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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. @thegaltieribrothers My thanks Paul, nice to know I meandered through your mind and you lived to tell the tale
  2. @DeeringAmps thanks for risking life and limb for sharing your ears on this.
  3. @Douglas Kirby you are most kind nice to hear you found it fun and survived.
  4. Another Wookiee vocal survivor, @ramscapri thank you, that SD 3 Orchestral SDX was just what I needed in my sound pallet.
  5. @daryl1968 you are most kind, at least you survived I hoped I had processed those vocals enough to remove their lethal element. ?
  6. Squelchy dirty bass is always a cool place to start a tune, The Entangled has the sense of experimental modular music. Are you using instruments VST or other wise, or loops or a mix of both.
  7. Classic Prog @amiller overtones of all the bands that had that style, Genesis, Yes, etc, etc. Unless I am listening to a remix, the bass is fine on the Adam's, a little more punch on the kick might lift it but not totally necessary. Nice musical journey with plenty to please the furry ears and keep the interested for the full 8:09 I like.
  8. Suitably furry paw tapping Douglas.
  9. Wookiee


    Nice but a little short David.
  10. Been a little restricted over the last couple of weeks following some surgery on my right fore paw so I have not had a real chance to listen to much, just using a mouse hurt. This has the Staypress sound and mix quality nice easy tune, thanks for sharing. ?
  11. Nice sound, nice easy tune thanks for sharing.
  12. Warning contains vocals that could be harmful to none Wookiee life forms. Inspired by watching our dog workout the reflections on the door to the conservatory. Ghost On The Glass
  13. I am not a country fan, not so much because of the music but the singers, (sorry country singers), however this is an example of everything that is good about country. This is nice I enjoyed the laid back groove and sweet playing BIAB or what. Thanks nice as ever Kenny. ?
  14. @Leizer Thanks for you kind words and your ears. The drums came from a Yamaha SW1000SG card.
  15. Thanks @kennywtelejazz you are most kind.
  16. @Ramesh Kavassery Thanks for the listen and comment, sorry for the small delay, had some surgery on Saturday that has left it almost impossible to use the right paw to type or use a mouse.
  17. I quite like the track Tom, the mix sounds well done but for me it does seem to lack a little bottom end weight. I can hear the bass and the kick but..... Nice tone, good clear vocal sound, thanks for sharing.
  18. Nice sense of energy and movement in this Kaustub mix comes across nice and clear here with space and definition.
  19. Thank you @freddy j I stumbled across this piece of history whilst listening to one of your tunes on Soundclick. Thought I should check out what I had on there. Again thanks for your very kind words and your ears and comment.
  20. Wookiee

    Light Up the Dark

    That was quite a pleasant listen.
  21. Wookiee


    The paws are OK but the damp is playing havoc with the joints.
  22. @Hidden Symmetry The title came after the composition, the tune grew very organically when finished it needed a title. Thanks for your ears and comment.
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