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Not Liking the look of the New Sonar Interface

mark foster

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David Baay, thanks for the reply! I found Concrete Limiter folder but the DDL file  seems to be missing. I also reinstalled Sonar but it did not solve the problem.

Another thing I noticed is that there are the download link and the beta access to Sonar, maybe could it be related?


Edited by mgustavo
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On 3/11/2024 at 3:34 PM, Hillmy said:

Tungsten. CbB:


Tungsten Sonar:






CbB is more well defined and different color shades show more details and make things very clear at first glance. I don't mean blurry. I just mean that it is more clear in CbB to figure out everything at first glance. You can even tell the boundary boxes in console and inspector view. Nothing seems flat and you can tell when one section or box starts and ends. In Sonar the Sends don't even look like a box, just a flat plane. Also buttons don't look like obvious buttons. 

I'm sure Sonar can look like CbB with a little more work and I am sure vector graphics are not a limitation. If there is a way I could make it look like CbB myself I would but I am not sure if the option is even there. 

From the screen shots, the Sonar Tungsten seemed fine to me, no "significant" difference.  But that might be the difference of looking at these shots versus a live screen in front of me.  In any case, thanks much; to me it seems like whenever Bandlab is ready to be more clear about the commercial path generally it's looking fine to migrate to me/for my purposes.  But also not seeing any reason to change until I must.

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On 3/12/2024 at 12:04 PM, reginaldStjohn said:

Maybe I am just getting old but I don't think flat looks modern. I think it looks more retro and simplistic.  In the end I don't care that much but even the apps at my work are going more flat and minimalistic. I think it is more of a style, preference, then looking more modern or "better".

As a side note looking at Hillmy screen shots I would have to agree that the CBL images look "cleaner" and more defined then the Sonar ones.

:D you're like me, old enough to see it come around again.  

from what I see it's a seesaw in underlying notions of what is crisp, what is attractive, what is frictionless; I doubt it will ever be "solved" (I remember, what was it, the '90s, the dream of every user having their own UI - I guess that will come back again sometime tho' is mostly disdained/in disrepute, and I do understand the issues with non-directed/non-best-practice UI paths

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On 3/14/2024 at 5:30 AM, Sal Sorice said:

Add me to the list experiencing blurriness in Sonar.

This is on my Samsung 55" Crystal 4k UHD AU 8000 HDR TV, 3840x2160 with Gigabyte GeForce RTX 3060 Gaming OC (rev 2.0), 12GB of GDDR6 VRAM / 7680 x 4320 Max Digital Resolution.

Here are some side-by-side images from CbB and Sonar. Sonar seems more blurry.  I'm clueless when it comes to this vector graphics stuff, just hoping things can be made sharper and maybe with larger fonts - note how much smaller the fader font is on Sonar.



Maybe it's my eyes/prescription (or just that I don't clean my lenses enough, haha) but seems fine to me except that I prefer the font in the CbB, that seems to cause the equivalent of "blurring" in the Sonar one, a bit of "messy" what-is-it, kerning?  some-such...my spouse professionally knows this stuff but not handy  :D 

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On 4/9/2024 at 4:23 AM, Quinellipe Zorn said:

From the screen shots, the Sonar Tungsten seemed fine to me, no "significant" difference.  But that might be the difference of looking at these shots versus a live screen in front of me.  In any case, thanks much; to me it seems like whenever Bandlab is ready to be more clear about the commercial path generally it's looking fine to migrate to me/for my purposes.  But also not seeing any reason to change until I must.

for me, i like the look of the old cakewalk. those pics are a perfect example. much more well defined and the shading shows much more detail in my opinion and it does make things look much more clear. i have been working in the beta version, and i still love the work flow but the look is killing me! i hope after they launch, that people will start making templates and that will solve my issue. 

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2 hours ago, Sal Sorice said:

I still hope that the Bakers can do something to separate the ProChannel strip from the Track, as mentioned previously.

Note: Obviously, I am not a graphic artist. This is just to get the idea across:



Don't see the need for that.

It's obvious where one ends and the other starts, and a thick-ish border eats up screen estate.

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On 4/11/2024 at 5:27 PM, Bristol_Jonesey said:

Don't see the need for that.

