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Mánibranðr Studios

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Everything posted by Mánibranðr Studios

  1. Well, to give an update, finally downloaded and installed everything, it actually works in CbB despite being on W7. Excellent!
  2. That's unfortunate. I guess they're no longer offering it, since I registered it years ago.
  3. *she I'm a lass :3 Also, IIRC, you can get the free version of ST2 from your account and it's worth installing for the free library included, and to compare how it sounds in the native engine and when imported to ST3/ST4
  4. Thanks! This is a pretty interesting collection of vocals.
  5. if only I could afford this while sales last, it would be nice to have Ark 1
  6. You can try the newer Breverb 2 plugin that comes with CBB. I personally can vouch for it sounding better than the Sonitus Reverb plugin, and if I need convolution reverb, I can always use the free Convology XT plugin and use it to load the IRs that came with Perfect Space.
  7. You'll have to manually add the second synth to the synth rack, create both MIDI and Audio tracks with it. Then shift-drag the MIDI clips onto the newly created MIDI track(s). You can safely delete the now-empty MIDI track.
  8. What exactly are you looking for? A list of key maps to drum kit pieces? Sample Libraries for Kontakt? Midi grooves?
  9. I think you may need to start with the pack outside of the Sample Tank 3 folder, likely while installing to ST2 first, and then do the import on ST3 and select the folder from within ST2. I did just that with the World Instruments collection with no issues.
  10. It's a shame I can't use any of UVI's products, I am still on Windows 7
  11. You could look out for when Scheps Omni Channel goes on sale again, it can do FET, VCA and Opto Compression, as well as Saturation, Gate/Expanding, EQ and De-essing There's also this:
  12. Another way would be to slow down the attack of the compressor so that some of the transient pokes through. You could always also do parallel compression.
  13. This is actually very nice, has quite the cinematic ambience to it.
  14. DeeringAmps mirrored my sentiments exactly, you already have a good track, so you can safely print it with some slight suggested changes. Cheers!
  15. This is quite a journey. It started a couple months ago as an example project to help a friend of mine learn to use Cakewalk. I decided that I liked what I started and decided to expand on it, and before I knew it, a 1 minute ditty turned into a 6 1/2 min long progressive trance track. I used a wide variety of synths, and loops for this. https://metapop.com/valerie-grimaude-valens/tracks/at-the-edge-of-reality-lies-oblivion/100793 Looking for feedback on this, mainly on the spectral balance.
  16. Yeah this does look fishy to me, a channel with only 69 subs, the Elixir of Stars video is unlisted on their channel, and if you go to the homepage of Design my Beat, Tomorrowland 2 Elixir of Stars is nowhere to be found.
  17. This Youtube search result should help get you started with extra plugins, should you need them. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=best+free+plugins+for+mixing
  18. If you can remember what settings you used, you can try replicating the effects with the included ProChannel modules. Almost everything the old XX-64 series does can be replicated with them. I say almost, because there isn't a good replacement for the expander processors that you can readily get anymore. (Unless you bought the ProChannel module before the Gibson shutdown happened.)
  19. If you can figure out the kind of compression the Dyna Comp hardware pedal uses, (FET, Opto, VCA, etc) and the settings like, threshold, attack time, release time, ratio, you can easily replicate it in something like Scheps Omni Channel. Keep in mind that it may also be using tube saturation in tandem for this effect.
  20. Decided to go back and fix what was wrong with this mix, mainly the fact that I'd been using compression too aggressively, and relying on them to avoid clipping. That really sucked the life out of the old mix, but now that I know better, here it is, for your enjoyment.
  21. Don't forget the ProChannel Softube Saturation Knob for no-frills, hard-edge saturation.
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