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Sad Day


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On 2/4/2023 at 10:24 PM, Lynn Wilson said:

This is a very emotional piece, Wookie.  I feel a sense of loss from this.  Expertly done.

Thank you Lynn, most definitely a loss, we still held hands when we sat together and when we were out walking 


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On 2/5/2023 at 2:20 AM, Larry T. said:

Well done. The music has that sense of stately Russian classical melancholy. The power of music to create and communicate the highs and lows of our existence is staggering ????

Thanks, music is a universal language understood by all.

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On 2/5/2023 at 6:36 AM, noynekker said:

Quite the journey in this piece Wookiee, well conceived, good you have the music to express your feelings. I had someone in my life who gradually disappeared, leaving many questions for me. There's a very dissonant interval you use in the melody (tritone ?) halfway through, then you pull out of it, more positive, but never resolving, really like the way you expressed this, stay well . . .

Thanks. The dissonance is just a G mixolydian with a flat 6. Makes for some interesting chords. 

Sorry to hear you have experienced this type of loss, it is hard for both. 

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On 2/5/2023 at 10:51 AM, Supa Reels said:

I know when we were in conversation some time ago while PM'ing, you made clear that even then you were having difficulties.

I feel for you, as this must have been hard ... very hard, but my hope is that here you have a soft place to land and understood, pouring that into your music.

I along with the others here wish you strength for the coming months and years ahead.


Thank you, it will take time but with my furry friend we will work our way through this.

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On 2/5/2023 at 12:41 PM, PavlovsCat said:

It's a really nice, very interesting and creative piece of music, Wookiee. Thank you for sharing it and the story behind it, which makes the song even more powerful. Like you, I've turned to music as an emotional outlet since I was a young boy taking piano lessons. I have guesses, but I would be interested in learning more about your musical influences and your history as a musician and songwriter.

Again, thank you for sharing your music and the story behind it. 

Never had lesson for anything other than the House drummer from Bird Cage, a London night club, teaching me to swing when I played drums.

Musical influences, anything that has made my furry ears it up, say hey this good you should pay more attention. My dad loved show tunes and some Sinatra, Doris Day and the like. My mum she was more classical apparently she did play piano before the war but that ended with that, consequently I never heard her play..

We did have a piano in the house when I was but a little Wookieelet, as soon as I could climb on the stool I started bashing away at it. Though it eventually died and M&D could not afford to save it, so one Guy Faulks it was scarified to the Gods of Fire and baked potatoes.

I grew up with the Beatle's and the Stones seeing them both live in 63 and 64 respectively. The I joined the rebel alliance and fell in with strange long haired types, who sewed coloured vents in to the jeans and listened to strange other worldly music. Hawkwind, Led Zeppelin, Moody Blues, Black Widow, Pink Floyd, Deep Purple and the like, it sucked me in and I got lost on the blue smoke filled haze of their world.

Then in my late teens I had a small disagreement with a road at sixty miles an hour, finally using my only furry head as brake, convertible car that rolled.  The rest is history.

Thanks for listening, nice to know you found this creative.    

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On 2/5/2023 at 8:38 PM, AndyB01 said:

This is tough to hear Wookiee - my best to you both. If the music works for you - and helps - keep doing it.

Treat this as a safe space any time you need to use it.

And don't forget to take good care of yourself.


Thanks Andy, my furry friend helps, she doesn't speak but she does like a hug, she also gets me out the house for a walk. 

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On 2/5/2023 at 11:39 PM, garybrun said:

Its very strange being on here,,, you feel like you have known people for donkeys years  (those who have been hear a few decades).
And you literally do feel for them especially when expressions in music plays its part.

I listened to your track @Wookiee and the first thing I heard in was for "Whom the bell tolls" which added the wariness/sadness as soon as the track started.
Hang in there pal.
Thinking about ya,


Thank you Gary, we are lucky as we do have a community of like minded people. 

On 2/6/2023 at 8:31 PM, Makke said:

A melancholy but beautiful tune. 

Thanks Makke.

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On 2/7/2023 at 6:10 PM, steve@baselines.com said:

Nice heartfelt piece Wookiee, I enjoyed listening to it.

Thank you Steve, hopefully when I get all the c r a p sorted out I will get some time to catch up on the music you guy's here are making, I miss not listening to the diverse and some of the eclectic voices that use music to communicate. 

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On 2/9/2023 at 4:50 PM, freddy j said:

A beautiful tribute to a friend!  Having recently said  a permanent goodbye to a couple of long time friends, this lovely song certainly brings up some emotions.   A loss is always hard but keeping the good memories helps!

Thanks Freddy appreciate the kind words. 

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