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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/09/2023 in Posts

  1. https://d16.pl/drumazon2 Intro Price: $89 (or better) instead off $119 (see Note below) Drumazon 2 - the Drum Machine - classic rhythm computer on steroids that will surely meet expectations of purists and also producers looking for the modern punchy sound. With 909 faithful emulation, great out-of-the-box sound and super inspiring sequencer you simply cannot miss this plugin in your music arsenal. Note If you have any D16 products check your emails/user area for discount codes. I've got a code to get it for $29 (I think I got Drumazon as a PB freebie).
    4 points
  2. You can add 1973 to that table. The difference is that in 1973 I bought my first house out of gig earnings. Today it buys a tank of gas. btw, last week my band went into a studio to record a going-away gift for our departing guitarist. The software in use there was Sonar 6. I am now mixing it in the current Sonar beta. I have worked on several projects that were started in CbB and seamlessly transferred to Sonar. No one should have any qualms about losing projects going forward.
    4 points
  3. Just to clarify in case some people are confused with all the FUD, what we just released was a good faith early access update for users of CbB, just because of the long wait since its last release. It is NOT Sonar which is a different version that we will release later (most likely as a public beta initially). The implication that this early access was rushed is doesn't make sense. This update has a very small set of changes that were made over a period of almost a year and have been widely tested internally and by beta testers. In my experience most problems that get reported with any new release tend to be either environmental or issues that are preexisting and completely unrelated to the new release. If there happen to be any NEW problems report them in the EA channel and we'll investigate them.
    4 points
  4. I think you are reading too much into it. There is no timeline to phase it out currently so it will be around awhile. No need to be concerned, users will be given plenty of time to make up their minds whether the new Sonar is for them. 6 months is just the standard reactivation period that has been in place since the start. That said, for anyone using CbB regularly it seems like it would be a no brainer to upgrade to a product that will be supported and receive updates, instead of using an older unsupported version. Hopefully the new features and the cool new UI will be exciting to most users. The reactivation requirement is for multiple reasons - Cbb/Sonar/Next are all connected apps that integrate with the BandLab ecosystem. There are often backend changes, that require cached state to be refreshed to work properly, not very different from the reason digital certificates and cookies expire. Additionally, these changes require us to change the application to continue to work properly, which is why we occasionally need to do updates that in turn refresh activation. The other reason is to ensure that for support purposes we have users running on the latest versions.
    4 points
  5. KVR Audio is doing a giveaway We will receive iZotope RX 10 Elements in about 24/48 hours, and we could get Native Instruments Komplete 14 Ultimate Collectors Edition in the giveaway Here's what you need to know If you're not part of the KVR Audio family already, no worries! Sign up for a free account. Simply fill out the entry form to enter and receive your free copy of RX Elements. The giveaway ends 30th of September so don't miss out! A random entry will be drawn at the close of the competition for the Komplete 14 Ultimate CE Giveaway and the winner will be notified within a week. Kindly note, licenses for RX Elements are issued manually, so please allow for up to 48 hours after entry to receive yours. https://www.kvraudio.com/giveaways/get-izotope-rx-elements-free-win-a-copy-of-native-instruments-komplete-14-ultimate-ce-62
    3 points
  6. or just have them play it right in the first place 🙂
    3 points
  7. For the people looking for the code SA4-FLS https://www.image-line.com/fl-studio-news/uvi-synth-anthology/
    3 points
  8. $29 https://www.kuassa.com/products/eve-mp5-equalizer/
    3 points
  9. https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/1-Instruments/57-Complete-Collection/6076-MSoundFactory MSoundFactory provides hundreds of predefined sounds available via global presets, just as any other instrument. The true marvel however is the categorized system of instruments. An instrument is not just a sound, potentially with a few macro controls. It is an entire “instrument”, with lots of settings and its own presets. Imagine an 808 bass, you’d buy a dedicated plugin for it, right? Well, you don’t need to, because that’s an instrument inside MSoundFactory. Same as a grand piano, an electric piano, an organ, various synths, basses etc. And we are making more as we speak! MSoundFactory is available in VST/VST3, AU and AAX plugin formats. The plugin is on sale for $132 USD until October 5th, 2023 (regular $330 USD).
