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Everything posted by chris.r

  1. If you want both, go for Fabfilter now, as they don't do sales frequently. iZotope do much often so you can get them on the next sale... EDIT: very soon
  2. I think it's already covered by many and there's no need for special research and tech, like the one from IK to recreate vintage gear. Digital delay can be programmed by anyone, and many can do well. Where IK is good at is cloning that vintage gear, and only few do it so well. Let them clone!
  3. Thanks, as I hate to have to click and go there, somewhere, just to check the price, since we've been already given so much information in the OP.
  4. Oooh 😍 been waiting almost too long for this one particularly. Without even testing it yet, what I can say about it: I like the look and most importantly the sound, quality of this or the Sunset Studio reverb are without question. What I dislike is the resources it takes to operate, high CPU is (almost) fine as long as it brings the details of an analog gear but the insane amount of space (over 1.5 gigs for a bunch of plugins), really? I mean really? And the high price... but there's a remedy, need to wait for another group buy which makes it reasonable, luckily I have time. For me a must have .
  5. Well yes, we have it in Cakewalk once you change the focus to gain envelope but then the waveform becomes greyed out and of course there comes additional clickology so you can't do a quick clip gain change of a small selection in one-two clicks. And when focus set to clips, having ctrl+drag to adjust clip gain is so brilliant, but not having the additional possibility for selecting just a fragment of a clip and ctrl+drag to change clip gain of only the selection, is a missed opportunity imo. Studio One is not my thing as I need so much more in MIDI department but I really enjoy their excellent workflow ideas.
  6. That dropdown with option for creating a bus is brilliant.
  7. Custom bindings, you mean the ones done in preferences>keybindings? After I saw that Ctrl+Alt+Spacebar binding is not availabe I thought that the other spacebar bindings aren't as well, but I just checked again and all the other spacebar bindings are available in preferences, so I may give them a try. I start thinking that this Ctrl+Alt+Spacebar one is simply overlooked, it used to be Ctrl+Spacebar back in the X1 days. Perhaps worth of reporting.
  8. That makes a sense. About Ctrl+spacebar and alt+spacebar, do you think, if I assign them to other functions, am I risking any conflict in Cakewalk? My goal is: Alt+Spacebar = stop with Now marker Ctrl+Spacebar = play events step by step Ctrl+Alt (or something else)+Spacebar = preview arrangement
  9. Tried to search for it but failed Anyone? If I want to change the shortcuts to: Alt+Spacebar = stop with Now marker Ctrl+Spacebar = play events step by step Ctrl+Alt (or something else)+Spacebar = preview arrangement Is that possible to change in cakewalk shortcuts? How?
  10. Yes, but clip can have only one gain envelope, as fas as I'm aware. And we already have this brilliant Ctrl+drag shortcut to adjust the clip gain without even changing the focus. And I'm only about a quick gain fix when's necessary rather than heavy workload with all the different envelopes, something like dragging just the selection here:
  11. If "worked outside of the clip gain envelope" means without switching focus to clip automation, then yes, I was asking for this as well! I wouldn't trouble them guys but since we already can do ctrl+drag to change the clip gain in focus to clips, it's just a matter to add the option to when there is a selection then affect only the selected area. That's one of three clicks less when doing quick gain-fix, basically 33% less clicking in the workflow . Come on guys, look the new version 5 of Studio One how easy you do this gain fix there, they allow even transform tool on the envelopes 😲.
  12. How about Ctrl(or other modifier)+click on plugin's on/off to turn on/off all plugins in the same row (in console)? This makes setting plugins order in every track the adequate way on the user, since we cannot put plugins freely in slots the arbitrary way in Cakewalk.
  13. https://www.ikmultimedia.com/news/?item_id=9701 MODO DRUM SE offers all of the features and the fully functional physical modeling engine of MODO DRUM along with two popular drum kits: Jazzy and Studio. You can still adjust every element of the sound on the fly while controlling the entire act of playing drums – kit, play style, sticks, room and FX. Fine tune your kit, and experience some of the most realistic drums on your tracks. MODO BASS SE also offers all of the features and the fully functional physical modeling engine of MODO BASS along with two great basses: 60’s P-Bass + 70’s P-Bass. You're still in full control of your electric bass sound and playability with all of the features of the full MODO BASS. Choose the playing style, and control all aspects of playing the electric bass from the player to the instrument and even the amp and FX. Add a piezo to the sound, use differently-aged and different types of strings, move the player's hand (or the bass pickup!) and much more. MODO DRUM SE and MODO BASS SE are now available for only $/€149.99 each. Buy MODO DRUM SE now https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/index.php?A=modo-drum-se Buy MODO BASS SE now https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/index.php?A=modo-bass-se _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ was waiting till somebody mention these, most probably Peter, but he said he's busy recently didn't see (or missed) the info on whether it's possible to buy additional kits/basses once you buy into these or you're screwed basically being left with only two
  14. Hopefully there will be no loss of order history.
  15. exactly, I was buying fulltone with putting this beautiful chorus over my rhodes and dx pianos in mind but they are vsts and are supposed to be treated as stereo sound generators and only after the purchase I discovered that this scenario has probably not been considered for Amplitube what a bummer
  16. Thanks @Zo, TERC chorus is a rack module. Yes, I can see a copy/paste now but that would mean one instance would modulate the left and another the right channel, separately. But what about the stereo image, will both instances work perfectly in phase? I'm not sure I liked what I hear. I spent a lot time trying to figure out the way to send stereo signal to a single TERC instance, and searching the manual, with no luck. Will test more tomorrow.
  17. I know it's not the best forum for this question but since I only visit this recently and you, who know Amplitube better than me, are here too... is there a way to send a stereo signal to Fulltone's TERC (the Tri-something chorus) in Amplitube? I only found a mono-in. Thanks.
  18. And whoever predicted the release of Tracks5 SE should win a colander or something else.
  19. Makes sense although I've noticed in my T-RackS5, presets that make use of gear I don't have, simply don't appear on the preset list. Once I added a new plugin, I saw new corresponding presets intelligently appearing on the list. And there's the check box in TR5 to include/exclude presets by owned modules, very handy. That's two different approaches to presets from the same company (Tracks5 and Amplitube).
  20. There was an upgrade to R2 from Excalibur for $29 on Pluginboutique couple weeks ago. Could work for me, shame I didn't have money for it at the time.
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