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Everything posted by Will.

  1. You have to save the workspace with the template. You first save the workspace and then the template.
  2. Project3.mp4 Project3.mp4 Still: Do that input echo off on all tracks. This works, it's always my fix to this problem. I don't know how and when this gets enabled when inserting an Instrument (My case with the TTS-1), but it happens. Project3.mp4 Project3.mp4
  3. It's more than X3. The move will be guaranteed. The fun part is, you can install Cakewalk by Bandlab on top of Sonar X3 and have both X3 and CbB on your system. How about that sauce for you?
  4. You've got the TTS-1 in there right? Turn off all the input echoes on the channels one by one manually. I've encountered this twice this month. It's always when I add the TTS-1. Not sure how and why it happened.
  5. Will.


    Guess who is 36 this year and been using Cakewalk since 2010 independently. HipHop/EDM/House/Pop - I've done it all with this in the box. Fom chops, PitchShift, Scrooge Voices - you name it. Forgot whats the name of this round spinning thingy. 😂 Yeah, I should frame this!
  6. The Inputs of a Send | Patch Point from an Aux or Audio Track dont seem to work. It doesn't force the Input to Mono as with Instrument tracks inputs. Wonder if this is a bug?
  7. Try naming them (You can copy and paste this) Tascam 1L|Tascam 2R|Tascam 1S Make sure there are no spaces when you Split/Create the friendly names between the Pipe Symbol ("|") and the last character in your desired port names. Not sure about the instrument renaming ports.
  8. This is exactly why I'm asking this. I go crazy with patch points. Anything from sidechain, isolating Drums/Vocals/Guitars or Reverbs. So this comes down to the actual question: Why does the patch have the LSR inputs but not from the send? Wont that make it more flexible? Meaning: Sending the channel straight to the L/R input from its send? It made sense at the time of asking myself this. (lol)
  9. I think: I know the answer to this - I might be wrong too. Question: Why don't Cakewalk have Mono Sends? UPDATE: I know why this was on my mind. So . . . "The QUESTION should be: Why doesn't the Input of a Send or Patch Point force the signal to Mono?"
  10. Being able to rename the ports - best improvement. Like the separator on the menu too.
  11. Do we give feedback here? Great work Noel. 👌
  12. Will.

    Instrument Outputs.

    Some good advice back to you: "Dont read too much in what was said." Neither was i | NOR | am i what you made me out to be in your reply. "Emphasizing" the message explanation I gave is not being AGAIN: What you make me out to be. You're taking things out of context. So i'm gona ask for this Q&A to be closed. Have a good day.
  13. Will.

    Instrument Outputs.

    Nothing whatbI said is WRONG. I've said it many times here - Cakewalk should not choose 16 tracks in the No of Tracks little box for us. It should just give 1 by default and let the user choose the amount of number of tracks they want. I know I didn't add screens shots of Split Tracks, but its mentioned. So no images here is wrong. The image above that say's wrong - thats what cakewalk is doing now and that is WRONG. The1st one (Correct) is how it needs to be display the inserts in both Instrument Per Out and Split. I do say that too.
  14. Will.

    Instrument Outputs.

    Again: Why are those menus of relevant here when it's not mentioned here in the OP. Also, that +250 mentioned is on split tracks. Choose "SPLIT INSTRUMENT TRACK" quick and let us know what you get. No explanation will be necessary as I know how split tracks works. The point of this Q&A remains the same. Cakewalk should not do that - the user must choose. Right now it's working backwards. Upon choosing instruments per out OR "SPLIT" it starts at 16 instead on 1 on "Number of tracks" as default. Let's not unnecessary break this into another topic or make it difficult as the QUESTION here is clear as daylight.
  15. Will.

    Instrument Outputs.

    Split it!!! And if this was about the browser insert I wouldve made the Topic about the brower Insert. No where in my images attached is a browser correct? So why you bring that into this? Focus on the insert spoken of. Split the instrument outputs Glen. Then you will get that 272 I believe it will give you - and I know I've said 256 when the image shows the instrument Outputs. The point is: It shouldnt choose these amount automatically. The user is suppose to choose him/herself - as mentioned in the OP. Also when choosing Mono it should only give 1 insert of Mono or the required amount of insert made by the user. The default number of tracks should be 1 upon selecting | and | not 16! This was explained clearly above. So im gona say it again: If and when an insert is made - only the required insert number of tracks chosen by the user, should be added with the output - not multiplying it. This whole thing is about when inserting either Instrument per output or Split outputs. The number of tracks should start at 1 NOT 16 or 12 or 8 or 4. Default number of tracks should start at 1 irrespective of the output chosen.
  16. Your CODEC 1 is your L input and the CODEC 2 your R. They correspond with the Input 1 (Mic input - L) and Input 2 (Guitar Input - R) on your interface. You can rename it. Yes. You can Pan them L-R too.
  17. I think theres a misunderstanding here. The instructions i gave was Mic specific. Turn your Realtek Audio Device on in Asio4All for guitars. That should work. Also make sure you plugged in on the right input of the Interface. Input 1 on the interface is for Mic and Input 2 for guitars.
  18. Do you want the custom track name to appear in the clip?
  19. Will.

    Instrument Outputs.

    Yes and No. Cakewalk shouldn't choose the output NUMBER OF TRACKS for us. What its doing right now: It multiply the NUMBER OF TRACKS on the output within it itself - 16×16 and adds in 256 tracks. Which I dont get. It shouldn't do this and the default tracks should always be "1." When selecting Mono/Stereo outs. When selecting 1 track of Mono outputs per instrument it should force the stereo channel to mono - basically just switching the interleave of the insert to mono. To be clear: Something I have requested a few times: I don't use the browser to insert effects or instruments. I dont like it, nor do I have inspector open. I only use it for samples in a floating window. So having the option to insert a "Mono instrument channel plugin" with the interleave already in Mono from the Menu above would be great. This goes hand-in-hand with What is Question in the OP. I know it sounds like a request. I first wana put this out as a Q&A to see if im the only one Questioning this law of insert.
  20. Yes. Seeing that you're using Behringer - it doesn't come with dedicated drivers. So what you also need to check is your "Mic Settings in Windows Sound Control Panel. Right click on the Speaker icon on your Taskbar, Select Sound Settings and "Sound Control Panel" on the next window. There you will find a "Recording Tab" to your Mic Settings. Make sure your Mic is enabled and selected as "Default" and in Asio4All.
  21. Will.

    Instrument Outputs.

    I just made an insert of a drum instrument (forgetting the rules) and it inserted +100 tracks. 😧 Question: Shouldn't the "INSTRUMENT TRACK PER OUTPUT" follow the rule of insert . . . when selecting Mono? By only changing the interleave? Right now: If you change the outputs to MONO it multiplies the inserts by the number of tracks you want to it. This is not suppose to be happening. It is not suppose to choose the number of track for you. The user is suppose to choose that him/herself - like how it works with choosing "MAIN OUTPUTS." If I only want 4 mono tracks out of 1 insert, it should only insert 4 - not multiplying the outputs by 4 | or | by the number of outputs the instrument plugin has. Irrespective if its a Mono or Stereo insert. Choosing Mono outputs should only give a Mono insert, basically just forcing the interleave to mono and starting with insert default insert at 1. It shouldn't even apply to "Split Instrument Track."
  22. I understand. When we do go there: can an option like that be added too? Giving the user the option to choose, if he/she wants the mono outputs first or last?
  23. Everything looks fine. You might want to select the Mono Outputs (tick boxes) in the send image too | and | bring the channel you want to record on to focus - by just clicking on it to highlight it.
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