    3 points
  10. Good company. I'm using their Amplifikation 360 exclusively for guitar and often for other sources, too. The software took the role of Guitar Rig in my setup. It's different, but this is what I want.
    3 points
  11. It *can* be useful in part of a chain (in fact, the reason it hasn't been removed entirely, I think, is because it was part of a lot of FX Chain Modules) and I do like the saturation and quick EQ, but the doubler is a bit ehhhh and, I agree, the de-esser is kind of rubbish. That said, it's definitely found its way into a lot of my mixes over the years - it's a handy tool to have in the arsenal.
    3 points
  12. Yes, Audio snap was another feature I gave a hearty heave ho few years ago. I had spent ( waisted) hours and hours on and it all ended up being a huge mess. Pilot error no doubt, I watched the videos and kept returning to them but gave up as being either over my head or possibly a stupid design. I have two way better methods I will use for a track that has timing errors. 1- Melodyne- it's absolutely brilliant at moving notes around without artifacts. I only work in sort sections and render when done. Whiles its open you can also adjust amplitude and of course pitch. Three important ways to clean up a track. 2-Split the track at the note and drag it to the correct place. Turn off Snap to grid. When I'm done I tend to export the track as a stem at 48/32 and then bring it back to replace the messy looking track I created.
    3 points
  13. I use a lot of different DAWs. They all have bugs. Windows has bugs. MacOS has bugs. More complex programs have more bugs than simpler programs. Books have typos. Movies have continuity problems. Doctors misdiagnose. NASA lost the Mars Climate Orbiter in 1999 because of a miscalculation translating between metric and imperial units of measurement. And I wouldn't get into a self-driving Tesla, if you know what I mean. Although a lot of people claim to have come up with the phrase "the grass is always greener where you water it," the phrase originated with Robert Fulghum: “The grass is not, in fact, always greener on the other side of the fence. No, not at all. Fences have nothing to do with it. The grass is greenest where it is watered. When crossing over fences, carry water with you and tend the grass wherever you may be.” I don't have problems with DAWs because I live within their limitations, which all DAWs have. There will never be a perfect DAW, so the goal is to work with the one that best fits your needs. But also remember the words of Erma Bombeck: "The grass is always greener over the septic tank."
    3 points
  14. SONAR went from SONAR 1-8 to SONAR X1-3 to SONAR Platinum, all being new versions of the application with new features. This is no different in that regard. There's a lot of additional work that is currently going into Sonar that is not currently in Cakewalk by BandLab which absolutely constitutes it as a new version of the app.
    3 points
  15. https://bedroomproducersblog.com/2023/09/08/mastering-the-mix-fuser/ Add code BPB at checkout Until the 3rd of October https://www.masteringthemix.com/products/fuser
    2 points
  16. Get out of here with that crazy talk! 🤨
    2 points
  17. what level did you calibrate your monitors to? this plays an important part of the monitoring and thus mastering stage. then understanding the differences between peak values and RMS (short term and integrated LUFS) will impact the perceived loudness. some guides on this: https://www.itu.int/dms_pubrec/itu-r/rec/bs/R-REC-BS.1770-4-201510-I!!PDF-E.pdf https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EBU_R_128 https://youlean.co/loudness-standards-full-comparison-table/ https://transom.org/2021/the-audio-producers-guide-to-loudness/ some reading that may be useful: Mastering Pros: How Loud Should My Master Be? (izotope.com) https://www.izotope.com/en/learn/how-loud-should-my-master-be.html
    2 points
  18. Ehh, I'm not finding it particularly unstable honestly (YMMV) but I think you could probably build a decent chain yourself anyway. Sonitus Gate to get rid of noise between phrases > Sonitus EQ to pre-shape the vocal > Sonitus Compressor to tame the peaks > Sonitus Multiband with only band 4 enabled and tuned to clamp down on sibilance to act as a de-esser > Sonitus Compressor to level the vocal > final Sonitus EQ to shape the vocal sound. Put all of those in a FX Chain Preset and you have an instant vocal channel strip, and you can even assign custom controls to each thing. If you want saturation, drop that FX Chain Preset into the ProChannel FX Chain module and add Tube or Tape emulation. Obviously you could also build on that by putting in the Sonitus Delay for slapback, etc. - it's kind of limitless what you can do, and super easy once it's just there as a single FX Chain you can drop in without ever needing to think about it, and entirely free so you don't need to grab any paid vocal channel strips.
