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  1. Past hour
  2. Noel B said: "Yes there are plans to have purchase options outside of backstage pass which was intended to be the quickest way to get it right now. When details of it are known it will be announced." I interpret this, as there will be perpetual licenses available, same as with 90%+ with all other DAWs. Why would it be different? I believe the wait game does not benefit BL, especially considering Gibson fiasco. They need to show they are different (better), particularly since coroner pronounced the death of Cakewalk. CLARITY ---- "No we ain't dead" That's a good thing.
  3. Just up the top there on the right.
  4. It's the Felt Piano from Spitfire Audio Originals (the paid version, not the one in LABS). No one had specifically asked me that question, and because of my neophyte status with DAWS, it didn't occur to me that they may all have differing outputs. Thanks for clarifying it.
  5. Thanks again Glenn. I'm saving up for an AI with an ASIO driver. When the royalties come in from my first album of TV documentary cues, I'll upgrade. I am genuinely writing one for a library, but it's not finished, so I may have to struggle with the UMC22 for a bit longer.
  6. Today
  7. It's apparently a free update for owners of the first version (at least it was when I checked my downloads). Also, great job of posting deals this week, Larry. I'm doing my best to reign in my GAS (I almost bought something from PB the other day just to get the April freebie, but then decided to let it go), but I still check here regularly and see a ton of your deal threads. You remain the GOAT!
  8. Minimum spend is $75 US.
  9. You can add Quad EQ to a blank PC channel to bring it back to "normal".
  10. https://www.bestservice.com/en/rift.html
  11. Creedence Clearwater Revival - Proud Mary
  12. Extra discount with code FORUM at JRR https://www.jrrshop.com/baby-audio?dir=desc&order=special_from_date
  13. Extra discount with code GROUP https://www.jrrshop.com/ik-multimedia?dir=desc&order=special_from_date
  14. $41.99 with code GROUP https://www.jrrshop.com/ik-multimedia-amplitube-mesa-boogie-2
  15. Here is your Special Discount Coupon Code for this month: BringTheNoise25-MAY-WZL09RQZ https://noiseash.com/all-products/
  16. oupon Code: FLASHSALE-DECODA https://products.zplane.de/products/decoda/
  17. This bundle will be offered for only $19.99 instead of the normal $110 from today until May 15th, 2024. https://audioplugin.deals/product/retrotape-rvrb-plugin-bundle-by-abletunes/
  18. The weird thing is that Cakewalk Product Centre does exactly the same thing on a completely separate machine ('Internet Connection or Firewall' issues)
  19. Yes, that's definitely it and it was only 're-installed' first think this morning.
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