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Base 57

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Everything posted by Base 57

  1. No, not really. Technically, an AC unit is not blowing cool air into a room. It is removing heat and humidity then transferring it outside. Adding humidity to a room is going to make it feel slightly warmer unless the fan is blowing directly on you. If you live in a very dry climate, those ice blowers may work ok. But in a humid climate, like here in South Louisiana, the last thing you want to do is add humidity.
  2. I would agree with you completely Colin, except it is Bandlab's own fault. They make this announcement with no product, pricing or even a time frame that the product will be available. Speculation and histrionics were inevitable.
  3. Probably a plug-in is in Demo Mode.
  4. Yes. I generally prefer this to trying to extract the tempo from a file. However... This is the part that can be problematic. But in either case it doesn't hurt to let Melodyne take a stab at it. You can always undo.
  5. I have sometimes had this work flawlessly with very little manual editing. More often it is an ever-deepening pit of time-wasting frustration. The best way to skin this particular cat is to just record the part again. Melodyne (Editor 5.3) works better than Audiosnap, If the file has clearly defined transients on the down beats and the backbeats, then either one works fairly well. The more syncopated your parts are, the more frustrating it becomes.
  6. Yes, you are correct. And I knew that was what he meant. I phrased my reply badly. I just thought the OP must have misunderstood. I only wished to clarify where the option was located, because...
  7. Outrage said it was at the bottom of the screen. It's actually close to the top. Uncheck "Show Update Notifications".
  8. I would tell myself not to check the Forum every morning for six months looking to see if there is an up... I mean a umm... Nevermind
  9. You can only dumb down the program so much. Learning how to work a DAW is just like learning an instrument. Practice, study, learn... RTFM (over and over and over again} Using the key bindings is always better than mousing around. That being said, I would be okay with your suggestion being implemented. I have Track Headers hidden so I would never see those icons anyway.
  10. Your next new thread title.
  11. Whuuut???? I don't think anyone will hunt you down and drag you to the gallows for not paying your WUP fees.
  12. Yeah but, Bob Seger had it right. "I wish I didn't know now what I didn't know then."
  13. For the sake of clarity, I'll repeat myself... " I never use the Start Screen." In my mind it is a redundant graphic to help noobs find their way around the program. Absolutely nothing wrong with that but, the current functionality works for me. If it were to be changed... I will adapt.
  14. You are, of course, correct in your observation. But I would prefer that it not be changed. When I want to create a new project using my default template, I use Cntrl-N. If I want a new project with a different template, I use File-New. I never use the Start Screen.
  15. For Wind-up, you could put Vinyl on a reversed copy of the clip. Automate the Wind down button, bounce the clip, reverse it again and cross fade it into the original clip.
  16. But you can't record heavy metal in Dubly.
  17. I have an Iconnectivity Mio XL. It connects through ethernet. Super fast. Works great once you understand RTP Midi.
  18. A relatively inexpensive way to add hardware FX to a studio rig is the Behringer XR12 ($419 at Sweetwater). Sure, it is actually a digital mixer, but it works great as a multi-channel FX unit. 12 inputs, 6 outputs 4 separate FX channels, and has dynamics and EQ on all inputs and outputs.
  19. Base 57

    Size of cakewalk setup

    Stop that download. Something is very wrong. The Cakewalk installer is nowhere near that large. Contact support. Then create a new thread. Someone will help you.
  20. Base 57

    A minor nuisance

    We need more options for the "Like" button.
  21. FWIW... The date a file was created and the date it was last modified are integral parts of a file's properties. So, adding either of those to a file name is only for people who are members of the department of redundancy department.
  22. As you have found, new Step Sequencer patterns always land in the 1st take lane. My workaround is to Shift+Drag any previous patterns to the 2nd take lane before adding new patterns. You can build as many layers as you wish this way.
  23. The track is selected but there is no data in the track in the selected time to delete. Ripple edit was implemented specifically for this problem. Don't forget to turn it off after.
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