    2 points
  19. This is the bane of my existence. We do all kinds of stuff vocally, from super clean pop or prog/power metal style vocals to bluesy grit, to extreme metal (pretty much all of those things in the one song HERE in fact). Opening up Melodyne and having it go "oh you're trying to do a polyphonic instrument?" when you've decided to tighten up a vocal line is the most heart-sinking feeling ever, then you redetect as monophonic and get what you're seeing there. 😑 I'm the same, I'll do comps first to get stuff in the ballpark and then run a final pass with Melodyne to catch any rogue stuff that is sticking out as weird then, rather than just a blanket "fix this" pass. You get a better vocal that way anyway, I think. What I've found though is if you are tuning a growl/scream/vocal fry section and it's flipping octaves or thinking it's sibilance, make sure you cut it between the breaks in the jumps first, then only select the stuff you know is the actual note rathe than the jump, and tune that. Then you can go back and decide manually if you need to adjust the rest, or it's a fool's errand - sometimes those notes just don't tune at all, and it's best to just leave them.
    2 points
  20. nile rodgers & chic - good times
    2 points
  21. Here are the 69 new machines included in Synth Anthology 4 with their acronyms in the product presets: ALESIS - Ion AIN ALESIS - Quadrasynth AQD ANALOG SOLUTIONS - Colossus ASC ARTURIA - MiniFreak AMF ARTURIA - MicroFreak AMI ARTURIA - MatrixBrute AMB ARTURIA - PolyBrute APB One - Electron GX.2 AGX ASM - Hydrasynth HYD BALORAN - The River RIV BEHRINGER - Model D BMD BEHRINGER - Poly D BPD BLACK CORP. - Deckard's Dream BDD CASIO - VZ-8 CV8 CASIO - FZ-1 CF1 CASIO - KX-101 CKX CASIO - PT-7 CPT CASIO - SA-2 CSA CASIO - VL-1 CL1 CASIO - VL-5 CL5 CASIO - CK-500 CCK CLAVIA - Nord Wave 2 NW2 DSI - Prophet Rev2 DR2 DSI - TETR4 DT4 DSI - Poly Evolver DPE EMU - Morpheus EMO EMU - UltraProteus EUP ENSONIQ - MR-61 EMR ENSONIQ - TS-10 ETS KODAMO - EssenceFM EKS KORG - Wavestate KWT KORG - Minilogue XD KXD KORG - Trinity KTY KORG - Radias KRD KORG - Volca Keys KVK KORG - Volca FM KVF KORG - NTS-1 KNT KORG - Trident KTT KURZWEIL - K2500 K25 MELBOURNE INSTRUMENTS - Nina MNI MODAL - Argon8 MAR MODAL - Cobalt8 MCO M - Matriarch MMA M - Slim Phatty MSP NONLINEAR LABS - C15 C15 NOVATION - Summit NSU OBIE - OB-X8 OX8 OBIE - Matrix 1000 O1K PHILIPS - PMC 100 PMC PIONEER - Toraiz AS1 PTZ RADIKAL TECHNOLOGIES - Spectralis 2 SPE RLD - SH-09 SH9 RLD - U110 RU1 SEQ - Take 5 ST5 SEQ - Pro 3 SPR SCI - Pro 8 SP8 SCI - Prophet 2002 P2K SCI - Prophet 3000 P3K SCI - Pro One SP1 SCHMIDT - Eight Voice SEV SUIKO - ST-10 SS1 TECHNICS - WSA1R TWS UDO - Super 6 US6 YAMAHA - AN200 YAN YAMAHA - DX200 YDX YAMAHA - CS6x YC6 YAMAHA - EX5 YEX YAMAHA - AVX-1 YAX YUHOJIN - Asoboard YAS
