highest rating but MIDI editing was not far behind. Perhaps now is a good time to revisit this subject.
  18. @Jeffrey Benson and @CosmicDolphin, Have either of you submitted a support request here? https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new Jeffrey you have a project actively exhibiting the issue. CosmicDolphin seems to also be able to easily induce the symptom. Your projects might provide support with the data needed to minimize the symptom or resolve the root issue. Chances are even though your symptoms are similar they may be caused by different underlying issues. Cakewalk by BandLab appears to place a high priority on resolving underlying root causes that create issues that have simmered long term. However, they need help both with identifying the symptoms and acquiring product that exhibit defined symptoms. Helping them helps all CbB users.
  19. I had not thought of the question with reactions as you stated until you brought it up. Thanks for the follow up response! Your suggestion makes great sense in that respect.
  20. And the resolution is . . . . .?
  21. I thought that is what the "Rate this Topic" star system was for.
  22. The discussion of the 144 different record configurations comes to mind. If that is not something that's in dire need of simplification, I'm not sure what is.
  23. msmcleod, I agree there are some good tutorial videos out there. There are just so many and, for a beginner, how do they separate the good from the so-so? As you mentioned, there is only so much time. I don't know if YouTube has a way to boost search results but I suspect there is. It would be nice if the Bandlab and ChernobylStudios video series popped up at the top of any search list when the terms daw or recording are used. Base 57, I stand corrected about my examples. Thank you for pointing out my errors. Sometimes my zesl to make a point gets in the way of my thinking!
  24. Bingo! The instructional YouTube videos created by Bandlab, ChernobylStudios and some other creators are great. But there are so many of them. Who has time to churn through all of them? The Cakewalk by Bandlab Reference Manual is wonderful but asking anyone to become familiar with 2,184 pages is a reach. I find the program to be very intimidating. Simple editing tasks like highlight, cut, copy, delete, paste and move that are intuitive and easy to perform in other programs like Audacity are not listed in the menu and do not follow keystroke combinations used in any other program that I know of. The Control Bar defaults enable too much stuff. I would love for the developers, a very knowledgeable user, or third party like Groove3 create templates with lenses that focus on performing specific tasks. Tasks I would like to see include: Installing an audio interface, installing a MIDI interface, using the built-in audio features on a laptop (microphone, headphones, USB mic, USB headphone). The next step is recording audio, recording MIDI and playback. Then there is importing files and creating projects. Next is editing, then adding effects, then using groove clips. In other words, baby steps. Don't assume anything. Use lenses and screensets to create demo project templates where the Control Bar and screens have only what is needed to perform each task displayed. There are a lot of people interested in creating music, recording and audio production that DO NOT KNOW how to get started. Cakewalk by Bandlab needs to be the Windows product everyone first thinks of when the subject of computer recording is brought up. The product is feature rich enough that it can grow as a user progresses.
  25. Is it possible the difference is the older stuff was 32 bit and CbB is 64 bit? Does the FTP require a driver? Is it up to date?
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