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Melodyne Copy & Paste Issue


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I've always had a problem with Melodyne when copy & pasting.

1. select blob and copy it

2. set Now Time line where new blob needs to go

3. hit Ctrl+V and Now Time line moves back to original blob without pasting anything

4. move Now Time line back to new position

5. hit Ctrl+V again and new blob is pasted

Is this normal?  I don't see this happening in the videos

Edited by sjoens
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4 hours ago, sjoens said:

I've always had a problem with Melodyne when copy & pasting.

1. select blob and copy it

2. set Now Time line where new blob needs to go

3. hit Ctrl+V and Now Time line moves back to original blob without pasting anything

4. move Now Time line back to new position

5. hit Ctrl+V again and new blob is pasted

Is this normal?  I don't see this happening in the videos

Are you trying to copy and paste within melodyne?  I've always had issues with this too.  What I tend to do is make the edits I need in melodyne, then bounce to clip and copy paste anything I need later inside cakewalk. 

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What I have to do is move the time to somewhere different than what I want and then click too high or low from where I want and then paste. That puts the blob “somewhere” I can see it. Then I drag it into position

Otherwise it either doesn’t paste it or pastes it on top of the blob I’ve copied.

In the end, it acts nothing like what I expected or what the manual suggests.

Edited by Terry Kelley
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9 hours ago, sjoens said:

I've always had a problem with Melodyne when copy & pasting.

1. select blob and copy it

2. set Now Time line where new blob needs to go

3. hit Ctrl+V and Now Time line moves back to original blob without pasting anything

4. move Now Time line back to new position

5. hit Ctrl+V again and new blob is pasted

Is this normal?  I don't see this happening in the videos

I think the first control v may put a copy of the note on top of the original.  So I have the habit of doing the copy followed by control v twice. I don’t think it’s normal but how it works for me too. 

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I don't see it putting a copy over the original here... but I found the Now Time line position is tied to the Options > Time Grid setting in Melodyne.  If it's set to Bar then pasting puts the blob exactly 1 bar ahead of the original blob on the 2nd paste action.  IOW, the 1st paste action moves the line 1 bar up and the 2nd paste action pastes the blob.

Unfortunately there's no way to disable the snap setting to avoid this.

2 ways I've found to paste at a specific location other than the snap setting is:

1.  Requires 2 paste actions.
- copy blob
- paste blob (Now Time line moves to Snap setting position but nothing is pasted)
- click the Time ruler where you want the blob
- paste blob again


2. Requires 1 paste action. 
- copy blob
- click time ruler to move the Now Time line where you want the blob
- click on the Now Time line in the blob window
- paste blob

Edited by sjoens
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  • 6 months later...


I was having the same issue. I figured out, how you can paste notes in one go, though, so I thought I might share it. Maybe it will help someone.

1. select the blob you want to copy

2. click ctrl+c (in windows)

3. place the time ruler, where you want to copy the blob

4. in a note editor, just click once with a cursor approximately where you want the blob to be copied

5. click ctrl+v

This works everytime for me.

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Posted (edited)

Thanks Christina, works here too. It's actually my #2 above.

Now if only you can answer why Melodyne usually opens empty requiring me to go back to Track View and reclick on the clip for it to show up in the edit window - also something that doesn't happen in videos.  I'm still on v4 so maybe v5 fixed this?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello sjoens,

Yeah, now that I read your suggestions again, I can see it, but I didn´t really understand what you meant by it before.

I am sorry, I cannot help you with your issue. I use Melodyne 5 studio and it was probably fixed there, since I haven´t experienced, what you mentioned. You could try to contact the celemony support. They were really helpful, when I wrote them once.

Edited by Christina
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On 1/7/2025 at 12:32 PM, sjoens said:

Thanks Christina, works here too. It's actually my #2 above.

Now if only you can answer why Melodyne usually opens empty requiring me to go back to Track View and reclick on the clip for it to show up in the edit window - also something that doesn't happen in videos.  I'm still on v4 so maybe v5 fixed this?

I have studio 5 and do get the empty openings so I don’t think it’s fixed in 5. There have been posts about this before. 

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1 hour ago, Christina said:

Hi sjoens,

I don´t know, if this might apply to your issue, but I thought of it and if you use Cubase, make sure, you select Melodyne as an extension, do not use it as a plugin in inserts.

Snímka obrazovky 2025-01-16 145355.png

Melodyne is used inside Cakewalk as a Region Fx.

Users who have attempted to treat it as normal plugin have nearly always run into problems.


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It seems to open in Multidock differently each time.  Mostly blank window.  Sometimes the blobs are there but off screen.  Rarely but on occasion the blobs are front and center.  Now Time position doesn't seem to matter.

edited for accuracy

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16 minutes ago, sjoens said:

It seems to open in Multidock differently each time.  Mostly blank window.  Sometimes the blobs are there but off screen.  Rarely the blobs are nowhere until I click on the TV clip againscreen.  NowTime position doesn't seem to matter.

One thing that can help sometimes is that I make a loop in the cakewalk timeline where the clip is, then apply melodyne, and sometimes it will open in the right place showing blobs. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

FWIW, I've found that when Melodyne isn't displaying blobs in a new region FX it's usually because its zoom level/location is where I left it during the previous edit, and it just doesn't suit the new clip. I've never done any intentional testing (probably should) but it seems that Melodyne's zoom level/location and timeline snap enable/disable option are two things that are retained during the current Sonar/CW session.  Start a new session of Sonar and those settings go back to their defaults.

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