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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/21/2023 in all areas

  1. Just a word of caution regarding the update to Kontakt 7.6.1 from 7.6.0. On the NI forum many are experiencing high CPU loads and other anomalies. And i have experienced the following. There was an update to the Play series Glaze and Melted Vibes to 2.0.0 plus the Kontakt update. So I updated Kontakt to 7.6.1 and the Play series to 2.0.0 Kontakt then said when I tried to import both of these just to see what was different. Stated my version of kontakt was to old ?????? And unable to use them. The solution is to download from NI a retrograde to 7.6.0 This fixes the cpu issues and strangely enough both the updated Play series open in 7.6.0 The retrograde to K7.6.0 is available here if you need it https://community.native-instruments.com/discussion/17691/kontakt-7-6-1-update-causes-cpu-spikes-crashes
    7 points
  2. I have a feeling we're in different cohorts of users in UA... It seems the deals I get, you don't and the deals you get, I don't.. this doesn't show for me... although I'd mainly be interested in it if the vouchers would combine. With UA I've learnt there's no consistency and it's a bit of a lucky dip as to what deals you get.... you win some, you lose some it seems.. I lost this round so I'm ignoring them 🤣
    4 points
  3. I bought the GForce Oberheim Bundle: OB-E + SEM and that gave me one serial. On the GForce website I redeemed the serial by selecting "Oberheim - The Bundle" from the dropdown and that added three products into my account: Oberheim OB-E, Oberheim-X and Oberheim SEM.
    3 points
  4. 3 points
  5. Circle > Wheel Ozric Tentacles - Eternal Wheel
    3 points
  6. 3 points
  7. Best you might be able to do is $68 via Thomann assuming you don't get whacked with some kind of additional tax. https://www.thomannmusic.com/gforce_ob_x.htm Unless you're a gambling man and want to try what people were talking about on GS; buy the Oberheim bundle on JRR shop with the forum code for $132.61 USD and see if it still redeems with OB-X included. Worst case scenario, you would likely be eligible for the 39 GBP upgrade fee on Gforcesoftware.com after redeeming the bundle, best case scenario you get OB-X "for free". The bundle with the updated contents including all 3 listed on GForce's site is 169 GBP. https://www.jrrshop.com/gforce-oberheim-bundle If it doesn't work, don't blame me!!!
    3 points
  8. I am so sick of weak leadership leading to tragedy and travesty. I hope the mood(s) in this song conveys my up and down feelings. Music is my most efficient method of communication, and if that fails, then I guess I have nothing, The Middle East Dance - A new song in the classical genre. - Baselines Designs https://baselines.com/?p=6921
    2 points
  9. Ambitious? Perhaps. Challenging? Yes! There was a lot of mixing to be done because there was a lot going on at the same time, most of the times. I think mixing took as long as setting up the livejam and recording it. But here it is, a jam using everything I have. This will probably be the last time I do something like this. Sometimes less is more, and I will try to keep things simpler in the future. But this had to be done 😝 I need to visit the barber...
    2 points
  10. https://thecrowhillcompany.com/ Someone sign up n say me if it downloads https://thecrowhillcompany.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/10894018453148-How-Do-I-Install-An-Instrument-
    2 points
  11. Thanks guys Synth V is the vocal AI program. I create the background in Kaiber.AI and overlay the faces using HeyGen to make everyone talk. I'm using the free version of HeyGen so I get to create two :30 second talking photos a day. So it takes a couple of days to create all the elements sometimes, if I don't make any mistakes.
    2 points
  12. Basically up until OB-X was released the bundle only included OB-E and SEM. They released OB-X which is now part of that bundle but JRR hasn't put the price up yet. So when I bought the bundle at JRR Shop and registered, I basically got OB-X for free 🙂
    2 points
  13. I take no responsibility for that, although I caved as well and went from not buying to buying in a very short time... Glad I did though 🤣
    2 points
  14. Damn you all. I wasn't going to buy this, but after trying the code GROUP my itchy finger is now on the trigger...
    2 points
  15. This is exactly why I hate all those online/login authorization products! In the end you realize that you have bought a cheat package, because you never know how long you can use them even if you have a compatible computer system! God save Reaper, Mixbus, Klanghelm, Toneboosters, AudioThing, Black Rooster, Acon Digital, Audiority, Boz Digital, ... and all the free plugins! 😄
    2 points
  16. First, you're doing a great job of carrying on in Larry's footsteps! Second, there is already a thread created about this.
    2 points
  17. Here's Johnny Smith playing a little song he wrote 😉 His fingers are sure having a relaxing walk all over his guitars fret board Kenny
    2 points
  18. Laurie Anderson - Language Is A Virus:
    2 points
  19. Killing Joke - I am the Virus
    2 points
  20. I don't own one of those, but have used the 3 fader version in another production room and was quite satisfied with performance. It was assigned to CC#3, CC#14, & CC#11. #3 (breath) & #11 (expression) are present in most orchestral VST'S, and #14 is usually freely assignable, so that worked for me. Well worth the money, altho they only contain about $35 in materials and can be easily made by anyone with a modicum of soldering skills. Programming is done via web portal, and cannot be changed on the fly, but otherwise OK.
