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Everything posted by dubdisciple

  1. To each his own. I'm not buying a whole synth an attempt to tryvand convince you of something you clearly shave your mind made up on. I did once grab a wave cycle from serum and made a simple patch and I couldn't tell the difference. Sorry for your experience.
  2. I respect your experience but I find it to be the opposite. Some of the filters are literally the same filters from stand alone products that are well regarded. It has become my go to.
  3. And another vote for scaler. Basic usage of scaler is simple, but it has so many other usages like routing other midi products like ezkeys to snap to other scales.
  4. I tried to like it, but it had three big problems for me: 1) workflow. Although some complain about built in sounds in scaler, they are helpful during composition phase. Yes, I could make a kontakt template to route everything, but then i still have to jump back and forth between two plugins to flesh out basic ideas. 2) the results are random and often mid asf and mostly robotic. Getting something usable is like hitting lottery in my experience. 3) It seems to be overly geared towards EDM. I like EDM but only usable results for me were in that umbrella. I do occasionally visit it because I have found with ALL of their midi products, their examples undersell capabilities. It took me forever to properly learn how to use instachord because apl their examples were repetitive trance songs.
  5. I got it despite already owning MAutoDynamicEQ because it counts towards eventually owning complete
  6. Don't think I haven't thought of stalking Bapu!
  7. Soooo, maybe need is the wrong word. It's more like need in the crackhead looking for stuff definition of need. Don't judge.
  8. Does anyone else have a PA $75 voucher? I have a need lol
  9. I often find myself overwhelmed by MAutoDynamicEQ. It's too much, yet is not that intuitive when used for more basic things. Don't get me wrong. It's a great eq and a great budget alternative to fabfilter when on sale, but I honestly find myself using stock mequalizer for basic stuff
  10. I will say that the stream itself wasn't what i expected, but hard for me to complain about a free stream in which they are giving away a a product for free. I got paid in a sense to listen to three guys talk for an hour and a few things said were useful.
  11. The link was on during live stream but you didn't need chat open. In fact, for me it was the opposite. I didn't see link until i got annoyed with all the whining and closed chat. Link was on main section during live stream.
  12. I was annoyed too. Nonstop whining and disrespect. People were actually complaining they were bored
  13. I ended up getting it as part of a bundle or I would have never thought about it. It flies under the radar.
  14. Hmmm..maybe waves will come out with an Unlimiter to remove these limits
  15. I have only used this to "try" and found it to be very good. I think I just have too many limiters lol
  16. It really should be free to real time tune and harmony owners . Unless this has a detection algorithm light years ahead of other similar products, I can't imagine buying this. The hornet one (not to mention melodyne, crispy tuner , scaler and other products I already own) do a decent job of this.
  17. I don't know of any stock solution that does what Izotope does.
  18. I never got a few usable sound out of riser. Loom is one of my favs. I found vacuum pronto be ok but redundant
  19. That might be why I don't seem to have issues with Izotope in that regard.
  20. Nectar will do that but allows for more than six. It also will account for tracks with other Izotope plugins and do the same. I haven't used Smart EQ to compare workflow and effectiveness, but I find Nectar pretty intuitive. The Izotope system does allow for limited inclusion of non-Izotope products by using Relay plugin. What can be controlled via AI are mostly along the lines of relative gain and initial mix levels, but still a nice feature.
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