    2 points
  22. Black Sabbath and their radical tempo changes didn't need no stinkin' Audiosnap! Of course, they did it on purpose.
    2 points
  23. mettelus is 100% correct. Once you're done Melodyning a clip, Bounce to Clip(s) renders Melodyne no longer in control and removes any doubled clips. Bouncing creates a new file in the Audio folder while removing the original one from the track. If you don't like the results, simply hit Ctrl+Z and start over. Or you could retrieve the original wave and reinsert it into the project.
    2 points
  24. The Smiths - There Is A Light That Never Goes Out:
    2 points
  25. I believe it will get support for a few more years from memory, but they've announced its being sunset, so it's definitely on the way out.
    2 points
  26. Audiosnap is best used on short clips and even then it takes a lot of trial and error and manual editing to get usable results. Just slapping it on a whole track and expecting magic is a recipe for disappointment.
    2 points
  27. I started this thread because I find what Noel is saying as all good news for me I felt others would agree. I've held off on making any more tutorials about CbB because of the possible changes to the UI. In the first announcement it was not clear on the demise of CbB. Now it's clear, That's fine and probably in a year everyone will have totally forgotten about CbB and moved on. There will always be a tiny group of hold outs. There's a whole Face book page populated with Sonar Platinum holdouts called the Sonar user group, this will be hilarious because guess what will happen. They are asking questions like " Will the new Sonar be free for all us who paid Gibson a lot of money and got screwed over? " Do you feel that way? I don't because I just got 5 or more years worth of free updates. I totally see no issues with what is happening. And the early access is working 100% for me
    2 points
  28. https://www.kvraudio.com/product/spiral-delay-by-davisynth
    2 points
  29. Most X.0 programs have an X.0.1 release shortly thereafter. Cakewalk has a history of introducing hotfixes when needed. I can personally vouch for that - several years ago I alerted Noel to a problem no one else caught, and there was a public hotfix in a week. So...yes, you have 6 months to decide if you want to go to the new Sonar, but that also means you have 6 months where you can chill and check out a somewhat later version with bug fixes. You don't have to use the very first release, you can wait for one or two "point" updates if they're needed, and see how things unfold. I look forward to seeing what the Bakers come up with. I'm encouraged that it's not being rushed to market.
    2 points
  30. I use LiberOffice...
    2 points
  31. I get a kick out of people who are given a DAW for free that on the market right now would have been $400-$?? ( go look at the prices of competing DAW's ) and then start complaining 'cuase the company has been working hard to make it as good as possible, is now ready to sell it, And.. at a reasonable price point yet! Reading this thread I see, thank goodness, most people "get it". The complainers are the people who think a bug is when things don't work right in the software. I've read a lot of those threads here like that and it seems to me it is almost 99% user error because they haven't taken the time to actually learn about the software. Seems the people who do learn about the software never complain and never have to ask dumb questions, and they also don't scream "bug" all the time. I've had to learn how to use a few new programs over the last few years, Cakewalk included, and there is endless help including both documents, videos and this forum. It is a slow process to get up to speed especially with complicated software. I don't know 10% of what Microsoft Word can do but I've used it almost everyday for 30? years. The information the Boss has shared with us in the OP and mid thread, is very good news and I'm personally looking forward to seeing what Next or Sonar will be like. Sign me up. I like what someone said about we spend a lot on money on plug ins why not the DAW--Hmm, I haven't actually spent much money on plug ins so paying for a DAW is well with in my small budget. That's what Gig money is for.
