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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Is that where the term "moldy oldies" comes from Shane? 😁
  2. C'mon Dave! Are you wearing a plastic wrap hat instead of a tin-foil one? Get your conspiracies straight: Bill has patented the app (patent # 060606), but Elon is the one who will be putting in the chip. 😉👍
  3. I remember when I used to think Musicians Friend was one. 😉
  4. I usually get my belts at Target, but I'm not sure how helpful that is... 🤔
  5. I particularly like the suicide prevention sign right next to the big sign. 😁
  6. I'd trade the gongs in if they would only include a squeaky-toy into the fakies... 😁
  7. Now you sound just like our so-called government Dave! 🤣🤣🤣
  8. Very! Was this on the album cover??? 😆
  9. In related news, the computer industry is returning to 96kb 9" floppies for storage! 😆
  10. I don't know, but the people who they get in their forum sure are weird! 😮 😜
  11. (Just keeping up with expectations! 😁)
  12. That would have been awesome, except it's actually a Wednesday... 😜 Now if you want to talk about 2/22/22... 😁
  13. So, would this be considered one bass or two Ed? 🤔
  14. I'm just glad I'm NOT your roadie! 😆
  15. Heh, I read that as "Young Fresh Felons" which might not be far off, ya? LOL! 😆
  16. Hmm... Don't remember that one. What album was it on? 🤔
  17. Is that an Alembic bass he's playing??? 🤔
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