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Everything posted by chris.r

  1. Which one is the setting exactly in Play, is there anything related on the tabs? I see one in the menu on the left that's always checked when I load a new instrument and never get saved i.e. I turn it off but the next time I will load the instrument it will go back on.
  2. I started loving their walkthrough videos since some random time
  3. Didn't play with it for years now but I used to use the groove quantize with audiosnap transient markers with good results. I had the bass and drum tracks to be groove-matched so I simply extracted groove from one or more tracks that I liked and quantized other tracks with it. Need to be careful while doing it though.
  4. Think I've found a way out. Since I cannot buy, for whatever the reasons are, the ARC3 directly from IK store and use jampoints to further sweeten the deal, I figured out that I can buy just the MEMS mic from a local retailer or even get away with something like that for half the MEMS price: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Behringer-ECM8000-Ultra-Linear-Measurement-Microphone/dp/B000HT4RSA/?th=1 and still get good results, and then just get the ARC3 software as a freebie as some of you suggested earlier. I'm already in the group buy with a €99 tier so I get the feeling like the ARC3 software is right now wandering quietly into my account.
  5. Only now I've noticed that the monthly PA voucher cancelled the previous one effectively bringing the price down from 39,99 to 14,99.
  6. Already got blessed with one and could be used successfully on this offer. Huge thanks for a lovely philanthropist! What an awesome forum.
  7. Does it mean that the software and MEMS in the same box are matched? Or you mean it's global and I should just shut up and go buy any MEMS mic out there?
  8. Anyone having no use for his/her $25 PA voucher?
  9. Question to anybody who knows, for sure, whether the MEMS that come bundled with the ARC3 boxed are specially calibrated for use with the dedicated software? IOW if I buy the MEMS and the ARC3 software separately, do I loose that last extra step of polish like a bundled mic calibration?
  10. Is it worth waiting for it to go on sale? Get this or IK ARC3? I mean I am T-RackS user so the latter should possibly fit my workflow better, but does anybody use both and have an opinion? Thx
  11. They are trying really hard to do just everything to put me off from buying from the IK shop. I wanted to buy ARC3 and make some use of my accumulated jampoints but then I'm told that they are not going to sell me any physical products below €170 so I went back to shop and added another item and now the next problem is that "Digital Delivery and Boxed Retail products cannot be mixed in the same order". Seriously, is it so hard to sell two items?? A year or two ago I was trying to buy ARC and at the final stage right after clicking the sort of "Pay Now" button I got an error screen in return. Nobody did care about that, never. Oh scratch it.
  12. If there will be hardware also in the GB then please consider allowing for picking it as a freebie and just let us pay that shipping charge extra. I'll be looking for the new complexxer and ST expansions. Also ARC cause I missed the sale on it a year or two ago.
  13. I'm not in hurry with buying any of the addons. Is it worth waiting for even bigger discount? Are they having any better sales during the year? Thx
  14. Wish they could issue another $25 voucher like they did last year.
  15. @Matthew Sorrels really appreciate your feedback. I didn't pick up any of the sale items but I have Ibrido Favola and just started wondering whether it will have same problems but didn't have time to check. I did upgrade Kontakt to 6.6.0 just recently but I'm still using the VST2 version for any major project. Was just not enough time to validate the VST3 version yet, in my opinion.
  16. Point taken. Although it is really hard to live a life without a grain of said snarkiness .
  17. WUP takers can probably afford Mac.
  18. I've got Rbass as a freebie many years ago. I think that's the only one I wouldn't be able to replace if I ever decided to jump the Waves ship.
  19. Guess they have just two floors in the building and and one of the elevator's button is broken so they're used to taking the stairs.
  20. Check in the Cakewalk preferences if you're running the ASIO driver actually and not WASABI.
  21. LOL yeah I started with T-racks v1 - the rack - something like 20 years ago. I had no idea what was what, just picked the first preset and it already gave me the sound close to what I was looking for. Had to tweak it a little more for the next couple weeks (the classics have not so obvious controls at least to me) and I was there. That way I got bought effectively into the whole T-rackS ecosystem. And that was in times when I had no idea about mixing. But it was just the rack so the 'problem' was fairly low, now I've got almost the whole collection more like 50 of them
  22. https://www.ikmultimedia.com/news/?item_id=11237 According to this website I already have it in my Sampletank Max bundle. How about using?
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