    2 points
  32. Why all this pointless speculation? Wait until Sonar is released and make your decision whether to buy or not based on the information given at that time. Until then, so many posts here are just uninformed guessing and spreading of FUD.
    2 points
  33. There is NO software out there that does this. All software has bugs, and saying "if there's bugs then it should be free" is a good way to send a company broke. I don't think anyone could name a company with complex software like this that hasn't released updates to address problems. Have a look through the change list since 2017 and the bug fix list is massive. Just look at the Early Access release and the bugs fixed between 2022.11 and now - even that is substantial. Ongoing work means ongoing staff that need to eat, right?
    2 points
  34. In case anyone was looking at a new purchase rather than an upgrade, I found the following on the Imageline blog. Code for $10 off the $89 price.
    2 points
  35. Pretty crappy update, is unusable, as I open any plugin starts to flickering and slows down my PC. Does anyone know how can I revert to the old version without uninstalling?.
    1 point
  36. The rewards cannot be used with the active front page deals but instead, have to be used for the products in 'Shop' (should be available in the navigation). There, items should show a normal price and a base price. If an item has a price of 100 USD but its base price is 30 USD, you would need 70 points to get the deal. They might also have sales for items in the shop.
    1 point
  37. Oh yes well worth going on with really liked that harmony chorus , I though maybe the drums were a bit busy but thats just my taste .nice one
    1 point
  38. Very interesting start and the various breaks and re-starts ... I think Paul Bush has a point with your vox and I tend to agree. I have listened a couple of times and am not sure if it comes across as a little fussy in places .. but it works as a mix, perhaps you could work the beginning bit into the song somehow as it has a spooky feel to it .. I dunno . For what it's worth I like the song .. message leaves me to think your feeling your age my friend ... great work Lynn ATB Steve
    1 point
  39. The date is 9.9, but our deals are a perfect 10! Unveiling...THE ALL IN ONE BUNDLE 9.9 SALE! For those unfamiliar, the Double 9 Sale is a big shopping event celebrated in Asia and we wanted to share this deal around the world! ✨ THE DOUBLE 9 OFFER! ✨ Today only, enjoy $9 off our 'All In One Bundle' Simply click the button down below (the code is already added) and type in $16! https://ftus.gumroad.com/l/allinonebundle/DOUBLE9 Seize today's AIOB deal – once it's gone, it won't return for another year. Until next time, Libby and Marcel - the two behind Free To Use Sounds
    1 point
  40. Another FYI with NA... it will hang on load if you are using a VPN. The last two versions I have had to kill the app, disconnect the VPN, then restart NA. Edit: The newest version (3.5.2) resolved this issues as well.
    1 point
  41. Some template pics or icons are triggered by certain words used in the name. Your templates both start with "Master" which triggers the gold record icon. There's a post in Tutorials that may help.
    1 point
  42. Me too. In a professional working environment, I would say it's impossible to use anything but Microsoft Word. As long as there are incompatibilities between Word, LibreOffice and OpenOffice, most importantly to me in the Review/Track Changes area, nobody is going to accept anything but pure docx. But sure, if you only have to open, edit and save documents that you’ve created yourself, or maybe exchange documents with friends and family, you’re probably good to go with any freeware alternative.
    1 point
  43. Maybe not the King, but you're clearly stepping up to Prince. We all appreciate you.
    1 point
  44. Just purchase the upgrade to MPS 6 on JRRshop for $41.16 (with code GROUP)! You will get a MPS 6 serial that you can enter in the Product Portal of iZotope! I purchased MPS 5.2 in July, so does not appear to be eligible for this special price... 😭
    1 point
  45. +1 for Infinistrip. IK Mixbox is also an option.
    1 point
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