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Everything posted by dubdisciple

  1. I wo I just realized someone already beat me to it
  2. I still plan on listing instruments. Having trouble retrieving my password
  3. Funny you said that. It turns out i have another from them and they are all kinda similar. good freebie though. i will get this one and still post which instruments it uses
  4. I think i have this. Will check when i get home. If it is what i think it is, it's damn good for contemporary RnB and lo-fi. I'll post which instruments it uses
  5. I find rotary more useful for a mini controller too. The minilab ii is still easily available.
  6. I will not cheat on Izotope and Sonible with this Jezebl!
  7. I get you, but i think they are thinking of targeting the more specialized market of audio for film. Linux has a much bigger footprint in the film world. I could be wrong, but that might be the play
  8. Who said anything about business? I specifically referred to people already using linux. Again, i can understand if someone doesn't want to dive into that world, but i don't understand why it would bother anyone that someone else has wants to. Being able to use bitwig on my Linux laptop was a lifesaver
  9. I get why someone who is not already a Linux user would not think much about this, but linux users should be thrilled. Things change in tech all the time. MacOS is Unix underneath the pretty package and slick marketing. Android is also a variation of Linux, which is also unix. Chromebooks have gotten more and more popular and also Linux based. If anything we have seen that Unix amd linux have q wide range when marketes properly
  10. The fact that i can now have a familiar DAW on my Linux laptop and be able to work on projects without having to take two laptops
  11. I saw ARA and was disappointed that it wasn't an update to make ot more capable with ARA 2. I find it weird that pro tools was the last to implement melodyne workflow but somehow has more features available
  12. The DAW market is small but that is in part to there being limited quality options, especially with third party plugins. That may change soon. A bigger reason for the present is that Linix has a bigger footprint in the film industry. Being another option for film makers is not a bad strategy
  13. Yes and no. It is a product worth having in the sense that it streamlines lo-fi type proceessing. It does what it is designed to do well and fairly intuitively. You can do most, if not all, of what RC-20 with a combo of freeware, but you may find it tedious. I would wait on better price if you already waited this long.
  14. That was a deal with a company that no longer exists.
  15. I had to wait until i expanded my storage to download total max bundle and by that time some of my downloads expired. I still don't have full modo drums kits. Rather than spend the money, i just use other drums. Shrug. I'm sure i am not the only one who has chose to just use other products rather than pay for what they already purchased
  16. Toneboosters offers amazing value. Solid products that punch above their weight class.
  17. I like IK overall, but hate their installation. I think it's weird that folks are mad that freebie is being offered for 20 year old sounds most of us already own. Ik is constantly giving us stuff. I have lost track of all the ik freebies i have acquired over the years.
  18. Unless I hit the magic convergence of getting a $75 voucher while $99 sale is on, or they do the $29 sale, this EQ is never happening for me. I do think it is a great EQ and neck and neck with FF Pro, I can't justify spending that much when I already have: Stock EQ from several DAWS MAutodynamic EQ The eqs from Waves Platinum Hornet Total EQ The EQs from Izotope bundle ( neutron, nectar amd ozone modules are all good) SplitEQ The EQs from IK's total bundle And more I am certainly forgetting in addition to all the channel strip eqs Even reading this list makes me wonder if even $29 justifies it. The last EQ that did something radically different than others for me was Split EQ
  19. Interns take a lot of blame lol. I doubt this came down to a lone wolf negligent intern. These are not small companies. Of course it's possible, but I would like to think the path of launch, including price verification process is all on one person. This took intentional wording of launch to be different from intent AND an upgrade requirements also to be different.
  20. I think it was an intentional bait amd switch. No way to confirm. I think someone just forgot to add the part that restricted it.
  21. Your mileage may vary. I upgraded from 5.1 to 6 using this deal just fine. JRR said NOTHING about 5.2 or any purchase date restrictions.
  22. They work very differently. Audiolens is a tool for capturing reference foles to use in other software. Audiolens is not "better than Mastering the Mix Reference 2" but it can be argued that Audio Lens plus Ozone is better, even though that's not really apples to apples either.
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