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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Joseph-Ignace was a motivated doctor who was always trying to get ahead! 😜 (Sorry to make you think or Google so early in the morning! 😉)
  2. You mean these? 😁
  3. Hope the band can play again Dave but, more importantly, hope your friend beats the big "C!"
  4. Maybe your card was declined? 🤔 Was it this one? 😜 😂
  5. No, no... Having creativity and not being able to use it is a lot like trying to make love to someone else's wife when you have company in the house! 😂 . . (YES, I'm just kidding! *Sheesh!* 🙄)
  6. My "early access" Cakewalk software came on a 5.25" floppy disk... 😜
  7. One More Time - Ian Gordon Curnow (used to be the theme song for the sitcom House)
  8. They made a Remaster? Really? I mean, it's not like this album was very popular when it came out, right? 🤔 😜
  9. Getting this error a lot this morning again... Are we under a spam attack again? 🤔
  10. Wow, what a couple of ... er, nevermind!
  11. Wow, whatever those are, they look HORRIBLE! 😮 That said, the omelet is very close to how I make mine. Restaurants always try to make them big and fluffy to hide the fact that they're not putting much inside. I've gotten very good at making mine look like that picture except I'll have delicious REAL becan (or, sometimes, diced ham) inside with some extra cheese melted on top. I know I need to eat more spinach, so maybe I'll try adding some like they do. It's amazing how adding that revolting fake stuff distracts from the rest of the meal! In fact, I'm off right now to go make a becan and cheese omelet! Mmmm! 😊
  12. In the Ivy League prep elementary schools however, the correct solution is to gather the testimony of witnesses and prepare to prosecute the closest person with assault. 😁
  13. Ever notice that the guy in the game was awake? 😮
  14. *Makes note to use that in my defense...* 😁 But will Buckethead still be alive? 🤔
  15. It's always good to know the rules so you can break them when necessary!
  16. That, and most people don't realize how much all the frequencies bouncing around their homes keeps their minds active! I'm talking lights (you want dimmer red lights before sleeping, blue and white are very stimulating!), and all of the electronics (phones, WiFi, etc.). Now, for me, being the nerd that I am, I can get into a lecture about quantum mechanics even to the point of inquiring about or correcting aspects if I could! 😆 The best sleep environment is in complete darkness and silence, but I've had a few roommates that tend to sleep with their lights on and the TV blaring. Then they wonder why they're so tired in the morning! SMH...
  17. I've got hundreds of GB's of what I call brain/mind audio. Some of it is definitely designed to help you fall asleep. Ironically, I woke up stupid early (1:30 am) and am just about to go back for more sleep! (I did get a lot of work done though!) I'll see what I have that applies and upload some for people to try. That said, I've been really enjoying several YouBoob channels that feature background music for work and concentration (they're mostly Classical). Here's two: https://www.youtube.com/@classicaloasis https://www.youtube.com/@enjoylifeandloveyourself Oh, and for the Trance lovers out there, here are a few of my favorite channels there! 😁 https://www.youtube.com/@djmissmonique https://www.youtube.com/@AuroraMuzic https://www.youtube.com/@FlowStateMix I tend to download everything so I can play them offline!
  18. Sometimes you have to think outside the box! Squirrel!!! 😁
  19. Here's a picture of Eddie using a pick! 😁
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