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Everything posted by kitekrazy

  1. Please copy and enter this during the checkout here: The rest is blank OK now I figured it out. As one who has a zillion synths and too many Kontakt libraries I wonder if I should even install this.
  2. I think I upgraded mine and it was under $5.
  3. Resolutions are overrated. I often wondered who started that nonsense anyway. I guess mine would be not to buy anymore DAW stuff the rest of 2022. Somehow this will send telepathic waves to some developer and make it challenging. To only make it worse there will be 19 posts with the oohs and aahs to add to the peer pressure. Those who make music spend hardly anytime on forums.
  4. https://www.sweetwater.com/c1075--Harmonicas?highlight=Bluesband7&mrkgadid=&mrkgcl=28&mrkgen=&mrkgbflag=&mrkgcat=&acctid=21700000001645388&dskeywordid=92700073385564753&lid=92700073385564753&ds_s_kwgid=58700008069260217&ds_s_inventory_feed_id=97700000007215323&dsproductgroupid=1798710459014&product_id=Bluesband7&prodctry=US&prodlang=en&channel=online&storeid=&device=c&network=u&matchtype=&adpos=largenumber&locationid=9030132&creative=625135836145&targetid=pla-1798710459014&campaignid=18467073279&awsearchcpc=&gclid=CjwKCAiA2L-dBhACEiwAu8Q9YH8ai5vFA5_UECPUG4voWcG68yVUDXKZV1M3FMNQXv8hkbbDDrfsThoChxkQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds $10 more and get the real thing. I wold imagine it must be difficult to emulate the real thing.
  5. After wasting $20 on the flute I'm afraid to chance another Claire library not named the alto flute. The VI Control attitude is it was only $20 but it wasn't always that price. I guess it was pointed out when the library came out the C4-C5 sounded like an oboe and they blew it off. I don't know how much mixing one can do to but it sounds like they replaced those sounds with an oboe. I have to flutes with B foots and there is no way I could duplicate that sound on the Claire Flute. How I finally come to that point where some users avoid 8dio. If one were to do a mockup of Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun, use the Claire flute and someone would say it doesn't start with an oboe. If one were to do a flute in a non orchestra setting you would have to use the Claire alto and the Claire flute to make it sound right. Yeah it's $20 but there is lower price stuff that doesn't sound like shit either. This one does. I was surprised no one bothered to bring this up again on the "experts" forum.
  6. I almost feel bad using that to low ball a developer who already low balls his prices. But buying is more like a charity since I don't need another plugin. I'm thinking of getting Butterfly. I like the lack of DRM, no limit license, putting up walkthrough videos.
  7. I use a TV. You have more options as inputs. I still use video cards that have VGA or DVI outputs.
  8. https://www.gog.com/en/game/daymare_1998 BTW if you have never played the Witcher https://www.gog.com/en/game/the_witcher_3_wild_hunt_game_of_the_year_edition One of the best video games around.
  9. The complete battery kit for $15.60.
  10. Pass - No Paypal. Usually a $1 purchase online triggers a security alert for your credit card.
  11. Maybe it's me but I think the flute sounds like oboe patches were used instead in the low register. A flute should not have a nasal sound in the low register. Major disappointment.
  12. This one is great You'll love the surreal environment. This was back when games didn't have bloated system requirements. There are so many great games from the XP/W7 era.
  13. https://www.moddb.com/ Plenty of mods for Stalker, Half Life. and I see some are for the older CnC series.
  14. I got an email this month with a code to upgrade at 79.99
  15. Another reinvented wheel if you are not hoarding strings.
  16. Got Gig Performer 4 for $25. I don't really use it the way it's intended but it was worth it.
  17. Virtual instruments are lifeless. They are .....virtual.
  18. We seem to have this new family tradition. Our get together is postponed due to covid. Last year was my brother and this year was my mom. Maybe it will be my turn nest year. Not hoping on that one.
  19. Some turn it into a game and usually their posts are half assed.
  20. I guess it depends on where the servers are. Bad weather out there. At least this voucher beats the PA.
  21. You'd be surprised how many products I got for free just for iLok before it was a cloud. Many products are given away just for one to try an eco system. They beauty of Sine is you can get one piece at a time. Other developers should take note especially NI.
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