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El Diablo

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Everything posted by El Diablo

  1. πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯Oh if I add fire to this, it will make it better!πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯
  2. *snap* I thought you found a sell for oxygen cylinders. πŸ€ͺ
  3. You can get Super 8 with Komplete. Be sure to scan over the different Komplete boxes. I think I've got the Komplete Standard 14, but then I've also got Komplete Standard 8.
  4. I just post (not a deal) and ask this community for the resources I'm looking for. I have gotten a great number of resources for a Western Song I was working on. So, the help is here. As far as a library to pay for monthly, I don't know of any good ones as they usually tend to have loops or sounds for common genres and nothing really out of the box.
  5. LoopCloud is getting desperate. First they offer TimeShaper by Cableguys, and now this? I looked at loopcloud and they just don't have enough odd ball sounds for me to use. Their library isn't weird enough for my music.
  6. To create unusual songs that nobody else creates. I'm hoping one of my songs eventually hits the right listener and goes viral
  7. Ever talk about any of your music related topics and go into extreme details to a person whom is a co-worker in a job that's not related to music just to sound completely dumb to them? Then they go off telling other employees about your "insane" ideas and the feedback you get makes what you said sound pretty dumb as a result. I'm talking about if you go way out of the box, unconventional thinking...not your usual everyday music talk. You think the idea is pretty Smart, but you end up getting feedback that ends up making you regret even talking up the idea? Just asking.
  8. I am trying to do this Reverb Trick that Smooth Operator has in Soothe 2. it's just that Soothe 2 isn't doing it too well.
  9. FUSER by MTM maybe another option... I've recently asked a content creator what DAW they used with FUSER and they said Reaper DAW... So that means MTM fixed the issue I had.. I'll give it a try again as it might do similar and a lot less than the other options and I know MTM uses windows certification, because I've installed and tried other products, but never bought any yet.
  10. At $169.00 FabFilter Pro-Q 3 is starting to sound like a better option than Soothe 2. But then... does it have real time changes?
  11. I've done a little testing of Soothe 2, and it doesn't seem to be able to do the Baby Audio trick with the Reverb ducking OR I'm not doing it correctly... 1) Soothe 2 sits after Hyperspace (my Reverb and delay). 2) I side chain my clean vocal to Soothe 2 so it can duck the Reverb out of the way. 3) I send my vocal to the Hyperspace & Soothe 2 track. I just can't seem to find the correct mix of settings that would make any difference in the sound vs the trick for Baby Audio Smooth Operator. Tomorrow I'll try ducking vocal to music. I'm starting to think Soothe 2 isn't as cracked up to be what everyone credits it to be. If TrackSpacer has a Windows Certification and Kaspersky says it's good, then I'll try it out. As far as Melda, I'll wait up to a week for the price drop before trying it out. No promises. Right now, Melda is higher priced than Soothe 2, but Soothe 2 isn't showing the colors everyone is giving it. Now, if the plugins from Baby Audio or TB Audio Pro didn't have an installer, and just was a plugin like Hornet Plugins, I might try it. Since it requires to be "installed" and has no windows certification... Then I don't do that.
  12. Right, Melda is on my computer already. I do have a couple of their paid products, but I've yet to incorporate them into any song. Melda plugins tend to have a complex interface as reason I haven't used the ones I've bought. What makes them complex is how similar they are to each other. I don't know which plugin I'm using unless I read the title of the plugin on top. They really need to make each interface different so you KNOW which of their plugins your using! I hate how similar looking they all are created. Is there a way to create themes for their plugins so we can make them look different?
  13. I've downloaded a demo of Soothe 2... Kaspersky verifies this one to be legit: The other two plugins didn't have the "number of users" and other information that Kaspersky File Advisor gives me. I can't seem to screenshot the Microsoft verification screen, but Soothe 2 has one!
  14. TB Audio Pro DSEQ 3 doesn't have a Windows Certification either... Microsoft Smartscreen hates both TB Audio Pro and Baby Audio's installation file. So ...I might have to contact them to ask them about that.. or shell out more money for a higher expensive product for my high standards on safety.
  15. Baby Audio's installation file does not have a Microsoft certification. Microsoft gives a warning saying it doesn't recognize the file. So, Baby Audio product is off the table. On to TB Audio Pro DESQ 3.... hope it has a Microsoft certification.
  16. So... I can't Side chain ReaFIR the way I want to do this... So, next looks like I'll see if Baby Audio can do it since it's the next least expensive option right now.
  17. During my search... I own Sonar Producer 8.5.3, Cakewalk by Bandlab, and Reaper. Reaper has a stock plugin that does the same thing I think... called ReaFIR (see video). Although, I didn't see them use side chain feature in the video, I'm going to try this plugin first because I own it... And I'll create a video if I succeed at doing what I want it to do. Otherwise, I'll continue searching. I recommend you start at 4:00 for ReaFIR: I'm curious if it will spectral ducking like the others everyone has recommended? Like I said, I'll going to test this first because I own it. I'll keep y'all informed on results.
  18. From PluginBoutique's website: "BABY Audio's spectral detection algorithm adapts to your audio 44,100 times per second and automatically eliminates fatigued frequencies. " Does that mean it only works in 44.1khz?? Cause I use 96khz for all my recordings. From Smooth Operator website: "Use Smooth Operator as an intelligent ducker: If you engage β€œSide Chain” mode, you can duck your signal with the frequency content of another track in your mix. (Example: Ducking your bass with your kick as the side chain input). This feature is like a normal sidechain ducker – except it doesn’t just duck the volume of a track, instead it ducks exactly the frequency areas occupied by the sidechain track – in realtime. This helps you achieve mixes with less frequency clash between different elements." It maybe might be what I want for the sale price, but with a limit of 44.1khz, may not be worth it!
  19. Other than GAS buying, I've tried this plugin several times in different instruments and vocals. I couldn't never find it useful or understood why or how to really use it? I played with all the features / knobs, and it was like a distortion plugin. So... well .... I never used it in a song and I've had this plugin for a long time.
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