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Everything posted by kitekrazy

  1. Yep. I just pulled it up. It says what it is. It's handy if you don't want to use samples or program another synth for sweeps. Does anyone need this? I think the same could be said for the latest and greatest EQ but this one is only $9.
  2. Too bad none of it improves Native Access.
  3. Sometimes there are 3rd party security suites that do overkill on systems. This is just to unsure the best download speeds. No one does that stuff.
  4. It shall remain to be seen but I've read the EULA for Plugin Guru Unify twice and nothing mention on how many installations. I tried installing it on a 3rd system and wouldn't work. I will try offline authorization. Always annoyed the only way you can access the EULA is by opening an installer.
  5. I still have these wasting space. I haven't invested time to mess with them.
  6. I think it was too soon after having the TS Max deal.
  7. Oh wow! That's a first. More developers are into getting on end users shitlist.
  8. None. Many of us entered group buys from a deal from a vendor.
  9. The difference is a home grown transcription vs. copying a licensed version. Hal Leonard has to play a license for all of those songbooks. If one duplicates and distributes it then it is a violation.
  10. Please wait until all updates are finished downloading - mine seems to be stuck.
  11. I'm pretty sure they got warnings for copyright infringement at one time. People would take bought tabs and put then into GP format. They use to host those. BTW it is a good notation app for tabs.
  12. Hard to beat the IK version. Honestly a Mellotron is for nostalgia purposes. How kids listening to music on their phones say this mellotron rocks? Basicall it was one of the early samplers.
  13. Maybe it's me but having Arturia, the popular synths that start with S, opening one of the Korg ones that I have just seem uninspiring. Their eco system is worse.
  14. I think the clueless ones are those who sell a kalimba that needs to be assembled, Those buying this takes it to another level.
  15. You can sample it. Make sure it takes up 25gb of space and state it has 4000 velocity layers, true legato, and someone will buy if for sure.
  16. Hornet Song Key is usually cheap. Search the web for the keys of songs,
  17. Only through Guitar Center or MFriend with their coupons like 15% off.
  18. I have them but they are archived due to too many plugins. I like the simplicity but are they really better than stock DAW?
  19. Even though I have it thanks fr the reminder. Life is too short to go past the first page.
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