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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. Nice Sailor55 I always like it when I have to reach for the volume control and turn it up from its default "Listen to overly loud internet music setting" . Again a very cool spacey mix with room to breath nicely done sir.
  2. Bob said it all, nicely done ØSkald worth a from these furry ears.
  3. Wookiee

    Our Humanity

    Always nice to hear a song from you Freddy, interesting lyrics, I enjoyed this thanks for sharing.
  4. Wookiee

    The Mystery

    Nicely done Lynn
  5. Nothing I can really say about this that has not all ready been said. That said I will say the furry ears did pick up and twitch saying hey listen you ignorant Wookiee. They said this is very well done, nicely balance mix with plenty of space. well worth a
  6. Not sure this should really be here in the songs forum Matheus perhaps the coffee house 2 would be better let me know and I can move it for you.
  7. Hot and wet mix to these furry ears, they also say the mix could do with a few tweaks as some sounds are a little wide in the mix though backing off the reverb may clarify it better. Thanks for sharing.
  8. Wookiee

    The London Way

    I enjoyed this because it is good and well written. I have to ask were you tapping your foot or banging the body of your acoustic? I can hear a real low thump in places.
  9. Lynn good to hear from you again, lots of good advice given above regards the drums which do sound buried here apart from the HH swoosh. Other than that it is up to your normal quality of writing.
  10. One of your better vocals John, though all your vocals are far better than mine mix comes across well here.
  11. When I did a search for the CONCRET140.DLL, Google asked if I meant CONCRT140.DLL seems to a problem as the search revealed this "Microsoft® Concurrency Runtime Library. ... For instance, a faulty application, concrt140.dll has been deleted or misplaced, corrupted by malicious software present on your PC or a damaged Windows registry" Might be worth running a virus or malware scan and check to see if the DLL is present on your system.
  12. You need some peeps to be bereft of life Michael? They only need to be within a Parsec of me singing to be rendered life less. 😂😎
  13. Add my vote to the leave it alone camp @batsbrew. The only thing I will add is this 🙂😎
  14. Wookiee

    A Blue Note Day

    Nice groove to draw one in, vocal well presented, overall mix come across well here, thanks for sharing.
  15. Hi Michael sometimes presenting a lot of tracks to be reviewed in one go can put peeps off, your choice but I would suggest offering one at a time. I listen to the first and the last tracks on Soundcloud. With the vocals, it should be noted I am not a vocalist as Wookiee singing is extremely dangerous to none Wookiee life forms, not so much for me up as more a little vocal riding to match the supporting music. The drums do sound a little mechanical this can be sorted by moving some of the beats a few ticks backward or forwards of the beat. Perhaps invest in either a quality drum sampler like BFD or SD 3 or look at MIDI drum libraries. WIll keep the furry ear out for more of your stuff thanks for sharing.
  16. Classic bit of Bob , mix is pretty much on the nail Bob, though it is very very very hot.
  17. Before this goes where it normally goes and peeps start saying things that may inadvertently cause offence then it is time to lock this one down.
  18. Likewise not seeing any ad's on my desktop, those seeing ad's are you using Tablets or may be a phone?
  19. I would check your Event viewer for around the time of the error John it may have just been a clash of processes occurring.
  20. Shame, off stage he was a completely different guy.
  21. This has been addressed now Andy there has been some issues with DNS at the cakewalk end of things. There is a comment from Noel in the main forum upstairs.
  22. Sounds better, obviously in need of your voice 😎
  23. Nice playing, nicely captured, though like many even the Shyriiwook translator could not handle the lyric translation
  24. Nice mix but the song does little for me not quite up to your normal standard sorry chaps.
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