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Everything posted by GTsongwriter

  1. So... with default settings, I engaged all the AUTO features on each and rendered those files. I took snip pictures of the final output from the plugins (see pictures). H76 - stem_without_normalizer.wav MulticompPlusMK2 - stem_without_normalizer.wav I couldn't upload 96 khz 24 bit because of max total size being 4.88mb, so I uploaded 44.1khz 16 bit instead. Just note, auto gets turned off after you run thru the audio the first time. The static output is performed after your first "listen" with these plugins.
  2. I don't know.. I think I have both now.. LoL. Your talking about HoRNet Multicomp Plus MK2? The only downside of HoRNet Multicomp Plus MK2 is that it doesn't have auto attack / release. HoRNet Multicomp Plus MK2 doesn't have the "ALL" ratio button either which makes a difference in the sound! I will open up my DAW, and let H76 do automatic on a sound source, then set the same settings on the Multicomp Plus MK2. I'll render both and if Cakewalk forums let's me, I'll attach the results here.
  3. How does this compare to FUSER by Mastering the Mix? Cause, I have to do a lot of stuff to FUSER in order to prevent it from sounding like ducking. Does FireSpacer "sound like ducking" or does it do something special ???
  4. First listen. I enjoyed it! I don't hear many songs that use the piano like you have in your song, well I guess I don't listen to many songs that use a piano. It has been a pleasure to listen to this song and I'll gladly listen to it again!
  5. GT is the actual Initials of my real name. I felt if people in my real life ever wanted to research and find content I created but I have never published under my real name, they could find it. In an event in my life, that I don't ever wake up. I'll work on a version without the A.I. Kits. I have the original vocals, just gotta move them in and make sure levels right etc. This is version 2 of Where Love Resides by GTSongwriter. Version 2 adds motion panning, volume dynamics, and tames the kick and snare using Hornet Plugins new H76 compressor, Added Waves Audio G-Master Bus SSL Compressor for the glue, also used Mastering the Mix FUSER to blend the bass and kick together where they live peacefully without fighting for frequencies, and RESO on parts of the song where I felt it was needed. Version 2 added effects plugins: HoRNet Plugins: H76 Mastering The Mix: FUSER and RESO Waves Audio: SSL G-Master Bus Compressor and Brauer Motion
  6. I kind of wish I just stopped at the changes with the H76... LoL. After making that change, I could hear how empty the song was, so I tweaked and added more stuff! The only bad thing about going back into your mix is making more changes. I think I've changed it quite a bit since fixing the drum section with H76. It's actually for the better. I personally love the new mix, because the song has new instruments added, dynamics has changed, panning of instruments,etc. Same song, just more stuff in it now... LoL. I think I learned a important lesson. Get others opinions of the song before making a final post.
  7. I've bought it yesterday at full price in defiance of the coupon, today I'm using it on my snare, hi hat, and kick. It's really doing a great job on auto. I'll upload my Where Love Resides soon, so y'all can hear the difference! The song is blending so well!
  8. 8 hours to go! This is a absolutely great plugin, probably one of the best Hornet plugins has, other than the H76 which I'm really loving!
  9. I'm just going to buy it full price. I feel like I've been ripping off Hornet plugins over the years with the 80-90 percent off that I should at least pay full price for one of them.
  10. I'll be getting this tomorrow when I get home! My song "Where Love Resides" uses 4 HoRNet Plugins. I've posted my song in the songs section of Cakewalk if you want to check it out. I'll update my song to use the H76 to help tame the kick in my song! Two people already said I need to tame the kick in my song and it'll be perfect for it!
  11. I've seen it as low as $1.99 https://bedroomproducersblog.com/2022/04/02/punchy-worm-deal/ I would avoid anything made by WA, because they tend to be buggy and fabricated "too quickly". Most of plugins I have bought from them has been poorly made. So, buy at your own risk!
  12. Donkey, yeehaw ? I'll need to get listen to this on a better headset. My earbuds are probably missing so many frequencies. I'll update ya later... I've got to work and won't be back until Wednesday.
  13. Yeah. Listening on the Sony 7506s the range sounds right, but listening on earbuds does sound like it's missing bass. I'll have a listen on the Yamaha HS5s later and adjust the bass or add a base double. Yamahas are known for being less bassy, hence I'll add more bass to compensate. I might use submarine or R-Bass by Waves Audio to help. Thank you
  14. For some, Love resides only in a waking coma. Special thanks to https://vizzy.io/ for the free video editor to help make this a music video! Took about 2 weeks to create this one. Vocals from Kits.AI: I'm currently trying the $9.99 plan. https://www.app.kits.ai/?via=greg Female Breathy Ballad Low Electronic ^ I sang the parts for these to be converted. DAWs: Cakewalk Sonar Producer 8.5.3 Reaper 7.17 Plugins: HoRNet Plugins (The Normalizer, Total EQ, ThirtyOneMK2, HA2A) Waves Audio: Harmony, [NX Germano Studios (listening only)] Celemony: Melodyne Studio Cableguys: ReverbShaper JMGsound: Expanse 3d iZotope: Ozone 10 Standard (removed maximizer used Sonible instead) Sonible: Smart Limiter Audiobros: Children's Choir If requested, I'll post the version without the Kits.AI.
  15. The way you removed it... LoL.. that might provoke people further? Especially if they know the situation. I hope someone changes the topic when they post next... Maybe they'll over look it while skimming.
  16. The only bad thing about this is running Waves to install it would cause problems when your trying to avoid upgrading.
  17. I have forgotten this forums policy when posting angrily about a software I paid for and the government bans it and won't refund me my hundreds of dollars! It might be a great idea. I've already removed his name
  18. You quoted me word for word... Do you want me and you too remove it before it becomes trouble? BTW, I have never voted. I don't get involved unless it ruins my life like banning software I use and paid money for.
  19. At least someone hinted that when you say Sales Exclusive, it means it's from Plugin Boutique. I now understand why you do it per post instead of all in one post. On the phone, I can't seem to X-Ray the post before going into the post. X-Ray requires a mouse. Reason I hate Plugin Boutique is how frustrating it is when they aren't transparent on thier prices. You see: starting at $9, but when you go into the page is actually $99. The $9 is for a totally different product! It is so frustrating that I promise to never give them any of my money no matter how good a deal they have! Plugin Boutique is on my blacklist!
  20. I haven't recognized any deals from JRR lately, but then again, I'm only looking for certain brands I currently trust since America banned Kaspersky Antivirus, I'm only installing from vendors I currently own.
  21. On the website it suggests 8 core processor. I have a 4 core computer from 15 years ago... I was thinking of trying out the new Sonar, but with that suggestion, I'll stay with Sonar Producer 8.5.3 which still works on my computer without that high requirement. I use Blue Cat Audio Patchwork to allow me to run VST3 on it.
  22. Yep. At least he has sales, unlike Cableguys whos only sale is $10 off the price and a one time introduction price.
  23. Going to wait for compressor 1176 from Hornet Plugins as in purposely avoiding Waves Audio (as i don’t ever plan to upgrade) and I’m avoiding anyone that requires ilok (even if it’s computer only)
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