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So I'm playing with the new Sonar

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8 hours ago, User 905133 said:

To me the Output Icon  in Sonar [ O ] is much easier to read than the [ o ] in CbB. 

6 hours ago, User 905133 said:

I was making a simple comment.  I wasn't commenting on the visibility of the other components.  I was not debating. I envision possible solutions that meet the needs of multiple users. I was not contradicting anything that anyone else said so far as I can see.

"Sure, but . . . ." only serves to disagree with my comment.  

11 minutes ago, sjoens said:

True. But that can be fixed W/O shortening the name.

I was making a simple comment.  I wasn't commenting on the visibility of the other components.  I was not debating. I envision possible solutions that meet the needs of multiple users. I was not contradicting anything that anyone else said so far as I can see. And I said absolutely nothing about the name length issue.

"True. But . . . ." only serves to disagree with my comment.

If anyone else wants to make a debate about a very simple comment, my reply will probably be the same.  



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7 hours ago, Canopus said:

. . . The S/N ratio can deteriorate rapidly. . . .

Yes, you proved that by making an issue of a very simple comment that should not have been controversial in my opinion.  

7 hours ago, Canopus said:

How you could give me a thumbs down for that, I still can't understand. 

Not sure how you missed it:

7 hours ago, User 905133 said:

"Sure, but . . . ." only serves to disagree with my comment.  

Let me amplify that, you made a controversy where there wasn't any.  Or maybe I should say where there was absolutely no conflict between what I said and what anyone else had said so far as I could see.

So the "Meh" emoji was a way of disagreeing with your choice to create a controversy aka a debate.  You then chose to use the tactic that could be described as revenge ("Well, if he's going to give me a Meh emoji, I'll give him one in retaliation.")

As for your S/N comment, I still don't think my original comment was so controversial that it warranted a "Sure, but . . . ." reply.  

Personally, I really think the whole debate / controversy is a huge waste of time, but I felt your question deserved an answer. I hope this reply answers your question.

Edited by User 905133
fixed typo (this --> think)
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Like I said somewhere around here. It’s 2017 all over again! It is very entertaining!!

Note: Sorry folks if you are having issues with  CbB  please be patient as the team of helpful people are pre occupied at the moment.  Your problems are important to us but you will be put on hold for a few months until we’re finished transitioning to Sonar. Thank you. Beep. 

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Excited to see this available for the unwashed masses! Downloaded today, quick impressions:

- UI has a very nice, crisp look. Looks fantastic on my hi-res widescreen display. Huge improvement.

- UI lags a bit behind playback, not smooth at all. I think I saw mention of this being addressed in an upcoming release.

- No problems seeing my Audient ID22, no problems with importing previous settings, and all looked good after startup.

- Loaded one of my bigger projects without issue, played fine, but of course no save.

- As far as Backstage Pass, tbh, I don't know if I'm up for a subscription plan. I do have a lot invested in the Cakewalk ecosystem so there's a huge amount of gravity there, but I like owning my software and loathe the idea of handing over my credit card to keep it going. I may come around on it, but that's where I'm at now.

It's a great looking start, congrats, Cakewalk!

Edited by Kevin Walsh
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6 hours ago, Kevin Walsh said:

- As far as Backstage Pass, tbh, I don't know if I'm up for a subscription plan. I do have a lot invested in the Cakewalk ecosystem so there's a huge amount of gravity there, but I like owning my software and loathe the idea of handing over my credit card to keep it going. I may come around on it, but that's where I'm at now.

but, but,

On 3/7/2024 at 4:22 PM, Heath Row said:

But it's not a subscription, it's a membership, where have you heard that before? ? ? ? ?

To me releasing or half releasing or whatever it is they have done, and only having 2 subscriptions I mean memberships or whatever the new name is for having a subscription when you're not having a subscription, without also having the good old perpetual license thing going on available, seems to be a mighty fine way of funneling everyone into the subscription membership, whatever, even those who originally were dead against subscriptions memberships, whatever, (I'll get it eventually) being that it's the only way to get a fully functioning product.

Edited by Heath Row
Memory, old age . . .
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12 hours ago, Heath Row said:


Don't ya' just love a new Sonar release ?

That's what I did, I bought it! And I will buy it again next year. Although I'm not working with it any more until these fuc*** Midi Problems are solved.

Switched to Reaper and I'm happy with it but surely will work with Sonar again when these Problems are gone?



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Tell you something I really like, that I don't think anyone's mentioned:


Create sends by dragging effects to channel strips (audio track, instrument track, aux track, or bus)

This is great. You just drag an effect from the browser into the sends area of a track, and it creates a bus with that effect in and a send routed to it. Such a small thing that removes a ton of clicks. Really nicely implemented.