    2 points
  21. https://store.steampowered.com/app/344740/CRYPTARK/ Free for limited time
    2 points
  22. Not gonna lie, I'm trying out this YouTube podcast thing and I'm fishing for subscribers. I've got one so far. Thanks Mom!
    1 point
  23. If you registered the LA-2A freebie then this should be in your cart. $29 LA-2A! Expires: 10/23/2023 11:59 PM PST Valid on Teletronix® LA-2A Leveler Collection only. Cannot be combined with other coupons or offers.
    1 point
  24. Yeah, last month I had to email support 3x to get a $25 "thank you" coupon after the first one. They came through though and I'm enjoying new UAD plugins as a result! 🙂
    1 point
  25. Hi Michael, I would be happy to take a look at one of these for you. It may not be so much work that it requires payment. I've been recording without a click for years and using Set Measure/Beat At Now to align the timeline to the music when needed. I'm a MIDI guy, but the process is essentially the same for audio; it just takes a little longer to make sure you're setting the timeline too transients accurately. If the click from Logic is truly well synced to the performance, it will be easier. But if that's the case, you might also look into having the client export/save the tempo map as a .MID file that you can open in CbB to bring in the map. P.M. me a link to a download (a zipped CbB project folder or OMF file). Should be able to get to it tonight if not sooner. P.S. Had a listen to the MP3s and snapped the first 8-10 bars of the raw one. Client definitely has a unique sense of how long a phrase should be and where chord changes should happen in addition to the drifting timing. I don't envy you, but the basic chore of finding the beats and setting the tempo is not too difficult. Would be easier with a guitar track alone.
    1 point
  26. LIMITED TIME LEFT https://yahelpme.com/products/keyboard-shortcut-stickers-for-fl-studio-ableton-logic-pro-and-pro-tools-free
    1 point
  27. well i did post it in deals too no one reads 😢
    1 point
  28. Welp, it just took a little more digging.... AA3 DOES work, can be installed, and is so old (2008) that it has a manual registration cycle (I simply said "Do not register" when I got there). The "correct answer" in post was accurate. There is a "components.msi" file in both the 3.0 installer and the 3.0.1 patch that worked for installing the application and patch (the setup.exe files both fail on Win10). Upon launch it failed to load twice because of incompatabilty issues, but the Win10 trouble shooter popped up and fixed that. The layout is different from what I am used to (with AA4), but the noise algorothm seems identical (the only difference in a null test was default differences between the two apps on the default render tweaks (I am not in the mood to run that to ground and no one would know/care anyway)). I was bothered with the initial pass I tried above because the default installer STILL downloads all of the needed files from Adobe's server (just the setup.exe won't run in Win10). Even though I saved that download folder from years ago just in case, it bothered me that the installer was still able to pull them down without an issue but not run them.
    1 point
  29. Yep and then the worrying can begin
    1 point
  30. Ah!!! Okay, okay... now all clear!!! Thank you!
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. Doof - Temple of the Eternal Doofvibe
    1 point
  33. The version numbers (among other things) of any of AAS plugins are found by clicking on those two double down arrows near the top centre of the AAS plugin GUI.
    1 point
  34. I must be a gambling man... (I'm not).. but this was too good to pass up and yes I caved, but yes, I got OB-X as well 🤣 GForce stuff is about as analog sounding and warm as it gets for virtual instruments. Totally worth it.
    1 point
  35. Front Line Assembly - Virus
    1 point
  36. Hi Done a new song Its in a Smooth Chill type style Memories Thanks for Listening & all comments welcome subvibe
    1 point
  37. Beautiful and Well presented song .. Your talent for hitting this smooth gene , is always Amazing and somewhat confusing for me. I guess it's a lot of different little things you do , including the big changes in sections that somehow keep the same vibe going. Nice fade out as well . I Really Like this one . Always a pleasure .. mark
    1 point
  38. I'm pretty sure he's talking about these: https://www.midi-plugins.de/ If you downloaded the installer (midiplug_64.exe), just run it and it will register the MidiFX properly. You can specify any directory for the install or just accept the default. You DON'T need to check the box to install the VST plugins, Cakewalk doesn't need them, it uses the DirectX version. When you restart Cakewalk, the plugins will be available here when you want to insert them on a MIDI track :
    1 point
  39. Well done, the voice is so nice. Why is there any need for a robot to exist, when a human has a voice like this.
    1 point
  40. 1 point
  41. https://samplesfrommars.com/products/free-vinyl-drums-from-mars "Last year, we pressed a record of acoustic drum hits, and re-sampled the results, degrading and processing the vinyl along the way. And now, we're giving away a free taster of this pack. Download Free Vinyl Drums to check a few of these sweet, vinyl kits out 🥁. Happy jamming ! Teddy Samples From Mars"
    1 point
  42. Very cool, Steve, I never know what to expect from you. Your versatility pays off!
    1 point
  43. As always, you've given us a cool video with thought-provoking lyrics. Your work has given me the impetus to do better! Keep it up, and you'll get that mojo back.
    1 point
  44. In that ^^^ thread you might want to ask the OP whether or not the unit itself still has issues.
    1 point
  45. Really nice work, as usual. I kept waiting for some acoustic or nylon string guitar to appear which I think would add another dimension to the song. Maybe talk with Mark about?? But, the song is nice as is, understated and stylish in a contemporary way🎶🎶🎶🎶
    1 point
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