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Cakewalk not remembering previously saved visual state of project, upon opening? [SOLVED]

Colin Nicholls

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I'm not sure how to describe this, but at some point, Cakewalk stopped remembering how i last left the project and is opening it as it was several weeks ago:

  • The position of the vertical scroll (i.e. which track is positioned at the top of the View;
  • the track folders' open/close state;
  • the last VSTi property window opens

It does remember the position of the NOW time, and all my edits are there, of course. But no matter how I scroll or collapse or arrange the tracks, then SAVE, when I next open the project it is back to the starting state.

I don't know what I've done to make this happen. I can't believe it is a bug but if anyone out there has any insights, please share! It's annoying.

Edited by Colin Nicholls
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53 minutes ago, reginaldStjohn said:

It could be that you have a locked screen set or lens enabled. If they are locked then they won't update when you hit save.

You, sir, are brilliant. That was it. Screen Set 1 was somehow selected and locked.

I must have pushed a random key at some point that made this happen. (Possibly the "1" key). It had to be *something*.

I've never been a fan of Screen Sets.. They just never gelled with my workflow, at all. This is a second time I've been bitten by them.

Hey, @Noel Borthwick, I finally found a use for Lenses! I created a Lens that removes Screen Sets! ?

Thanks as ever to the Bakers for giving us "such stuff that dreams are made of"



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1 hour ago, reginaldStjohn said:

It could be that you have a locked screen set or lens enabled. If they are locked then they won't update when you hit save.

I agree--excellent call!! I have long been a fan of Screensets and I have been coming to greatly appreciate Lenses since the summer (when I stumbled onto the new and improved Cakewalk), but I had never locked (or unlocked) Screensets.  For me this adds another dimension to the complex yet flexible interactions between screensets (for project layout saving and recalling) and lenses (for overall/global workflow/preferences/etc.).


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Yes Lenses have incredible power to customize the app to make it as simple or complex as you want. As you discovered you can completely remove a feature you may rarely need such as screensets by making a lens that excludes it. The same could apply to any other feature, or views. The big deal is that not only does it hide the UI for the feature, it removes all the hotkeys associated with it so that you won't accidentally invoke that feature. 

For users who want a customized de-cluttered experience that is focused on their needs lenses are an ideal solution. For the next release we have made several improvements to lenses. We're also renaming the feature to "Workspaces" to make it more evident to new users what this feature is intended to do. There will be some improvements to the factory lenses, several fixes and also an enhanced onboarding experience for new users to initiate them into using the feature.

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