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Am I Doing This Right? [Melodyne]


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I started using Melodyne to help compose vocal harmonies and there seems to be one step missing in my process--or is there?

1) I duplicate the vocal melody I want to create a harmony for onto a new track.

2) I insert Melodyne as an audio FX onto the track copy.

3) I hit Transfer in Melodyne and hit play in CW.

4) I manipulate the blobs in Melodyne to taste.

5) [Now is where I seem to be missing something] I don't want to leave Melodyne active as a plug-in because of the DAW resources is draws, but there is no "print" or bounce option, so I just freeze the track and turn off the FX on that track. Is that the best way? It seems a little hokey.




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24 minutes ago, scook said:

May want to use as a Region FX instead of from the FX Rack.

Thanks. That's the process I use for pitch and timing corrections and then I bounce to clips and Melodyne closes--all done. Nice and tidy.

When I read up (watched vids) on harmonies, they recommended the FX transfer method.  Are there any pros or cons?

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Were the videos made with a DAW that supported ARA? It's the exact same plug-in (assuming the VST3 is in the FX rack) doing the exact same work. The main difference is how the plug-in communicates with the DAW.

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Its faster to use region fx cause you dont have to play it, especially if a track-long clip is being melodyned. I usually duplicate it in case I dont like something later. Then, after I am done, I render it using the instructions on the link scook posted:

To render a Region FX - You can commit the Region FX and render the results to a new audio clip.

Do one of the following:

In the Track view, click the Region FX menu and select [name of Region FX] > Render Region FX.

Right-click a Region FX clip and choose Region FX > [name of Region FX] > Render Region FX from the Clips pane pop-up menu.

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2 hours ago, scook said:

The video was published in Jan 2018 before Logic Pro had ARA support.

Ah gotcha. I'm very familiar with using regions with Melodyne--done it many times for quite a while, but when I searched for methods of using Melodyne to create harmonies, that's when I saw the transfer option while inserted as an audio FX.

If there's no benefit with the insert method, I'll just go back to the region method.


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I use Melodyne in the FX bin.  ( when I Tried it as a Region FX 2 days ago it would never allow me to access the pitch and pitch drift sliders... not sure what that was about.   Needless to say I went back to my normal way of using the Fx bin.  I will try the Region Fx again though.

As for bouncing or freezing the work you’ve done via the FX bin...

Freezing- The problem freezing is you can’t use lanes after you’ve frozen a track (you could in X1?)  Sometimes if it’s just a spot tuning I’ll add a new audio track above, slice out the piece, throw on melodyne, fine tune, freeze, then surgically reinsert the clip to the original, then archive, hide or delete that track.

Bounce to track  can also be used to bounce the tuned clip right back to the Track it came from in a new layer which you might label Tuned Or you can also bounce to a whole new track using bounce to track.

Are the ARA advantages still there when using melodyne in the FX bin?  If not I definitely need to get it working as a Region FX.



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27 minutes ago, Blogospherianman said:

Bounce to track  can also be used to bounce the tuned clip right back to the Track it came from in a new layer which you might label Tuned Or you can also bounce to a whole new track using bounce to track.

Ah, thanks. I didn't know this. I know the bounce to clip wasn't an option (or I did it wrong). I'll try bouncing to the original track and see if that works the way I want it to.


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  • 4 months later...
4 hours ago, Noel Borthwick said:

When in the effects bin you aren't using it as an ara plugin since it's not a region based effect anymore.

@Noel Borthwick, Thanks for that answer.  I thought the Melodyne plugin always retained the ara association.  It's not clear to me where the Melodyne plugin is placed so the plugin is a region based effect.  Please provide more detail.

Edited by Jim Fogle
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