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Making Music "In the Box"

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Ok, most of you know that I lost everything back in 2009 including my music studio that I had put about $134k into.  I have very little gear left (mainly one custom guitar though my luthier still has my custom guitar with Variax guts in it that I hope to get back eventually).  I don't even have my own amp (I use an extra Marshall that my roommate got for me to use a few years ago).

Lately I've been watching Andy's (Synkrotron's) livestreams that occur in the middle of the night for me (around 2am) and I see some from here occasionally (like Wookiee), but he has a wonderful modular synth setup with extra stuff.  I then remembered that I do have Reason, but haven't installed it.  I basically took all of this as the Universe telling me to do other things.

Anyway, since I have neither the money nor the room for a lot of physical gear, here's what I'm wondering:

How much can I do purely "in the box?"  I'm seeing that Ableton apparently has synths included with normal DAW abilities, but if I want to do as little physically (just a "real" guitar into my computer somehow if possible), what do you guys think I would need?  My direction is more software-only synth-based bed with a physical guitar using software modelers if possible.  To do this, I realize I'll need SOMETHING to connect my guitar to the computer (a D/I of some kind?), but I'd like to do everything else just on the computer.  For now, this is only for fun.  I'm not intending to make anything serious.

I only just started considering this so I haven't done any research yet!  Can Reason be an input to Cakewalk?  Oh, I do have a small MIDI keyboard (Oxygen 8 or something like that) too so I can enter notes that way.  

So, what are some possible setups to do this?  And what will I need to get that I don't already have?  (Like a D/I for the guitar.)


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Meant to mention that Danny Danzi (from the old Cakewalk forums) was telling me quite a while back about some software guitar amp modelers that sounded pretty good that he was testing!  I'm naturally interested in those too.

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Since you only want to get the guitar into the computer (and no multiple mic's for voice or acoustic instauments) I'd say look at IK Multimedia's AXE i/O One. $80 with this code 50AXEIOONE right now.

Then a pretty good Amp SIm is Scuffham S-Gear ($129) , but there are cheaper offerings for typically $5 - $7 on sale from Audio Assault.

Edited by Bapu
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You really don't "need" a DI box specifically, more an interface that has proper gain for the DI to be recorded as Bapu mentioned (the amp sim does the rest). While DI is very useful if you are going to record processed external gear, that processed signal can be a hassle (and incredibly loud) and unnecessary if working ITB only. With a computer, interface, VST(i)s, and a MIDI controller you can do a lot.

I have never used Reason, but saw posts saying something to the effect that ReWire is being discontinued or some such. Hopefully someone can speak to that specifically for you, but there are literally a truckload of free VST(i)s out there that are sufficient (the Freeware Instrument and FX threads are good resources there).

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All you really need is a decent (i.e. fast) PC / laptop, an audio interface and optionally a mic if you're recording acoustic instruments or vocals.

Personally, I'd avoid laptops as the more powerful ones sound like jet engines when the fan kicks in, but this may not be an issue depending on what/how you're recording. 

If you don't use many plugins, you can get away with a far more modest PC setup.  If you intend to track using effects though, you'll want a fast PC and an interface with a low round-trip latency.  Latency can be reduced by lowering the ASIO buffer size, but you need a fast enough PC to cope with this.  If you're using software synths, you definitely want a fast PC.

Most audio interfaces have very good pre-amps nowadays.  The Focusrite Scarlett range (e.g. Solo / 2i2) are excellent. I find the 1st gen Scarletts more than good enough for my needs, but the later ones have improved preamps. I've heard you should avoid the 1st gen interfaces if you're using the HiZ input for DI'ing guitars (which I never use).  You can pick up 2nd/3rd gen interfaces at very reasonable prices second hand. 

The PreSonus Audiobox 96 is another good contender - fantastic price, great quality, includes a MIDI interface too - but it does have higher round-trip latency than similar interfaces from other vendors.  Bear this in mind if you intend to track guitar using VST effects, but  it may not be an issue at lower buffer sizes.

As far as mics are concerned, a Shure SM57 will cover most bases (or a Shure SM58 for vocals).  The SM57 is certainly not the best, but it's a good quality mic that does the job, and you can do a lot with EQ to get the sound you want.  If you're recording acoustic guitar, a condenser mic might be more suitable (e.g. AT2020). The Samson C01 is a good all rounder budget condenser - it's not harsh in the top end like a lot of budget condensers, but it does suffer from a bit of hiss.

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@craigb these days due to major changes here I am TITB. Plenty of advice already given on systems. But if your interested in the modular root, there are a number of options.

There is still a free version of VCV 1, but no VST plugin version.

Cherry Audio's starter VM modular is frequently free to. There is also a free version of VCV 2 that works as a VST, sorry name escapes me at the moment I will find it and come back. There are a number of other free modular's.

Cherry Audio's instruments are extremely usable and favourably priced.

As Mark states you need a reasonable powered PC, and I agree with him regarding laptops.

As ever happy to help if required. 

