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Not Liking the look of the New Sonar Interface

mark foster

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So a little more investigating into the Audio Interface disconnect... This is happening when there is a difference between what the sample rate that the MOTU is set at and the default sample rate that Sonar is set at during Startup... The projects that I am opening are at 44.1 and my new default project is set at 48...

So the project resets the interface to 44.1... Next time I start Sonar there is a difference in sample rate and Sonar resets it on startup, thus disconnecting the interface...

CbB does not reset the sample rate at startup... It resets it when you open the project and does not give me the "disconnect" box...

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2 hours ago, SirWillyDS12 said:

Here is a screenshot for you... This is what I get every time I re-start Sonar after closing a project... Of-coarse my MOTU has not been disconnected and I do not get this with CbB, only with the new Sonar...

@SirWillyDS12 there is no change in this regard. If you don't see it in cbb you have the option to ” show audio/midi device change notifications" disabled in cbb that's all. It's in preferences, customization, display.

The reason for the notification is the driver is telling windows that it was removed. Not something we can fix. Turn off the notification if it bothers you.

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2 hours ago, SirWillyDS12 said:

Another bug/issue... Perhaps someone else can duplicate... On the "Start Screen" select "Local Projects"... Then select "All" ... Right after selecting "All" click on a project... Every time I do that Sonar crashes to the desktop... If I wait about 7 seconds for the little spinning circle then it doesn't crash and will open the project... Seems selecting a project needs "disabled" for a few seconds until the list is re-populated..

@SirWillyDS12 I fixed an issue relating to this recently. We'll be releasing a new build next week. Please try it and let me know if it still happens. I was unable to reproduce it here with the latest.

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1 hour ago, SirWillyDS12 said:

This is happening when there is a difference between what the sample rate that the MOTU is set at and the default sample rate that Sonar is set at during Startup

Exactly. This is a driver issue where a change in sample rate results in the driver broadcasting a disconnect notification to Windows. Probably because they unload and reload the driver. 

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34 minutes ago, Noel Borthwick said:

Exactly. This is a driver issue where a change in sample rate results in the driver broadcasting a disconnect notification to Windows. Probably because they unload and reload the driver. 

CbB doesn't do this... But it is a non issue... Sonar is just resetting the sample rate on start up to the "New Default Project" sample rate which CbB does not do at start up...


44 minutes ago, Noel Borthwick said:

@SirWillyDS12 I fixed an issue relating to this recently. We'll be releasing a new build next week. Please try it and let me know if it still happens. I was unable to reproduce it here with the latest.

So with this, if I do not close the "Notifications" at startup and change to "All" and open a project Sonar does not crash... And with "Notifications" disabled in preferences it did not crash... If I "X" out the notifications and click "All" then a project, its all over...

So I will check the next build when you release it...

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2 hours ago, Mr No Name said:

  this will sound like a wrong comment but it was what first came to my mind so i'll say it.

That daw looks likes it's been aimed at women and children.

I can't believe anyone would type that, ever. Even less typing it without realizing how it makes one come across.

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3 hours ago, GreenLight said:

Wow! :D First impression: I really like it. Cakewalk/Sonar goes modern!

Here's an example in dark mode. You know, the mode for tough men who carry a dagger between their teeth while they produce music.



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All but the fab-four remain untouched.

And has no one noticed Concrete Limiter is now a free module?

Or noticed the Bus Compressor no longer has the "secret" blue face or the "screw" that reveals it?  But you can still make the needle flinch by clicking on it.

BTW, You can "update" the CL UI yourself in the Resources folder.

Edited by sjoens
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You know how they say beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that, well to this beholder, and no offense intended, we are talking about Computer Software GUI, not pic's of your wife or mother in their wedding dress, that 'Dark' version is magnitudes better than that 'Light' abomination above, having said that both of them make REAPER, heretofore the fugliest DAW known to man look like a thing of beauty. Remember this is from the eye of this beholder, YMMV, IMO and all that.

This is why I asked for perhaps someone make a 'Screenshot' thread earlier on, as I have seen things like this posted before somewhere. Surely there must be other themes that don't look anything like this, I have seen shots claiming to be from Sonar somewhere, but I have no way of knowing as I don't have it installed, and won't do so up until something grabs me enough, and not necessarily aesthetically wise, to install it on one of my test machines. But I could not bring myself to look at something like that day in day out. Again, in the eye of this beholder, no offense intended, YMMV, IMO, and all that, talking about Computer Software GUI not pic's of your wife or mother in their wedding dress.

Edited by Heath Row
in their
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1 hour ago, John T said:

It's a minor point, but I was a bit surprised to see that the Console Emulator and Concrete Limiter ProChannel modules don't have the new UI style.

Technically they are external to the application since they are plugins. We may get around to refreshing their UI at some point.

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45 minutes ago, Noel Borthwick said:

Technically they are external to the application since they are plugins. We may get around to refreshing their UI at some point.

Yeah, I thought as much. It's not that big a deal. It's just that, because I have those a lot in existing projects, my first impression of the UI was that it was a bit unfinished, as all my existing projects pop up with a lot of this stuff. 

But that's a subjective thing. Overall, I really like the new look and am optimistic about how things are progressing.

Edited by John T
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What is actually very cool is you can flip between Cakewalk and Sonar seamlessly.    or even have them both open. 
I’ve totally gotten over the theme issues by applying the colours to the track strips. I’ve gotten used to the  icons etc. It’s just like anything else that changes. After a given amount of time it becomes normal. 
The only thing I can’t get used to is a dark PRV!! 

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5 hours ago, GreenLight said:

I can't believe anyone would type that, ever. Even less typing it without realizing how it makes one come across.


If that was the marketing strategy it would make me come across as observant, that was the impression I got from it being in pastel colours,  It's a shame such a benign comment could be offensive, which was the reason I put the disclaimer first, also that someone deleted it. If indeed using pastel colour scheme was a cynical marketing plot to appeal to the female market, it could be said to be somewhat patronising from a marketing viewpoint.  that was my initial thoughts when seeing it.

for the record I'm all for more women getting involved in making music and recording music in daws



as a possible marketing strategy it reminds me of when VW relaunched the beetle and put a massive plantpot in the middle of the dashboard and stuck a big plastic flower in it as standard.



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