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⚡⚡ Check your emails! For a limited time, you can upgrade to M-Tron Pro IV for just £29.99 ⚡⚡


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Not sure why so cheap as I only had LE / Select, but you might want to try just adding it to the cart as well ?

We are delighted to bring you an all new M-Tron Pro IV Artist Expansion Pack along with a time-limited upgrade offer to
M-Tron Pro IV.

Designed specifically for M-Tron Pro IV, Dust-O-Tron* is beautifully sculpted by organic texture master Pendle Poucher, a.k.a Sound Dust.

This hugely inspiring set of 29 new tape-banks covers a variety of unique acoustic and electronic instrument recordings along with over 200 factory Patches from Sound Dust, and 'Tron experts Dave Spiers and Tom Wolfe.

For a limited time, you can upgrade to M-Tron Pro IV for just £29.99 (+VAT). An automatic discount is applied in your Basket in our shop.

M-Tron Pro IV upgrade with Dust-O-Tron for just £54.99(+VAT)

Thank you for your continued support.

The GForce Team


Edited by MusicMan
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I was on to Graeme at GForce about an upgrade from M-Tron IV to M-Tron complete. Too expensive. He mentioned the deal you're referring to but after trying it out I'm sticking with the Arturia, IKMultimedia and Reason Rack extension Trons I have already.

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  • MusicMan changed the title to ⚡⚡ Check your emails! For a limited time, you can upgrade to M-Tron Pro IV for just £29.99 ⚡⚡
  On 11/21/2023 at 11:34 AM, MrFigg said:

I was on to Graeme at GForce about an upgrade from M-Tron IV to M-Tron complete. Too expensive. He mentioned the deal you're referring to but after trying it out I'm sticking with the Arturia, IKMultimedia and Reason Rack extension Trons I have already.


I haven't tried the other two, but I do really quite like the IK. I didn't mind some of the sounds in the basic version, so Pro for this price seems like a no brainer.

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  On 11/21/2023 at 11:46 AM, MrFigg said:

Not to worry. It is right. I quote directly from the email I received from GForce:

"There is a great upgrade offer from your Select to the new M-Tron Pro IV for £29.99."


That's a REALLY good upgrade price from them for one of the their newer VST3 plugins.. while I was waiting on the larger factory library to download I installed some of the smaller free expansion packs and the first preset I listened to alone made it worth £29.99 ?

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Of course some of us may already have the MELLOTRON V from Arturia .. I do :D


Recent ( though may be slightly out of date already )  shoot-out on ARTURIA Mellotron V vs M-TRON PRO IV over at kvraudio forums:



Edited by aidan o driscoll
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I've held off upgrading my MTron Pro, but with this deal and a new bank by Pendle, forget it, I can't resist. I'm a total sucker for Trons and Pendle Poucher AKA Sound Dust is great at these kinds of sounds. I've been a fan of his libraries for I don't know how long,  but it's been a long time. 

My demo for Orange Tree Samples Vintage Violin Bass contains a bunch of MTron patches. 


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  On 11/21/2023 at 11:52 AM, MusicMan said:

That's a REALLY good upgrade price from them for one of the their newer VST3 plugins.. while I was waiting on the larger factory library to download I installed some of the smaller free expansion packs and the first preset I listened to alone made it worth £29.99 ?


What smaller free expansion packs??

Also can't find the deal you posted initially. Maybe a newsletter only thing.

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  On 11/21/2023 at 12:07 PM, MrFigg said:

What smaller free expansion packs??

Also can't find the deal you posted initially. Maybe a newsletter only thing.


@MrFigg LOG IN TO YOUR GFORCE ACCOUNT first, then go to the link in the OP and add to cart, there you will see the offer added if you already own LE / Select

Edited by aidan o driscoll
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  On 11/21/2023 at 12:10 PM, MrFigg said:

Thanks...but doesn't work. I am logged in.


@MrFigg Do you already have either Select or LE version of the M-TRON in your account products? If not, then thats the issue. 

Maybe you have Select / LE already but did not register the serial with Gforce yet? ( you can do that at your account ) 

Edited by aidan o driscoll
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  On 11/21/2023 at 12:12 PM, aidan o driscoll said:

Do you already have either Select or LE version og this in your account products? If not, then thats the issue. 

Maybe you have Select / LE already but did not register the serial with Gforce yet? ( you can do that at your account ) 


I have LE registered. I can get M-Tron for £29.99. I don't see an offer for Dust-o-Tron

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  On 11/21/2023 at 12:13 PM, MrFigg said:

I have LE registered. I can get M-Tron for £29.99. I don't see an offer for Dust-o-Tron


I didn't plan on buying that yet just in case I want to buy all the expansions, it's better to get them all at once. I'm not planning on that, but there could be a really tempting offer at some stage.

These are what the other freebies on top of the 3+GB of Factory sounds

  • ChamberTron Extras 89MB
  • Compute-a-Tune 53MB
  • Piano Bass 2 48MB
  • Isolation Choir 2020 552MB
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  On 11/21/2023 at 1:59 PM, MrFigg said:

I think it's the best one. IKMultimedia's B3 is also the best in my opinion. I uninstalled both Arturia versions.


I hesitated on the last IK B3X sale. I'll be ready for it next round.  I had the original Sampletron -- heck, I'm friends with the guy responsible for it -- but never upgraded. But I love MTron Pro and this Pendle Poucher expansion sounds right up my alley. 

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