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2023.09 Offline activation when?


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Hi to all,

I have my CbB installed on a pc that is not connected to internet and I can't install the last update because you suddenly removed the option to activate offline. 

from the last releases notes:

"If you wish to continue to use CbB, you must update to the 2023.09 version. Earlier versions will cease to activate in the future."

"Version 2023.09 currently does not support offline activation, so your computer must be online to activate it. Offline activation will be available soon."

You can agree that we have a weird situation here...I "must" update but I can't really update because you removed the option...so?

You stated "Offline activation will be available soon." but weeks are passed from the update 2023.09  and the offline activation is still disabled, I have invested lot of time and resources for setup and configure my DAW, as I think many others,  and now not only I'm forced to stay with 2022.11 version as you don't let me update it but probably soon even this one will stop working. WHEN offline activation will be available again?

I think you can agree with me that there is a problem when you release a "last or near last" update to a software that can be activated offline and JUST with this update (after five years the people are using it...) you remove the option to activate it. What can we do?

Sorry, but since you decided to announce a new payware Sonar and dismiss CbB it wasn't more easy to remove the activation at all from CbB last updates since you decided to retire it and it was a free (in any sense) and will remain (as it is) a free product anyway? It's simpler than what you have done.

Again I don't want to be rude but just remind that there are also people with machines not connected to the net and that we are suddenly left alone without any options.

Thanks to all


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Probably the easiest solution is if they fix the problem and restore the offline activation (or maybe as I said remove the need for it since it's now useless).

Thanks for you suggestion but even if I plug an external wireless dongle, it's not only CbB that goes online, it's the entire machine, so it's not a solution. Also it needs a browser installed that I have removed from my pc as firewall, antivirus and all rest that is not necessary for fine tuning latency and have better performance. 

Incidentally there was always an offline activation option and I supposed due to this, people with fine tuned and streamlined OS versions for optimal perfomance that have removed services from their systems. Why it's not working now?

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You need to be patient. They said they will make it available.  It is free software and they are basically done with it and moving on to Sonar. They need to focus on the 2 new products not worry about a half dozen off line users. I used to be off line and sure it was a hassle but I would just take my computer to town to my brothers house and update stuff then take it home for another year. Personally if I had no options about the internet I would never depend on software that does. 

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@John Vere I agree with you and I would like to be patient. The only problem is that this "last or near last" update was in the works for at least ONE year (the last update was the 2022.11). They collect bug reports for one year and when finally release this update the offline activation option was disabled. I as many others had to deal with all these bugs for over one year and now I can't even at least fix them. Also consider that we are in november, the update was released in september and still nothing...

If they are not ready to change the offline activation scheme also for this product, leave it as it was (it's a retired product in any case) or remove it but don't change it and push out an update knowing before that there will be people (don't matter how many) that can't use it.

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@Byron Dickens I have removed many services from windows as also firewall, browser and so on. Internet on this system is a no option.

But more important is the reverse of the question, why I have to connect to the internet now? activation of CbB never required internet active and it's now a retired product so...


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@Byron Dickens maybe for you, it's your opinion, my system works perfectly and is a lot more faster and with less latency with these mods.

Also I think this it's not a debate about DAW pc online vs oflline. Both solution have valid arguments on their side anyways but these are arguments for another topic. Here the problem is another, offline activation suddenly removed from the last update of a retired product and why it takes so long to be restored.





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On 11/7/2023 at 2:08 PM, Ronny.G said:

@Byron Dickens maybe for you, it's your opinion, my system works perfectly and is a lot more faster and with less latency with these mods.

Also I think this it's not a debate about DAW pc online vs oflline. Both solution have valid arguments on their side anyways but these are arguments for another topic. Here the problem is another, offline activation suddenly removed from the last update of a retired product and why it takes so long to be restored.





I am not attacking you, just trying to understand your logic behind your choice! 

You can debate back and forth about this or you can realize the internet is not the big scary dark hell on fire place. Jeeeezz-it's the internet.
Sorry but as I see it you have 2 choices:

The right choice: activate online at a friends house or something as mentioned above.  Or however you choose to get online. Takes less than a minute!

