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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. Some elements of Frank Zapper in the lyrics, to these furry ears. Nice enough track if I had one observation the drums feel a little monotonous, to these furry ears they need some finessing. Good recording though.
  2. Please read the sticky at the top of the forum. Commercial and affiliate links are not permitted.
  3. Wookiee

    TD 1

    Thank you @Bert Guy nice to hear you enjoyed those fat synths, your ears and time are appreciated.
  4. @VSTBuzz @VSTBuzz Team please note the sticky at the top of this forum, this post appears to be a breach of forum rules.
  5. Wookiee

    TD 1

    Thankyou Steve glad you enjoyed this.
  6. Sorry just gave an honest answer. I also observed that it is good that we are all different the world would be an incredibly boring place if we were all the same.
  7. Wookiee

    TD 1

    The only hardware to suffer abuse was my Arturia 88 Mk 1 keylab controller, every thing else is software. You should see the scares. Thanks for the ears and kind words @MichaelJohn
  8. Wookiee

    TD 1

    Thanks Nigel much appreciated.
  9. Wookiee

    TD 1

    Thanks Andy, one of the fun parts of using b5 chords is that discordant thing that creeps in, glad you enjoyed this.
  10. Are you channelling some Hawkwind here? 🖖🤘
  11. I remember this from his regular show back in the days when we only had three TV channels or was it four. Not bad at all Andy
  12. Hum, err, well, can I ask is this a particular genre? I will be straight and say I jumped into it a little but was unable to finish it. It takes all sorts and without that we would be a sorry people.
  13. Wookiee

    TD 1

    Thank you Mark, I suspect that would be Arturia's CS-80 V it was his choice for horns.
  14. That bounced along pleasantly sounded OK here.
  15. Wookiee

    TD 1

    Thanks nice to hear you found this to meet your totally dope criteria.
  16. Wookiee

    TD 1

    Thank you Bjorn, exactly the mood. No samples were in any way used or abused in the making, just the classic Synthi as used by all to make swishes, swoops, falls and rises it is as if it was made for it. Thanks for the ears and time.
  17. It is probably worth noting that all mods are volunteers, who may also have been invited to the role having previously been mods on the old Cakewalk forums. We get nothing for doing it, we are not in anyway affiliated, we don't receive any form of reward financial or otherwise.
  18. Wookiee

    TD 1

    Thank you sir
  19. Wookiee

    TD 1

    Thank you sir, nice to know you enjoyed this.
  20. No Picts? Interesting experiment one is prompted to wonder what new meds? you may be on. Mix is not bad.
  21. Not my thing but the mix appears to translate well here at The 4077.
  22. Anyone brave enough to cover this deserve some encouragement, it appears to work.
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