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Well, this happened...


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My wife watered our trees a week or two ago on a sunny day (they needed it). However, she forgot to disconnect the hose for the evening and it froze.

On Sunday, when she turned on the house the exploded pipe flooded my studio.

I ain't going to lie - as the water was rising I was heartbroken and in a panic. :( 

Fortunately I was in the studio when it happened. I shut the water off quickly but the wall must have been full and continued to poor gallons and gallons of water into the studio. Somehow, I managed to get all of my gear out of the room. I now have gear scattered everywhere and the flood mitigation team ripped out floors and cut drywall up two feet from the floor. Might be a challenge to get repaired since it's double sheets of drywall hung on channel strips. My bass traps were all soaked and had to be thrown out. We are planning a move to Oregon so this version of my studio is over - it will never sound like it did and I won't even attempt to hook everything back up. I just finished custom cabling with Mogami and gold Nuetrik connections and had intended to custom label everything. Now I have piles and piles of unlabeled cable to sort through. I'm guessing many of my guitars I put in cases won't be seen again until we're out on the West coast. This is not how I wanted to say goodbye to this very special place.

Still, the gear survived and I'll survive.

I think this incident may actually slow down my plugin purchase. ?



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Sorry to hear that.

I had something similar happen many years ago. I lost 700 + LP's to a basement flood one time.

To this day I refuse to put anything on my garage or basement floor directly. I always use metal or wood racks with the first shelf high enough to slide big plastic totes under and nothing gets within 18" or so of the floor.

I figure if the water gets that high it isn't going to matter if everything is in sealed totes or that high off the floor.

I hope your new studio turns out even better than the old one when you move. Good luck!

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That's a bad bead James.

My studio is a nicely converted garage that has (behind retractable doors) a washer and a dryer. My biggest fear is the water lines fail/burst one day and spew out at the doors which are more decorative that protective. It may not be as bad as you had but it could be fairly serious.

Your disaster makes me think I want to put my drums and my guitar racks on risers.

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4 hours ago, DeeringAmps said:

in my experience the “left” coast gets a “bad rap”.

Yes it does. And rightly so!! They have some unconventional thoughts going on out that way!! And it gets broadcast all over everywhere!! 

But I also know some real good people out that way. So both coasts has it's equal share of crazies and good folks. 

And down here in da Bayou country, we all hunting alligators and making gumbo!! LOL!


IOW, I was jk with smalls.

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Thanks everyone I really appreciate the kind thoughts. Ed I’m still in Nebraska. We were planning to move to Florida but decided on Oregon. More  our flavor of crazy. Lol

I am at a wellness retreat in Tennessee right now that used psychedelic medications. I got a chance to work though this and I’m looking at it as an opportunity. I’m going to start packing most things but I’ll keep just a few items out. I wasn’t going to do much serious recording until we move so I’m going to use this time to complete some song writing courses I’ve signed up for.  Buddha teaches that attachment is unhealthy a nothing is permanent. I received a real lesson on that with this experience - and a few others I’m still processing.  I also got to exercise my new coping mechanisms and healthier mindset and never got angry or made my wife feel bad - I know she does already. 

I think with the right attitude and approach this will turn out to be a net positive for me. 

And now you see why Oregon makes more sense than Florida for me. lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

The universe is being kind to me and this pain will be relatively short lived! ??

We just bought a house in Portland after 9 months of searching and the studio room is beyond anything I had hoped for. 

It'll be many months before we move and then I can start the studio build, but I AM SO FREAKING EXCITED!


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8 hours ago, Grem said:

Happy for you. Why so long before the move?

Thanks Grem. ?

My wife thinks we can pull it off sooner but I don't think so. We travel in April, then I'm gone 10 days in May and then we both travel for a week again in July. Plus we have to pack the house we've been in for 25 years AND get all the water damage repaired and prep this house for sale. I'm freaking out a little to be honest. I feel like August is more comfortable but we need to sit down and draw out a timeline. When we got back we just wanted to decompress for a few days as the weight of it all was kinda crushing me. lol

Here are some pics for the future studio. The bookshelf will come out but I'll probably leave the built-ins at the end. I probably will move them to do a double-wall construction with thicker doors but the room is a peninsula - only the wall with the door is shared with the rest of the house so I am hoping containment will be easier to manage with that. Acoustic treatment could be a challenge with all those windows (I wish I had a pick in the daylight - the scenery outside is beautiful and they tell me deer come up to the window). I intend to hire a professional studio designer to help with it all.







Edited by smallstonefan
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That's a sweet place to make some music!! I really like that view. 

The wife and I were looking to downsize recently and went through some misgivings about if we really wanted to do all what your talking about; packing, getting house ready to sell, doing the move, unpacking, getting settled in... 

We saw some properties with big buildings/sheds and more land than we have now. Like you my mind was racing about what kind of studio/guitar repair I could do in there!!

In the end we realized that when we fix our present home up to sell we would fall in love with it again! So we decided to stay put and fix it up! LOL!! 

Good luck on the new adventure!!

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