Wrong choice: keep posting about it and DO NOTHING

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On 11/7/2023 at 6:37 PM, Ronny.G said:

@John Vere I agree with you and I would like to be patient. The only problem is that this "last or near last" update was in the works for at least ONE year (the last update was the 2022.11). They collect bug reports for one year and when finally release this update the offline activation option was disabled. I as many others had to deal with all these bugs for over one year and now I can't even at least fix them. Also consider that we are in november, the update was released in september and still nothing...

If they are not ready to change the offline activation scheme also for this product, leave it as it was (it's a retired product in any case) or remove it but don't change it and push out an update knowing before that there will be people (don't matter how many) that can't use it.

I'm curious. What are "all these bugs" you've been dealing with for over a year?

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Sorry to interrupt the bromance, I know you want to think Cakewalk/SONAR/CbB are all bug free masterpieces, I hate to shatter the allusion, they aren't, and most people know that. If you all stopped acting like they were, and acting like someone pissed in your coffee or had 'relations' with your wife every time there was a negative comment towards Cakewalk/SONAR/CbB, maybe this place and those who dwelleth wouldn't have the reputation it/they have outside this little bubble, just like the old forums, it never changes. Thank God for the Coffee House and the Deals forums.

Carry on

oh and bdinsmtd

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Nobody is claiming the Cakewalk is bug free. But you know that. You just look for every excuse you can find to troll.

There is a whole sub forum dedicated to nothing but feature requests and bug reports, what's the Bakers are more than happy to address. But vague bitching and moaning ain't going to get you anything; you have to actually document things.

But you know that....

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Try and speak to the people a little I don't know, a little more civil, especially new comers, most of the time your posts are short gruff replies, like you've got a bee up your a r s e, that more often than not see a new comer never return.

But you know that.

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8 hours ago, John Vere said:

Flat earth is real!  

That reminds me: When I went to college I would take a flight after being on vacation break from LAG (or maybe it was JFK) to SEA. The flight chased the sunset for several hours as the jet followed the curvature of the Earth as we approached the ever-moving horizon.  As a fan of beautiful sunsets, I always requested a windows seat on those flights. Enjoyed it more than inflight movies. ? 


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38 minutes ago, Byron Dickens said:


I've often thought that we should all get together and buy you a new bed, because yours is obviously broken, because it doesn't seem to matter which side of it you get out on, you are still just a grumpy sour old bastar*, going by your replies to people,

But you know that.

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Don't take it badly but what all of this has to do with what I wrote or my question? "Scary" of going online and use internet?? I'm starting to believe that someone  hasn't read what I wrote or didn't care much and the only thing that interested them was to expose their enlightened thought to all the alleged imaginary terrapiatists (notoriously also retrograde, anti-change and progress?)?

Everything some have written has nothing to do with what I have mentioned. Then let's do some clarity.

I remind you that CbB has always had offline activation. And I would like to see, since it is also present in many other daw including the most recent Studio One 6 and Cubase 13. Even the bakers have written in the release notes that the offline activation option has only been temporarily disabled.

So it seems legitimate to ask why it's not still been restored or not?

I also pointed out that in my opinion too much time has passed without having news about when it will be available again. A problem was created for those who had their own systems offline and after a year of waiting for this last update this is worse too.

I added also that I found absurd to have released this last update with the option disabled. Keeping in mind that this update had to be the latest version for CbB in any case (with over 60 bugs fixed) and released after a year of waiting. If the new offline activation system (I think in common with the future Sonar) wasn't yet ready to manage the activations of the "old" CbB wouldn't have been more sense to leave the old system active for CbB and not cause this limitation?

In case this was impossible because it had to be removed for technical reasons, why not completely remove the activation from the "old" CbB, rather than releasing it this way. In any case, CbB would have been withdrawn shortly, as well as the Bandlab Assistant and being CbB always been free would not have been a big problem.

If I, as others think, have configured my own daw system for offline use (and I emphasize one of my daw systems...not all of them...) in your opinion now, to receive on this PC the latest update of a product that will still be withdrawn, I should reinstall from scratch the whole system that works perfectly only for CbB and only because there is no news on when, what has been temporarily deactivated and that has always been present in the program for five years, will be restored? and it will be restored as the bakers also wrote..

It's seems logical for you? It isn't more logical to ask, as I did, WHEN the missing function will be restored since we are in November, highlighting that a problem has been created for some CbB users?

Just my opinion...

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