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Everything posted by Promidi

  1. You must have one hell of a Dropbox Quota.....
  2. In that case, you could automate the bus level (where the effect is) rather than the send level of the track. That being said, most effects do have a wet level control that could also be automated.
  3. Probably because the 9th generation CPU is so efficient that it does not really need hyperthreading. That being said, if it's available, you still might want to enable it - even if "hyperthreading has little to no impact on DAW production" I am thinking that there are likely many other processes that are running on a typical Windows 10 PC that can and does benefit from hyperthreading.
  4. One thing I can suggest is that you disable every solitary power saving feature you can find. Speedstep (sometime called EIST), C-States, USB power management - lose all of it. Set CPU min and Max to 100% in WIndows power settings. Use highest performance power settings. If you have an Nvidia card, set Power Management Mode to "prefer Maximum Performance in 3d settings...(Remember, some plugins use the GPU for any dynamic GUIs - melda plugins do this) Another thing, is fully patch your PC. Make sure you always use the latest drivers for all hardware (Video, network, Audio interface - everything). Do all this before installing CbB. Disable any audio devices you don't use. Settle on a sample rate and set every audio device you do use (and have enabled) to that sample rate - even in Windows Control Panel sound settings. Obviously use ASIO for your main audio interface. Avoid ASIO4ALL like the plague. Others will have further suggestions.
  5. One way I can think of is set up a bus (or an AUX track) with the given effect on it. Then, for the track that you want to effect on, automate the send level to that bus (which has the actual effect. I say to adjust the send level rather than simply disabling the VST is because disabling the VST would cause an abrupt silencing of a reverb tail for example. Others may have other methods.
  6. I have configured my Windows updates so that Microsoft never updates any drivers on Patch Tuesday. I like to manage drivers myself - for this very reason.
  7. I notice 13.04 has been pulled, so especially if you have this version you might want to upgrade.
  8. Note: Works only with the full version of Kontakt or higher
  9. Blue screens are either a driver issue or hardware failture. Initially I was going to suggest that maybe a driver was updated when Windows perform its update. That is until I read about corrupted files. Maybe have a look at the SMART info for your system drive. Can you check your system event viewer for disk errors (like bad blocks)
  10. That sounds like something that would have to be sorted at your end - either your router or your ISP or even your PC itself... I have yet to have an issue downloading Cakewalk by Bandlab using Bandlab assistant.
  11. It must be only certain Nvidia Video cards. I have one (an MSI GTX960, not over clocked) and I am not getting any latency issues in CbB. In my Nvidia control Panel - Manage 3D settings, I have my Power management mode set to Prefer Maximum Performance. I actually measured the current draw between modes and it was only a 3 watt difference. In fact, all power saving features on my PC are disabled. Those settings are really only for notebooks when battery life might be important (or maybe for those where power costs are insane).
  12. This is done by editing your %APPDATA%\cakewalk\Cakewalk Core\cakewalk.ini file. You need to add WarnSilentBuses=0 in the [WinCake] section See: https://www.cakewalk.com/Support/Knowledge-Base/20090221/Warning-when-busses-have-no-output
  13. There are a couple of third party programs that allow you to do this. https://winaero.com/ https://www.oo-software.com/en/shutup10
  14. That's always an option as a test. However, remember there are some plugin's graphic User interfaces that take advantage of the Nvida CUDA. Meldaproduction is an example of such a plugin suite.
  15. Start Run and enter eventvwr.msc However, to Interpret these properly, you really need to know what you're doing. There will be many events present, even on a system exhibiting very little issues.
  16. Build 79 will be installed using Bandlab Assistant. I also do extensive 16 track MIDI only editing and there have even been enhancements in this area (Mainly with multi track editing on a single PRV window)
  17. There was an August Windows update as well. Check your drivers - maybe Microsoft updated those to generic versions. Personally, I have told Microsoft never to touch drivers while doing their monthly updates. Disabling all Windows updates is generally a bad idea - but I like to update hardware drivers myself by visiting the actual manufacturer's websites. This could also be a hard disk on the way out. Check your system event logs for disk errors - like bad blocks, etc
  18. Did you also install the 2019.7 Build 79 hot fix? The old April 2018 version "may work", but there have been many bug fixes and enhancements since then. I could not imagine going back to April 2018. Did you contact Bandlab support? https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new While I am not doubting you had issues, I have been updating Cakewalk by Bandlab with every update. The only major issue I had was with Build 70 in that old projects would not load. Cakewalk released a hot fix to fix this issue. Currently we are at Build 79. To date, this is the most stable version yet.
  19. I have never had a Windows update (even a milestone one) turn game mode back on. Mind you, if one is having issues, it does not do any harm to check.
  20. Depending on the soft synth. I use a hardware XG synth and all I need to send is RPN 0 and 128 x the number of semitones required as the value. Therefore if I want to set the pitch bend range to 12 semitones, the value would be 128 x 12 which is 1536 I enter RPN 0 1536 As RPNs are a combination of CC events, for the above they are CONTROL, not RPN
  21. As a test, what happens if you temporarily disable your Nvidia driver in device manager? Your screen will flicker as you do this - it's quite normal. Note: I am assuming your Nvidia driver is version 431.60
  22. Unfortunately the screenshots are too small to read (The forum reduces the size). However, what video card do you have....if it's an Nvidia, have you disabled its audio. Might be worth uninstalling and reinstalling your video driver. When reinstalling, do a clean install. Also, for what it's worth, disable your wifi card (if you have one) and see if that makes a difference. I have an Nvidia GTX960 with the latest Nvidia drivers (as of 14 Aug, 2019 version 431.60). I do not have a wifi card.
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