It's obvious where one ends and the other starts, and a thick-ish border eats up screen estate.

@Bristol_Jonesey, I think there should be some delineation between them. As I mentioned - not a graphic artist, so my sample line is much thicker/wider than it would need to be. Just a subtle line would be great, in my opinion.

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On 4/11/2024 at 3:22 PM, Sal Sorice said:

I still hope that the Bakers can do something to separate the ProChannel strip from the Track, as mentioned previously.

Note: Obviously, I am not a graphic artist. This is just to get the idea across:



i actually love that idea! i am not an overall fan of the new look at all...the 2d thing is really not for me. i think i lacks depth..and what you added, gives it a bit. 

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On 4/11/2024 at 3:49 PM, Bristol_Jonesey said:

Latest Sonar update (build 431) has had a UI overhaul. Well worth looking at. 

Hi, Bristol Jonesey thanks for the input! I updated Sonar and Concrete Limiter appeared this time. I don't know if it's related but it's cool to get this classic PC effect!

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  • 1 month later...
On 3/7/2024 at 3:34 PM, Michayl Asaph Myers said:

I really do not like the "new" look.... I'm kind of surprised they went with the some what Ableton look. I was kind of hoping for the Reaper themes set up, but oh well.


Hi, I have the same feeling, today I saw the new graphics for the first time and I don't like it, it looks like Live, for me Sonar is the best DAW on the market but... the new graphics are childish


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/8/2024 at 7:41 AM, User 905133 said:

The way I have read all the public posts, the Backstage Pass is the alternative way to pay for, download, and run the current early access versions of Cakewalk Sonar and Cakewalk Next.

There is also a way to download, run, and not pay for the early access versions that don't allow people to save their work-in-progress. 

 So far as I have seen there has been no announcement of an official release and pricing options for what will be the commercial products.



I noticed also that now the Sonar and Next pages refer to the products as normally/now available via Bandlab membership, without any caveats or qualifications, so maybe this is simply the quiet go-live and that's it?  There's nothing on the page indicating that there's any sort of next iteration of making it (even) more broadly available, so to anyone without history, it seems like this is the normative way.  

Though I haven't seen any announcement about the formal retirement/end of life of CbB aside from that it will happen, didn't miss anything  about some new date, correct?  I think I glanced through the major topics, I presume that would generate significant traffic/notice.

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1 hour ago, Quinellipe Zorn said:

I noticed also that now the Sonar and Next pages refer to the products as normally/now available via Bandlab membership, without any caveats or qualifications, so maybe this is simply the quiet go-live and that's it?  There's nothing on the page indicating that there's any sort of next iteration of making it (even) more broadly available, so to anyone without history, it seems like this is the normative way.  

Though I haven't seen any announcement about the formal retirement/end of life of CbB aside from that it will happen, didn't miss anything  about some new date, correct?  I think I glanced through the major topics, I presume that would generate significant traffic/notice.

It's not quiet, they had a press release yesterday.  The product is officially out.

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14 hours ago, Helios.G said:

It's not quiet, they had a press release yesterday.  The product is officially out.

Thanks, didn't see it on the site, just noticed the change in wording.  

So I guess it's official the only sales outlet is via Bandlab, as seems no other info available.

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I haven't read through the entire thread, so I don't know if this has been asked already, but I just installed the new Cakewalk Sonar and I noticed something immediately about the new GUI that I wish they didn't change.

Colorings the tracks themselves is gone--all my tracks that had assigned colors now only have that thin little vertical strip at the beginning of the track lane with the assigned color, which isn't nearly as helpful compared to having the entire track colorized, which is much more distinct.

Is it gone for good or they're simply bured somewhere in the preferences and I can get them back?

Edited by Rob Chang
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7 minutes ago, Rob Chang said:

Colorings the tracks themselves is gone--all my tracks that had assigned colors now only have that thin little vertical strip at the beginning of the track lane with the assigned color

Preferences > Colors > Show Strip Colors


7 minutes ago, Rob Chang said:

Track icons are now gone

Make sure Views > Icons > Show Icons is enabled and Sonar is looking in the correct path for custom icons in Preferences > Folder Location > Track Icons.

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