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SonarBeta: Whats My Wish List For The New Redone Sonar.



Things that will be great are implemented into the new Sonar

(1.) In looking at the new Software such as FL studio 2.1.2 with the ability to do AI Stem Separate would be great although RipX  Does a better job at it. 

I have old stereo mixes that were mixed down to 2 tracks on DAT, it would be great to be able to use the Stem separated for remixing.

(2.) Sonar Platinum was, and still is one of the best software that is still used by many today. 

I loved the versatility of Sonar Platinum and the overlooked Ableton Live liked the ''Matrix View'' with all of the loops was fun to use and helped spark creative possibilities.

With some bug fixes in Sonar Platinum, I wish they could come up with a more advanced VST scanning system, many times it would get stuck

scanning through my video fx or other unrelated software then freeze, when that happens if your new VST plugin is not detected it's game over.

As far as I know, there was no way to override that error other than to find the location of the freezing software and remove it then start your scan all over again.

That was a pain, especially if it was more than one software freezing up your search. Again, FL studio was much easier and faster searching new software without the freezing.

(3.) When Cackwalk was part of Roland, I was hoping that they would be the only ones who would do a ''full slept-on VST version of the VP9000  VariPhrase system''. 


Rapture Pro, Zeta 2, and a host of FX plugs that are still good at today's standards.

That's my wish list. 


Edited by Reggmail
Some Spelling Errors
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Here is one of mine.

If a MIDI track is set to a specific MIDI channel rather than “none”, then PRV controller lanes for those MIDI tracks should display a given controller regardless of what the MIDI channel individual controller events are set to.  This is because a MIDI track’s specific MIDI channel overrides any MIDI channel that individual events are set to when sending that MIDI event to a synth.

This is similar to CPA9's “ALL channels” option where one defines what channel to display.  In CbB, the “ALL channels” is missing when adding a controller lane in the PRV.

Also, a patch change lane in the PRV would be nice.

If I was a BETA tester for Sonar, this is one thing I would mention in the closed forum.

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On 11/30/2023 at 2:33 AM, Herky Acuff said:

Ability to Increase the font size, even just a little?

I do have two large monitors, but still, that only helps a wee bit... I know I can go into Windows display settings and make everything bigger - but that brings other issues.

The new Sonar will fully support the scale size you set in Windows - so if you set scale to 125% or 150%, the fonts within Cakewalk will adjust accordingly.

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1) Midi patching so one recorded channel can send to more than 1 midi out at the same time.

2) Enhancing the CW Arp to give the user a little more control. Say the user gets to pick which eighth notes in the measure will trigger. Or maybe allow the user to edit a pattern, even if just by changing a text file.

3) Changing the Arranger so that when you Commit an arrangement that all arranger tracks are preserved.

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24 minutes ago, rfssongs said:

3) Changing the Arranger so that when you Commit an arrangement that all arranger tracks are preserved.

I don't really get this one... surely once you've committed an arrangement, all of your existing sections are all in the wrong place?

Or rather than preserve, do you mean "arrange" the sections in the other arranger tracks too?

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14 hours ago, Wookiee said:

You can float each tab of the multi dock already and the Multidock itself

Thanks Wookiee. I know you can do that but I think multiple instances of the Console window (and/or Multidock) would be fantastic in multiple monitor situations. This is my monitor layout and multiple console windows would be great:


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@Sal Sorice my first question is why? I use two 27" 4K UHD Monitors and one 32" 2K monitor.  What you have to remember is the GUI is to some extent designed around a single screen, you could almost say for a laptop user.  What advantages would there be in having two views of the Consol.  I spread CbB across both my 27" monitors more than enough is visible at any one time.  The only reason I have the 32" screen is because the GUI's of VST are bigger and easier to see on it.

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On 11/28/2023 at 9:34 PM, Reggmail said:

2.) Sonar Platinum was, and still is one of the best software that is still used by many today. 

I loved the versatility of Sonar Platinum and the overlooked Ableton Live liked the ''Matrix View'' with all of the loops was fun to use and helped spark creative possibilities.

Matrix View was never removed. It's still there in Cakewalk by BandLab.

On 11/28/2023 at 9:34 PM, Reggmail said:

Rapture Pro, Zeta 2, and a host of FX plugs that are still good at today's standards.

Well, at least anyone who was/is using SONAR Platinum and installs Cakewalk by BandLab is still able to use all of those plug-ins.

Some of the old SONAR Platinum plug-ins are shown in the teaser screenshots of Sonar, so it looks like you may get your wish there. ?

On 11/28/2023 at 9:34 PM, Reggmail said:

With some bug fixes in Sonar Platinum, I wish they could come up with a more advanced VST scanning system, many times it would get stuck

One of the earliest features/fixes in Cakewalk by BandLab was "sandboxing" for plug-in scans, did that not solve the problem for you? You are using Cakewalk by BandLab, I hope. It sounds from your post that you might not be.

The new Sonar will have all of the dozens of features and thousands of bug fixes that Cakewalk by BandLab has gotten in the past 6 years, minus Theme Editor (although some kind of return to theme editing has been hinted at).

As far as an integrated sampler, such a thing is one of, if not the most-requested features that has yet to be delivered. You'll find a topic about that in the Feedback Loop section, which is the best place to post what you would like to see in newer versions of the product.

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34 minutes ago, Wookiee said:

@Sal Sorice my first question is why? I use two 27" 4K UHD Monitors and one 32" 2K monitor.  What you have to remember is the GUI is to some extent designed around a single screen, you could almost say for a laptop user.  What advantages would there be in having two views of the Consol.  I spread CbB across both my 27" monitors more than enough is visible at any one time.  The only reason I have the 32" screen is because the GUI's of VST are bigger and easier to see on it.

@Wookiee the advantage I see is, as shown in my image, you could have one Console window that displays, say, Tracks 1-12, another with Tracks 13-24, and another showing the Buses - no scrolling!

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at the very least - tracks and busses, but it could be handy to have a stack of tracks say 12-18 per row x 3 or 4 rows on a 43" portrait monitor. ? 

possibly even an option to group tracks and busses to a particular floating window regardless of "physical" location on the main console. so i could (on say a large monitor) separate groups placed around as i feel they're most effective.

probably a release 2 consideration ? 

Edited by Glenn Stanton
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1 hour ago, Sal Sorice said:

@Wookiee the advantage I see is, as shown in my image, you could have one Console window that displays, say, Tracks 1-12, another with Tracks 13-24, and another showing the Buses - no scrolling!

But with the main window stretched across both screens I can see all tracks Busses and any mains I need. No scrolling. 

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Actually a better idea might be more customized sizing of the channel strips. Most strips I can use the narrow view but there’s important ones I need full size. Right now I’ve never figured out an easy way to have both mixed in and retain this when re open a project. It seems to be a workspace thing. 

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8 minutes ago, John Vere said:

Actually a better idea might be more customized sizing of the channel strips. It seems to be a workspace thing. 

it is a workspace thing. but you can easily create custom ones (which is what i use with my templates to rapidly change views and have custom mix of track/buss widths, positions, inspectors etc) depending what i'm trying to do.

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