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Anyone here with CbB, Focusrite, SSD5 ? (new 4.63.23 driver error)


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is there anyone with the Focusrite interface and installed SSD5 VSTi who already has tried the new Focusrite 4.63.23 driver?

I have got error that CbB can't load SSD5 dll.  It happens even in "Run as Administrator" mode (Win 10) . I have zero issues with previous driver and can reproduce this error (Fortunately I have a backup Win10 with functional Focusrite driver)



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The log indicates a regular scan not a reset.

No plug-ins were actually scanned according to the log. From the bottom of the log


VSTSCAN: Finished analyzing VST plugins - 0 of 38 VST plugins were scanned in this run
VSTSCAN: Delete untouched - Scanning for plugins to remove...
Closing log file
Wednesday, 28 Aug 2019, 06:42:23


Instead of clicking the Scan button, click Reset


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So I did these steps:
1. Reset VST
2. Scan (way longer than normally)
3. Close CbB
4. reinstall SDD5
5. start CbB with generation of log

I think this is crucial part (at the end of the log):

VSTSCAN: ---- 34: c:\program files\vstplugins\SSDSampler5.dll ----
VSTSCAN: [RegKey] Software\Cakewalk Music Software\Cakewalk\Cakewalk VST X64\Inventory\c:/program files/vstplugins/SSDSampler5.dll
VSTSCAN: Previously scanned - NOT a VST plugin


I have rebooted into Win10 with older Focusrite driver (, did Reset and Scan and here is the part for SSD5, there is not mention about "not a VST plugin" there.

VSTSCAN: ---- 34: c:\program files\vstplugins\SSDSampler5.dll ----
VSTSCAN: [RegKey] Software\Cakewalk Music Software\Cakewalk\Cakewalk VST X64\Inventory\c:/program files/vstplugins/SSDSampler5.dll

VstScan.logFetching info...

VstScan-driver-4-36-5-612.logFetching info...

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  On 8/28/2019 at 3:53 PM, filo said:

I have rebooted into Win10 with older Focusrite driver (, did Reset and Scan and here is the part for SSD5, there is not mention about "not a VST plugin" there.


If what you are saying is "Its working" than put me on a list of people who are baffled by an interface driver not allowing a VST to be scanned.

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@scook If your mean the older one ( then yes, SSD5 is present and fully functional. 

@Chuck E Baby Yes, that's what I'm saying. I have no problem with a "triangle" CbB-Focusrite ( The problem is 4.63.23.

I already have written e-mail with description to Focusrite support.


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I'm in a endless circle.

If I do  Reset and Scan, CbB make SSD5 record in registry as invalid  Reg-SSD5-badDriver.jpg.cec82f5d38d99320f258632db596f982.jpg and SSD5 is not present in VST instrument tree in CbB.

then if I import the SSD5 key from "wealthy" Win10 instance (with older Focusrite driver)  I'm getting error as I  mentioned in my first post:








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