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Everything posted by craigb

  1. One half of that ancient Chinese philosophy with Ping? 🤔😜
  2. No, but then I haven't had a dog for over 45 years either... 😁
  3. Now, now Kenny... As someone who actually used to dance at Chippendale's, I don't recall ever hearing about you! 😜
  4. First thing that came to my mind too! 😁
  5. I've tested positive for MOVID (motivational difficulties).
  6. Yeah, I ran into that ages ago which is why all of my stuff is kept in subdirectories of a couple of domains that I own. I simply use Filezilla to upload and link from there. For now, upload it here and link to that! 🙂
  7. I know a lot about those (and have a bunch downloaded and converted into pure .mp3's), but I'm mostly just talking about normal songs. Here's two that I used to loop years ago:
  8. Wait... You mean you don't keep ALL the images you post like everyone else does I do??? How selfish! 😜
  9. Well, that was more than nothing Bob! 😜
  10. Well, I wouldn't consider it as hypnotic as my first two examples, but it's definitely some lovely ambient stuff that I am enjoying! Thanks! 🙂
  11. Butt of course! 😜 Oh... You meant the group! Well, it appears you've managed to do something Wibbles hasn't (yet)! Found something I don't already have. 😁 Will check them out now! 😉👍
  12. 6-strings to 7-strings... Could be a gateway drug! Next thing you know, he's playing something like this!!! 😆
  13. Actually, the one above and the one in this reply aren't that hard to figure out; they're both very hypnotic. One of the first Cakewalk projects I made for fun was a loop of this below, just without the vocal intonements.
  14. Reminds me of yesterday's Presidential reaction to a Supreme Court decision he didn't like! 😆
  15. This thread reminds me of a topic that might be worthy of it's own thread. The debate between using a 7-string versus a 6-string baritone and a "normal" 6-string. I chose the baritone because I could play it like a normal guitar, but use heavier strings. I felt that going with seven strings might end up with a string gauge compromise, plus the whole getting used to having an extra string! Since the scale is longer to help with the bass, that also messed with the highest string. For me, I was definitely willing to lose the (minor in my opinion) bit of extra functionality to do a high lead while having the extra low string. My fun little noob song Berry Jam was made with the baritone (hence the name) along with a Les Paul for the leads. Please excuse the drums, I play all the instruments, but had only been playing drums for two weeks when I made this! I had started to make replacement parts when the shit hit the fan back in 2009 and it never got updated...
  16. I've had a few over the years, but just ran into one yesterday. Now, I'm sure there are just some good songs that you have to hear again, but you tend to listen a few times and move on. The songs I'm talking about I can literally loop for an hour without even realizing the song is still playing! My current loop is: Anybody else as weird as me on this??? 😁 (I'll post some past entries later... Maybe. 😜 )
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