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Everything posted by treesha

  1. treesha

    Missing Audio Files...

    Try saving on the new computer with a new name or try save as with a new name.
  2. I use melodyne a lot. I would not say I use it in small clips to eliminate noise in between clips. I do sometimes use it on an entire bass track or lead guitar track without any problems. Most often I will use smaller clips on vocal tracks since not every section needs it. I'm not sure what you mean by the split screen? I always make it full screen when using it. So you can try using long clips and see how it goes. It normally goes ok for me.
  3. https://www.sonarworks.com/soundid-reference/resources/ebooks/ebook-mix-your-low-end-like-a-pro I just got an email with this link to a free ebook, no idea if it is worth checking out but I will have a look sometime, so fyi.
  4. Sometimes I play my bass, sometimes use a bass vst. In both instances I like the free vst bass professor it has l and ll versions. I use izotope low end balance and look for masking frequencies with izotope too. I do try to find the right sound for the song or get close to what works which can change as the song fills out.
  5. There are several documentaries about Bob Marley that I have watched. I have a vcr tape of a much older one I wonder if it will play after 22yrs in the desert! The ones I have seen include concert performances of course and interviews with musicians, family and friends. Other things/ themes are shown like Jamaican life, Rastafarianism, ganga. (On a personal I had the pleasure of visiting Jamaica for a month in the late 80s with a Rastafarian Jamaican female musician friend living and performing in Baltimore where I was in a different Jamaican-led reggae band on bass. She was going for her brothers wedding and needed her US recordings supplemented by some of her Jamaican musician friends/ session musicians on the island so we would pick them up and went to several major studios often (all but studio one) and I met some of the people in the videos and was at very non-touristy parts of the island doing things locals do vs sightseeing etc. so watching the documentaries brings back so many memories of that amazing trip for me)
  6. The documentary Joy Division…The film assembles TV clips, newsreel, pictures of modern Manchester and Manchester in the late 1970s, and interviews. The interviewees include the three surviving members of the group, Tony Wilson, Peter Saville, Pete Shelley(of Buzzcocks), Genesis Breyer P-Orridge (of Throbbing Gristle), Alan Hempsall (of Crispy Ambulance), Paul Morley, Terry Mason, Richard Boon, Anton Corbijn, and Belgian journalist Annik Honoré, with whom Ian Curtis was having an affair. hope you are feeling better!
  7. I find it helpful to make a loop region where i want to be working, then add melodyne to my clip which is in the looped region i made. It makes it easier to find my spot in melodyne when it opens
  8. And then, if I need to change something in the clip in Melodyne is there a way to go back and edit. if you render the edited clip but might want to work on it again, you can duplicate the track, then archive the duplicate so you have it in case you like it better. I have not archived a track with the melodyne active/not rendered to know if it is safe to do that. Or you could ‘ save as ‘ the project with a number or whatever and have it available if further editing is not better. I generally render before saves or archives so not sure how melodyne handles those.
  9. If you are using the wav files in cakewalk to play along with and they wont be getting any further processing like mastering etc, they can be loud but not to the point of clipping/ distortion. If they aren’t consistently matching up they are either exported at different levels or something in cakewalk playback is set differently or? I don’t know anything about exporting from fl into cakewalk. Maybe set them to good consistent levels after they are in cakewalk before you need to use them at rehearsals and save that way. Not sure if you are talking about inconsistencies within a songs tracks or between songs.
  10. if you are going to ask her to redo it, maybe letting her hear the recording herself if she has not listened to it, so she gets why it is not useable, and a gift of some chocolate might help too ha
  11. treesha

    NEED Plugins?

    I got vocal finalizer a while ago don't remember the circumstances, and I like it. I have used it on things other than vocals.
  12. Clever, and if from personal experience, you have my condolences! Really well done catchy song. The mix is good. I think I am hearing some competition between the vocals and the bass, like the vocals being in the lower range get a little lost when at low parts, I think the frequencies are close in some areas. A few esses I would fix if it was my song, I tend to focus too much I think on my own vocal issues. I agree with Bjorn that the chorus could come up a bit more too. Enjoyed it !
  13. I understand completely Nio! Most of my posted songs with my vocals have some mention of how I struggle with singing these days. I try to use many layers of backing vocals to help, and of course tune them with melodyne and just accept thats the best I can do at the moment. So I get it, and from what I can tell your voice is not bad at all ! I think many of us just dont like the sound of our own voices.
  14. treesha


    Hi David, very interesting piece with unexpected twists and turns and a bit of uncommon instrumentation as usual. I just ate a banana with yogurt so you title made me a little curious about how fish might be involved, sounds very unappetizing, so I googled it ha. Keep up the good and unique work !
  15. I missed your first version, not sure if you redid the vocals but hey good for you making do with what you had at the time (cell phone only). Its a good song and a good message. I would have the vocals a little more up front in the mix, they are a little soft in style and presence, and the ending could fade a little better at the very very end, otherwise my feedback is all good ! Enjoyed it.
  16. treesha


    I really enjoy your style. I was tuning into enjoying the bass. All good !
  17. treesha

    The Pleiades

    Very spacious and expansive and starry, enjoyed your ode to one of my fav constellations. Here in my high desert the sky is so clear, and I always enjoy when the Pleiades show up. I like your choice of instrumentation and the mix sounds great over here.
  18. Happy Birthday and many more ! I really enjoyed the song, how its structured, your singing, the mix, nothing but good! Keep making music and enjoying life, the best medicine
  19. The teaser video looks good, the darkness and coloration go well with the mood of the song. Look forward to the full video. Sounds great !
  20. I think it turned out great ! Good job developing the little idea ha. Haven't been able to be in my studio lately due to what I been going through (horrible wildfire smoke from a big wildfire nearby!) The mix sounds great over here!
  21. I have seen this and never figured out why either. After closing it there is no indication of any problem with anything. I always render my melodyne work and haven’t upgraded it in years it seems. Using studio 5. So I just close it and move on.
  22. Yes I have the spinning blue circle if cakewalk and any other video/audio is open. I don’t have it on the startup only if 2 audio users are open. I have followed the suggestions and settings in every thread here about other video/ audio wont work with cakewalk open with no success. But i also have the spinning blue circle along with not working which you are the first to mention. I have not so will try this.
  23. Memories of lugging around my gallien krueger bass amp and cabinet. Youth is good!
  24. Hi, I don’t have exact areas to tell you but generally the bottom of the piano roll diagram is where bass would be and up higher you would do chords and melodies. Of course the choice of octave areas is up to ones taste, like some bass is played very low others up higher. Just experiment to see where you want things.
  25. Sounds great good job making it longer. A few places the backing vocals are slightly off the lead, no big deal but i am nitpicky about mine being together. I like the changes and the variety in your vocals. “ It started with a whimper and then there came a bang”
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