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Cakewalk news when?


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Everything works fine on my end and I never get a nag screen. Only reason I ask is because there was an expectation of getting news during Autumn/Fall of last year. But when we didn't and I thought maybe by the end of the year we will. But then that didn't happen either. Maybe they are experiencing delays which is common to happen in the industry.

I don't want to spread rumors or let speculations run wild. I was just curious if I was the only one not in the know or the only one thinking of it.

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5 hours ago, paulo said:

Yeah, it's not really a great look on them given that the start screen is now covered up by a nag screen telling me to get it every time I start the program.

I don't get that. Maybe it's "just you", paulo?

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11 hours ago, paulo said:

Yeah, it's not really a great look on them given that the start screen is now covered up by a nag screen telling me to get it every time I start the program.

Did you click the little box that says "Do not show this screen again" Paulo?

(It's just off the viewable area about five inches down and four inches over...)

HTH!!! ?

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18 minutes ago, paulo said:

And now over to live coverage of the DAW makers annual football tournament, where the Bandlab marketing team (playing in pale blue) are defending an attack from the combined other DAW makers first eleven....

Picture yourself watching a video about the Music Tribe (Behringer) DAW team.

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Speaking of good news,

I red in Minnesota an attractive mom invited two 15 y/o boys into her jacuzzi and....

I mean, how lucky can a teenager get ?  

Too bad someone got jealous, so the moral is :  the American dream is still alive  (just don't tell ANYONE....lots haters/jealous people)



Edited by Sheens
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You software guys, have you ever had the thought that maybe all of this free software coming from a certain country or associated countries as free for all kinds of things could harbor bad stuff? Or is it just me?

Free is free right? As in no  i.e. pop ups or verifications necessary. There was a time when a version of Cakewalk was this. No more.

Edited by Tim Smith
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