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Melodyne Copy & Paste Issue

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I've always had a problem with Melodyne when copy & pasting.

1. select blob and copy it

2. set Now Time line where new blob needs to go

3. hit Ctrl+V and Now Time line moves back to original blob without pasting anything

4. move Now Time line back to new position

5. hit Ctrl+V again and new blob is pasted

Is this normal?  I don't see this happening in the videos

Edited by sjoens
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4 hours ago, sjoens said:

I've always had a problem with Melodyne when copy & pasting.

1. select blob and copy it

2. set Now Time line where new blob needs to go

3. hit Ctrl+V and Now Time line moves back to original blob without pasting anything

4. move Now Time line back to new position

5. hit Ctrl+V again and new blob is pasted

Is this normal?  I don't see this happening in the videos

Are you trying to copy and paste within melodyne?  I've always had issues with this too.  What I tend to do is make the edits I need in melodyne, then bounce to clip and copy paste anything I need later inside cakewalk. 

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What I have to do is move the time to somewhere difference than what I want and then click too high or low from where I want and then paste. That puts the blob “somewhere” I can see it. Then I drag it into position

Otherwise it either doesn’t paste it or pastes it on top of the blob I’ve copied.

In the end, it acts nothing like what I expected or what the manual suggests.

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9 hours ago, sjoens said:

I've always had a problem with Melodyne when copy & pasting.

1. select blob and copy it

2. set Now Time line where new blob needs to go

3. hit Ctrl+V and Now Time line moves back to original blob without pasting anything

4. move Now Time line back to new position

5. hit Ctrl+V again and new blob is pasted

Is this normal?  I don't see this happening in the videos

I think the first control v may put a copy of the note on top of the original.  So I have the habit of doing the copy followed by control v twice. I don’t think it’s normal but how it works for me too. 

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Posted (edited)

I don't see it putting a copy over the original here... but I found the Now Time line position is tied to the Options > Time Grid setting in Melodyne.  If it's set to Bar then pasting puts the blob exactly 1 bar ahead of the original blob on the 2nd paste action.  IOW, the 1st paste action moves the line 1 bar up and the 2nd paste action pastes the blob.

Unfortunately there's no way to disable the snap setting to avoid this.

2 ways I've found to paste at a specific location other than the snap setting is:

1.  Requires 2 paste actions.
- copy blob
- paste blob (Now Time line moves to Snap setting position but nothing is pasted)
- click the Time ruler where you want the blob
- paste blob again


2. Requires 1 paste action. 
- copy blob
- click time ruler to move the Now Time line where you want the blob
- click on the Now Time line in the blob window
- paste blob

Edited by sjoens
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