Edited by John T
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It's definitely odd, and a negative, that lots of text fields have smaller fonts and yet don't fit as much text in. Right now, that's the big obvious clanger for me. I assume that's some kind of font spacing rule that's not too hard for the developers to iterate on.

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On 3/8/2024 at 11:25 PM, Kevin Walsh said:

UI lags a bit behind playback, not smooth at all. I think I saw mention of this being addressed in an upcoming release.

@Kevin Walsh what are you specifically referring to when you say UI lags behind? Also can you share some info about your displays and windows settings for display resolution and scaling?

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4 hours ago, Noel Borthwick said:
On 3/8/2024 at 9:25 PM, Kevin Walsh said:

UI lags a bit behind playback, not smooth at all. I think I saw mention of this being addressed in an upcoming release.

@Kevin Walsh what are you specifically referring to when you say UI lags behind? Also can you share some info about your displays and windows settings for display resolution and scaling?

Yeah, this is not the norm. Sonar is currently no different from CbB in which the Now Cursor animation has always been a bit jittery with 'ghosting' at higher zoom levels, but not "lagging".

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5 hours ago, David Baay said:

Yeah, this is not the norm. Sonar is currently no different from CbB in which the Now Cursor animation has always been a bit jittery with 'ghosting' at higher zoom levels, but not "lagging".

Both the now cursor and playback meter responsiveness has been greatly optimized for the next update. Look for it in the next drop. Not only is it smoother, but it is adaptive and will efficiently self throttle to create more UI bandwidth when needed. 

Here is a size by side video comparison showing cbb vs Sonar just playing an empty project. Cbb is on the left. You should be able to see how much smoother Sonar's updates are. I recorded it at 60fps so hopefully it should be easy to see. I recommend downloading the video since it may be jittery over the google photos web viewer. (press shift-D after you click on the video to save it)



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15 hours ago, Noel Borthwick said:

@Kevin Walsh what are you specifically referring to when you say UI lags behind? Also can you share some info about your displays and windows settings for display resolution and scaling?

I should be more careful with my words. As the project plays, the now marker "freezes" at a point for perhaps half a second rather than tracking smoothly with the current sample. It then jumps to the current sample and freezes there again, and so on. It is continually playing catch up. 

I should also note that I don't notice any stuttering in smaller projects with fewer tracks and no or few virtual instruments.

My display is an LG Ultrawide set to 3440 X 1440 at 85hz refresh rate.

Windows scaling is set to 125%. 

GPU is an AMD Radeon RX580 series.

System is an AMD 3950x-based tower with 64gb of ram and a bunch os Samsung nvme ssd's.

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1 hour ago, Kevin Walsh said:

I should be more careful with my words. As the project plays, the now marker "freezes" at a point for perhaps half a second rather than tracking smoothly with the current sample. It then jumps to the current sample and freezes there again, and so on. It is continually playing catch up.

Sounds like CPU Conservation Mode, toggled on/off by the Pause key, reducing UI updates to one/second. Will affect meters as well as the Now Cursor.

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I have to give credit to the Bakers for putting up with all the craziness of the forum pre-release of Sonar. No matter how clear and obvious something is said, people can still take it the wrong way and read into things that don't exist. All this and you still have to act professional and all that. You guys should at least be paid in cake (pun intended) for this alone, LOL! ??

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10 hours ago, Kevin Walsh said:

I should be more careful with my words. As the project plays, the now marker "freezes" at a point for perhaps half a second rather than tracking smoothly with the current sample. It then jumps to the current sample and freezes there again, and so on. It is continually playing catch up. 

I should also note that I don't notice any stuttering in smaller projects with fewer tracks and no or few virtual instruments.

My display is an LG Ultrawide set to 3440 X 1440 at 85hz refresh rate.

Windows scaling is set to 125%. 

GPU is an AMD Radeon RX580 series.

System is an AMD 3950x-based tower with 64gb of ram and a bunch os Samsung nvme ssd's.

That was a preexisting issue that was also in CbB. In the next update as shown in my video this should be improved a lot.

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On 3/9/2024 at 4:51 AM, Heath Row said:

To me releasing or half releasing or whatever it is they have done, and only having 2 subscriptions I mean memberships

To be fair, when Cakewalk introduced the "membership" label, it was because the software was rent-to-own. Even though you paid monthly, eventually you would own Sonar outright. At the time, "subscription" meant you paid or the program went belly up.  I think subscription still has the same meaning today.  They wanted to differentiate between the two.

Edited by Craig Anderton
fixed indefinite noun
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