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AI is out to get us ... didn't this happen in an episode of Star Trek?


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Hamilton described a simulated test in which a drone powered by artificial intelligence was advised to destroy an enemy’s air defence systems, and ultimately attacked anyone who interfered with that order.

“The system started realising that while they did identify the threat, at times the human operator would tell it not to kill that threat, but it got its points by killing that threat. So what did it do? It killed the operator. It killed the operator because that person was keeping it from accomplishing its objective,” he said, according to a blogpost.

“We trained the system – ‘Hey don’t kill the operator – that’s bad. You’re gonna lose points if you do that’. So what does it start doing? It starts destroying the communication tower that the operator uses to communicate with the drone to stop it from killing the target.”

Star Trek Voyager Dreadnought?

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I remember an original series episode along those lines. I forget the actors name that played the part of the creator of the AI, but I do remember he also played Dracula in the Blacula franchise in the 70s. He was a very good and underrated actor.

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In an update to the original article:


"A US air force colonel “misspoke” when he said at a Royal Aeronautical Society conference last month that a drone killed its operator in a simulated test because the pilot was attempting to override its mission, according to the society."

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                     Seven of Nine ! I'm finally done resisting . When I get assimilated !  Will artificial intelligence help make me smarter ? 



Edited by kennywtelejazz
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To be noticed by female 9  a male 6 needs to stop standing on his head ? and doing cartwheels next to the shuttle bay door on The Starship hoping to get a female 9's attention .  These action s will eventually only make a male 6 look desperate and weak  . 

Instead stand tall on your size 13 feet , ignite the booster pack that came as original equipment in your space suit 's shorts . Last but not least , don't ask for permission ever again . Start living life as the true Alpha Male  9 Space Icon you are and always have been .??‍??

Now if that don't snag you some quality time with a female 9 !  Assimilation may not be of much help to you either .

If that's the case , There's a few of us out here circling The Galaxy in that state of orbit ! If you want we can send you an engraved invitation to The male only Vantuckey Friday Night Poker Game ?


Edited by kennywtelejazz
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I had a humorous interaction with my car dealership this morning. I wanted to schedule service because my A/C isn't working. However, they now insist that such appointments be made online. I'm no Luddite, so I went there and began entering my information. However, I got nowhere when it came to selecting a date and time, as there were no clickable links anywhere on the page. 

Then I noticed in the corner of the screen a generic stock photo of a smiling lady with the caption "Hello, I'm Scarlett. Is there anything I can help you with?".

So I type into the chat window: 

        I am having no luck scheduling a service appt. via the online scheduler. Can you do that for me?

Scarlett then replies: 

        Hi my name is Scarlett. It’s great to have you with us!

After a long pause, "Scarlett" adds: 

        Hey! To assist you in scheduling a service appointment, here is the link to our service scheduling tool: [link to the same page where I started]

        Is there anything else I can do for you?

My reply: 

        I am now confident that A.I. will not be taking over the world. Thank You.


        You’re welcome. It's been a pleasure serving you today. Thank you for visiting us. Have a great time!


Yes, Scarlett, I did indeed have a great time. Unfortunately, the forecast is for "hot", and for tomorrow "hotter still", and I have no A/C in my car. But I am happy that I was able to give you pleasure.

BTW, the reason I couldn't schedule an appointment is that there were no slots open through most of the summer. I'll have A/C by October.


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19 hours ago, craigb said:

We have A/C here, but I also have one of these sitting right by my computer and it does help!


I had one of those (a slightly larger version) in my office.  I also have a thermometer in the room.  Although I felt slightly cooler, the temperature remained exactly the same, but the humidity shot up.

When droplets of water started dripping off the base of the guitars hanging on the wall, it was time to switch it off...

What does definitely work is a big fan when there's an A/C working (rather noisily) in the next room, as it effectively sucks the cooled air from the other room into the one you're in. So that's what I use now.

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