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Thanks for the ideas!  It looks like I'm going to have to do some research on those names and products though...

Not worried about the PC.  I've got a screaming i9 built by Jim Roseberry with 64 GB of RAM.  I also have a 40" 4k monitor (which can be rotated into portrait mode for better usage of a Reason rack).

My goal is purely instrumental fun for now, though it might not be a bad idea to go back to doing voice-overs (I have a DJ voice, not a singing voice!  LOL ? ).

I'm currently working on organizing my disks and files.  I have over 5.4 million files with 1.3 million duplicates (long story!) spread out over five drives and 20 TB's of space (16.3 TB's used)!  Once that's been optimized I'll make a place for music software and files again.  Hey, it's a lot of space but it probably isn't enough for all of Bapu's plugins, right? ?

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6 minutes ago, pwal³ said:

So what was the question again?

I've got a fast PC and a guitar.  I want to make modular-synth type backgrounds and play guitar over them but all in the PC.  So, what software do I need and what interface to get my guitar talking with the PC?


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@craigb Me being a fellow guitarist with a similar setup to what you want to achieve, for the I/F I would look no further than the AUDIENT EVO 4 for us guitarists. Nice small ROBUST compact I/F. On the front left it has a full jack GUITAR DI, on the right it has headphones. On top it has a large knob and a few multi function buttons + 48v phantom power. On the back it has TWO XLRs / Full Jack inputs + 2 full jack outputs. Then the USB I/F cable connector. All powered off the USB. At this stage the ASIO driver is pretty rock solid and is regularly updated. 


I would say you are looking at round the  $100/€ mark .. I have had mine now for 3 years or more and yes it has been dropped numerous times, still works great. I use it with my 10 yr old Dell core i5 Inspiron laptop and swap that back and forth with my Lenovo core i5 desktop box. With the laptop it fits fine in my latptop bag, so well portable ..

On top it has a nice unique feature - the smart gain botton. This auto sets your input gains by auditioning whats being input first giving you enough headroom in the recorded track. 

Software wise I obviously use CW ( the free ver ). I also have been beta testing CW NEXT and really love its simplicity. It is that ver of CW I would buy if ever sold seperately. I also have Ableton latest which I kept updating for less than the ton every few years. I use REAPER purely as a cross platform DAW because some people in the band have MACs & Reaper is cheap at $60 for the other members. Other than that I bought FL studio years and years ago and as its lifetime upgrades it keeps on giving for free.

About REASON, yip, depending on the version ( I think 11 or 12, maybe 10 ), it did come with a plugin where you could open it inside another DAW, works great. I have that also, its the intro version which came with Reason Rack plugin to use inside other DAWs.

Plugins - there are a huge amount of decent free plugins inc Guitar related plugins. Look at NATIVE INSTRUMENTS - they have a FREE set of plugins inc Guitar Rig Player.


For Retro / Modular synths look at Arturia, they have FREE version of there Analog retro synths.


The list is endless re decent FREE Instruments and EFX. I will look through what I have and post decent freebies here. A while back the keyboard player and myself compiled a list of FREE vst instruments and efx for other band members so we would all sing from same hymn sheet with the cross platform thing. Can post that here when I find it :D



Edited by aidan o driscoll
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28 minutes ago, pwal³ said:

i guess you haven't been paying attention all these years ?

Nope, haven't.  Was too broke to allow myself to check things out!

27 minutes ago, pwal³ said:

john has some videos

Which John?

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I second the EVO 4. The guitar input has a JFET that adds a tiny bit of saturation. I'm not into modular, but people say Softube Modular is king in terms of raw sound quality. Regarding effects, I've never worked with hardware, but I've been listening to a lot of plugin/hardware shootouts and blind tests and the hardware tends to win all the time. Except for Acustica Audio plugins, which gets extremely close. Some other developers (UAD, Pulsar) also get close. 

This video might be of help:



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@craigb Above I said - A while back the keyboard player and myself compiled a list of FREE vst instruments and efx for other band members so we would all sing from same hymn sheet with the cross platform thing. Can post that here when I find it .. well, I found it. I posted our list over at a new thread on DEALS


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As a guitar player I use the Scarlett 2i2 Third Generation, Freddy J has a song on the songs forum using the Amplitube program, and it sounded just like a Bassman amp so I downloaded the free version to see what it was about and it's not too bad. I know you (have - had) a Marshall so you might want to have a look at that.


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I still remember the days where I was always up-to-date on all my software versions and the current tech.  However, after 2009, I haven't been able (and hadn't cared) to stay on top of things but, knowing how fast things can change, I thought I'd start by asking here instead of killing many hours searching and watching videos!

I still don't have either the time or the money for anything serious, but watching Andy's (Synkrotron's) modular livestreams has been giving me the itch to play around. ?

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I think if you can find inspirational sounds in the box, why is it any different than outside?

If you(and by you I mean anyone) are going to constantly compare to "what you had" or "what you're used to", the only one "in the box" is you IMO. 


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